API PageSetupDlg Well, latd1

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Well, lately Masr has been saying that he was a fool to let me marry off the place; that he hates Mr.(Windows API Declare Function PageSetupDlg Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias "PageSetupDlgA" (pPagesetupdlg As PAGESETUPDLG) As Long) Shelby and all his tribe, because they are proud, and hold their heads up above him, and that Ive got proud notions from you; and he says he wont let me come here any more, and that I shall take a wife and settle down on his place.(Windows API Declare Function PageSetupDlg Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias "PageSetupDlgA" (pPagesetupdlg As PAGESETUPDLG) As Long) At first he only scolded and grumbled these things; but yesterday he told me that I should take Mina for a wife, and settle down in a cabin with her, or he would sell me down river.(Windows API Declare Function PageSetupDlg Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias "PageSetupDlgA" (pPagesetupdlg As PAGESETUPDLG) As Long)Whybut you were married to me, by the minister, as much as if youd been a white man! said Eliza, simply.Dont you know a slave cant be married? There is no law in this country for that; I cant hold you for my wife, if he chooses to part us. Thats why I wish Id never seen you,why I wish Id never been born; it would have been better for us both,it would have been better for this poor child if he had never been born. All this may happen to him yet!d1