API mixerGetNumDevs O, but mad1

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O, but master is so kind!Yes, but who knows?he may dieand then he may be sold to nobody knows who.(Windows API Declare Function mixerGetNumDevs Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mixerGetNumDevs" () As Long) What pleasure is it that he is handsome, and smart, and bright? I tell you, Eliza, that a sword will pierce through your soul for every good and pleasant thing your child is or has; it will make him worth too much for you to keep.(Windows API Declare Function mixerGetNumDevs Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mixerGetNumDevs" () As Long)The words smote heavily on Elizas heart; the vision of the trader came before her eyes, and, as if some one had struck her a deadly blow, she turned pale and gasped for breath.(Windows API Declare Function mixerGetNumDevs Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mixerGetNumDevs" () As Long) She looked nervously out on the verandah, where the boy, tired of the grave conversation, had retired, and where he was riding triumphantly up and down on Mr. Shelbys walking-stick. She would have spoken to tell her husband her fears, but checked herself.No, no,he has enough to bear, poor fellow! she thought. No, I wont tell him; besides, it ant true; Missis never deceives us.d1