
来源:互联网 发布:手机网络修复大师 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 21:13



  1. 关键字的值唯一
  2. 若左子树不为空,则子树任何节点关键字值一定小于其根节点的关键字值
  3. 若右子树不为空,则子树任何节点关键字值一定大于其根节点的关键字值
  4. 左、右子树任然是二叉查找树




  1. 若二叉查找树为空,则查找失败
  2. 若该树非空且查找数据x等于根节点的值,则查找成功,返回根节点
  3. 若该树非空且查找数据x小于根节点的值,则查找左子树,直到值相等,并返回节点
  4. 若该树非空且查找数据x大于根节点的值,则查找右子树,直到值相等,并返回节点


  1. 若二叉查找树为空,则将结点作为根节点插入
  2. 若所插入节点关键字值等于根节点的值,则插入失败,并返回
  3. 若所插入节点关键字值小于根节点的值,则把节点插入到左子树中
  4. 若所插入节点关键字值大于根节点的值,则把节点插入到右子树中


  1. 若p结点为叶子结点,则删去该叶子结点,修改其双亲结点的指针即可。
  2. 若p结点只有左子树PL或右子树PR,此时只要令PL或PR直接成为其双亲结点的左子树(当p是左子树)或右子树(当p是右子树)。
  3. 若p结点的左子树和右子树均不空。找出节点p的后继节点y(一定在节点p的右子树中),并让y占据p的位置,且p原来右子树部分成为y新的右子树,原来p的左子树成为y新的左子树。


  1. 若节点p没有左孩子(这里面包含了有右孩子或者没有右孩子)
  2. 有左孩子且没有右孩子
  3. 既有左孩子也有右孩子



#ifndef BINSEARTREE_H_INCLUDED#define BINSEARTREE_H_INCLUDED#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<malloc.h>#define LENGTH 11struct BinSearNode{    int key;    struct BinSearNode *left_child;    struct BinSearNode *right_child;    struct BinSearNode *parent;}Node;typedef struct BinSearNode *PNode;/*Search the node of the tree*/PNode Search_Tree(PNode root,int key){    PNode x=root;    //the tree is not empty and the key is not equal    while(NULL!=x && x->key!=key)    {        if(x->key<key)            x=x->right_child;//along the right child of tree,until it is empty        else            x=x->left_child;//along the left child of tree,until it is empty    }    return x;//return the node}/*the minimum key of node in the tree*/PNode Minimum_Tree(PNode root){    PNode x=root;    while(NULL!=x->left_child)    {        x=x->left_child;    }    return x;}/*the maxmum key of node in the tree*/PNode Maxmum_Tree(PNode root){    PNode x=root;    while(NULL!=x->right_child)    {        x=x->right_child;    }    return x;}/*the successor node of the x*/PNode Successor_Tree(PNode x){    PNode y=NULL;    //case 1:the right subtree of node x is not empty    if(NULL!=x->right_child)    {        y=Minimum_Tree(x->right_child);    }    //case 2:the right subtree of node x is empty    //and the node of x has a successor node y    else    {        y=x->parent;        while(NULL!=y && x==y->right_child)        {            x=y;            y=y->parent;        }    }    return y;}/*the predecessor node of the x*/PNode Predecessor_Tree(PNode x){    PNode y=NULL;    //case 1:the left subtree of node x is not empty    if(NULL!=x->left_child)    {        y=Maxmum_Tree(x->left_child);    }    //case 2:the left subtree of node x is empty    //and the node of x has a predecessor node y    else    {        y=x->parent;        while(NULL!=y && x==y->left_child)        {            x=y;            y=y->parent;        }    }    return y;}/*insert a new node into the BST*/void Insert_Tree(PNode *root,int key){    PNode x=*root;    PNode y=NULL;    PNode z=(PNode)malloc(sizeof(Node));    if(NULL==z)    {        printf("malloc the z is failed.");        exit(1);    }    //initial the node of z    z->key=key;    z->left_child=z->right_child=z->parent=NULL;    //Find the location node of y to insert the node of z    while(NULL!=x)    {        y=x;        if(z->key<x->key)            x=x->left_child;        else            x=x->right_child;    }    //insert the node of z    z->parent=y;    if(NULL==y)        *root=z;//tree was empty    else    {        if(z->key<y->key)            y->left_child=z;        else            y->right_child=z;    }}void Transplant(PNode *root,PNode u,PNode v){    if(NULL==u->parent)        *root=v;    else    {        if(u==u->parent->left_child)            u->parent->left_child=v;        else            u->parent->right_child=v;    }    if(NULL!=v)        v->parent=u->parent;}/*delete a node in the binary search tree*/void Delete_Tree(PNode *root,int key){    //Find the node you want to delete    PNode p=Search_Tree(*root,key);    if(NULL==p->left_child)        Transplant(root,p,p->right_child);    else    {        if(NULL==p->right_child)            Transplant(root,p,p->left_child);        else        {            PNode y=Successor_Tree(*root);            if(y->parent!=p)            {                Transplant(root,y,y->right_child);                y->right_child=p->right_child;                y->right_child->parent=y;            }            Transplant(root,p,y);            y->left_child=p->left_child;            y->left_child->parent=y;        }    }}/*print the key of binary search tree*/void ioder_Tree(PNode root){    if(NULL!=root)    {        ioder_Tree(root->left_child);        printf("  %d",root->key);        ioder_Tree(root->right_child);    }}#endif // BINSEARTREE_H_INCLUDED


#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include"BinSearTree.h"int main(){    int i;    int Arr[LENGTH]={16,6,20,2,7,19,22,1,4,11,8};    PNode root=NULL;    PNode p=NULL;    for(i=0;i<LENGTH;i++)    {        Insert_Tree(&root,Arr[i]);    }    ioder_Tree(root);    printf("\n");    //printf("Hello world!\n");    Delete_Tree(&root,11);    ioder_Tree(root);    printf("\n");    p=Maxmum_Tree(root);    printf("The Maxmum of node is:%d\n",p->key);    p=Minimum_Tree(root);    printf("The Minimum of node is:%d\n",p->key);    return 0;}

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