iOS基础一 NSString

来源:互联网 发布:java中嵌入javascript 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 06:34
NSString *string = @"Progamming is funny";        NSLog(@"%@",string);                NSString *str1 = @"this is string A";        NSString *str2 = @"this is string B";        NSString *res;        NSComparisonResult comparionResult;                //count the number of characters        NSLog(@"Length of str1: %lu", [str1 length]);                //copy one string to another        res = [NSString stringWithString:str1];        NSLog(@"copy: %@",res);                //copy one string to the end of another        str2 = [str1 stringByAppendingString:str2];        NSLog(@"Conactenation: %@",str2);                //Test if 2 strings are equal        if([str1 isEqualToString:str2] == YES)            NSLog(@"str1 == str2");        else            NSLog(@"str1 != str2");                //Test if one string is <, ==, or > than another        comparionResult = [str1 compare: str2];        if(comparionResult == NSOrderedAscending)            NSLog(@"str1 < str2");        else if(comparionResult == NSOrderedSame)            NSLog(@"str1 == str2");        else            NSLog(@"str1 > str2");                //conver a string to upperCase        res = [str1 uppercaseString];        NSLog(@"%@",res);                //conver a string to lowerCase        res = [str1 lowercaseString];        NSLog(@"%@", res);                NSRange subRange;                //Extact first 3 chars from string        res = [str1 substringToIndex:3];        NSLog(@"First 3 chars of str1: %@", res);                //Extact chars to end of string starting at index 5        res = [str1 substringFromIndex:5];        NSLog(@"chars from index 5 of str1: %@",res);                //Extact char from index 8 through 13 (6 chars)        res = [[str1 substringFromIndex:8] substringToIndex:6];        NSLog(@"chars from index 8 through 13: %@",res);                //An easier way to do the same thing        res = [str1 substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(8, 6)];        NSLog(@"chars from index 8 through 13: %@",res);                //locate one string inside another        subRange = [str1 rangeOfString:@"string A"];        NSLog(@"string is at index %lu, length is %lu",subRange.location,subRange.length);                subRange = [str1 rangeOfString:@"string B"];        if(subRange.location == NSNotFound)            NSLog(@"string not found");        else            NSLog(@"string is at index %lu, length is %lu",subRange.location,subRange.length);                ///mutable        NSString *search,*replace;        NSMutableString *mstr;        NSRange subString;                //create mutable string from nonmutable        mstr = [NSMutableString stringWithString:str1];        NSLog(@"%@",mstr);                //Insert characters        [mstr insertString:@" mutable" atIndex:7];        NSLog(@"%@",mstr);                //Effective contacentation if insert at end        [mstr insertString:@" and string B" atIndex:[mstr length]];        NSLog(@"%@",mstr);                //or can user appendString directly        [mstr appendString:@" and string C"];        NSLog(@"%@",mstr);                //delete substring based on range        [mstr deleteCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(16, 13)];        NSLog(@"%@",mstr);                //Find range first and the use it for delection        subString = [mstr rangeOfString:@" string B and"];        if(subString.location != NSNotFound){            [mstr deleteCharactersInRange:subString];            NSLog(@"%@",mstr);        }                //set the mutable string        [mstr setString:@"This is string A"];        NSLog(@"%@",mstr);                //replace a range of chars with another        [mstr replaceCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(8, 8) withString:@"a mutable string"];        NSLog(@"%@",mstr);                //search and replace        search = @"This is ";        replace = @"An example of ";        subString = [mstr rangeOfString:search];        if(subString.location != NSNotFound){            [mstr replaceCharactersInRange:subString withString:replace];            NSLog(@"%@",mstr);        }                //search and replace all occurrences        search = @"a";        replace = @"X";        subString = [mstr rangeOfString:search];        while (subString.location != NSNotFound) {            [mstr replaceCharactersInRange:subString withString:replace];            subString = [mstr rangeOfString:search];        }        NSLog(@"%@",mstr);

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热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 杂志投稿投到了假的网站怎么办 支付宝骗了5万多怎么办 微信转账到银行卡被骗了怎么办 给对方转账到银行卡疑似被骗怎么办 谷歌邮箱收不到邮件了怎么办 我在微信上做兼职被骗了钱怎么办 要是微信里面做兼职被骗了怎么办 在打离婚管斯死亡赔常金怎么办 编辑部回复我文章没有被录用怎么办 父亲死后教师资格被别人顶替怎么办 刚发的论文影响因子变化了怎么办 奥鹏毕业论文过了提交时间了怎么办 手机电池被拿出来后时间不准怎么办 高中的孩子与同学相处不好怎么办 孩子在幼儿园不敢和老师说话怎么办 注册过万方医学网忘了用户名怎么办 狗咬了没破皮没出血有点疼怎么办 狗咬了没出血肿起来了怎么办 广州已经过了幼儿园报名时间怎么办 大专学费没交学校开始查了怎么办 如果申请留学的本科成绩不够怎么办 硕士读了三年无法毕业怎么办啊 孩子在美国读研读不下去怎么办? 在地割草中过失死亡法律^怎么办 高中毕业申请国外大学没录取怎么办 英国研究生老师没给写推荐信怎么办 申请悉尼大学博士奖学金被拒怎么办 硕士延迟毕业但被博士录取怎么办 考完初级职称还是不会做账怎么办 美国留学生在中国办日本签证怎么办 留学雅思过了gpa低怎么办澳洲 护士电子化注册用户名忘记了怎么办 护士电子化注册证书编码错误怎么办 澳洲预科上半学期成绩不达标怎么办 美国大学绩点不够怎么办学习证明 研一想换导师导师不答应怎么办 日本留学在留下来不想去了怎么办 加拿大工签3年到期了怎么办 鞋子穿久了会有臭味怎么办 考研忘了自己填写的通讯地址怎么办 基础教育教师培训网注册错了怎么办