图(有向图)的邻接表表示 C++实现(遍历,拓扑排序,最短路径,最小生成树) Implement of digraph and undigraph using adjacency list

来源:互联网 发布:php工程师工资低 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 09:20




PS: 等有时间了作详细的讲解。

#include <iostream>#include <climits>#include <sstream> #include <queue>using namespace std;//const bool UNDIGRAPH = 1;struct EdgeNode//edge,the node of linked list  {  int vtxNO;  int weight;  EdgeNode *next;  };  struct VNode//vertex, the head of the linked list  {  string vertexLabel; EdgeNode *first;  bool visited;//only for DFS,BFS,Dijkstraint distance; //only for Dijkstraint path;//only for Dijkstraint indegree; //only for topological sort};  struct Graph  {  VNode *vertexList;//the size of this array is equal to vertexes  int vertexes;  int edges;  };  void BuildGraph(Graph *&graph, int n){if (graph == NULL){graph = new Graph;    graph->vertexList = new VNode[n];graph->vertexes = n;graph->edges = 0;for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)  {  stringstream ss;  ss<<"v" << i+1;  ss >> graph->vertexList[i].vertexLabel;  graph->vertexList[i].path = -1;graph->vertexList[i].visited = false;graph->vertexList[i].first = NULL;graph->vertexList[i].indegree = 0;}}}void MakeEmpty(Graph *&graph){if(graph == NULL)return;for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++)  {  EdgeNode *pEdge = graph->vertexList[i].first;  while (pEdge!=NULL)  {  EdgeNode *tmp = pEdge;  pEdge = pEdge->next;  delete tmp;  }  }  delete graph;}void AddEdge(Graph *graph,int v1, int v2, int weight){if (graph == NULL) return;if (v1 < 0 || v1 > graph->vertexes-1) return;if (v2 < 0 || v2 > graph->vertexes-1) return;if (v1 == v2) return; //no loop is allowedEdgeNode *p = graph->vertexList[v1].first; if(p == NULL)  {  //can not be p = new EdgeNode;  graph->vertexList[v1].first = new EdgeNode;  graph->vertexList[v1].first->next = NULL;  graph->vertexList[v1].first->vtxNO = v2;  graph->vertexList[v1].first->weight = weight;  graph->edges++;graph->vertexList[v2].indegree++;return;}  while (p->next != NULL)//move to the last node  {  if(p->vtxNO == v2)//already exits. checking all nodes but the last one  return;  p = p->next;  }  if(p->vtxNO == v2)//already exits. checking the first or the last node  return;  EdgeNode *node = new EdgeNode;  node->next = NULL;  node->vtxNO = v2;  node->weight = weight;  p->next = node;//last node's next is the new node  graph->edges++;  graph->vertexList[v2].indegree++;}void RemoveEdge(Graph *graph, int v1, int v2){if (graph == NULL) return;if (v1 < 0 || v1 > graph->vertexes-1) return;if (v2 < 0 || v2 > graph->vertexes-1) return;if (v1 == v2) return; //no loop is allowedEdgeNode *p = graph->vertexList[v1].first;  if(p == NULL)//not found  return;  if(p->vtxNO == v2)//found,delete the first node  {  EdgeNode *tmp = p;//first  graph->vertexList[v1].first = p->next; //can not be p = p->next  delete tmp;  graph->edges--;  graph->vertexList[v2].indegree--;return;  }  while(p->next != NULL)  {  if(p->next->vtxNO == v2)//found  {  EdgeNode *tmp = p->next;  p = p->next->next;  delete tmp;  graph->edges--;  graph->vertexList[v2].indegree--;return;  }  p = p->next;  }  }int GetIndegree(Graph *graph, int v){if(graph == NULL) return -1;if(v < 0 || v > graph->vertexes -1) return -2;int degree = 0;  for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++)  {  EdgeNode *p = graph->vertexList[i].first;  while (p != NULL)  {  if(p->vtxNO == v)  {  degree++;  break;  }  p = p->next;  }  }  return degree;  }int GetOutdegree(Graph *graph, int v){if(graph == NULL) return -1;if(v < 0 || v > graph->vertexes -1) return -2;int degree = 0;  EdgeNode *p = graph->vertexList[v].first;  while(p != NULL)  {  p = p->next;  degree++;  }  return degree; }int GetDegree(Graph *graph, int v){if(graph == NULL) return -1;if(v < 0 || v > graph->vertexes -1) return -2;return GetIndegree(graph,v) + GetOutdegree(graph,v);}void PrintGraph(Graph *graph){if(graph == NULL)return;cout << "Vertex: " << graph->vertexes <<"\n";cout << "Edge: " << graph->edges << "\n";for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++)  {  cout << i+1 << ": " << graph->vertexList[i].vertexLabel<<"->";  EdgeNode *p = graph->vertexList[i].first;  while (p != NULL)  {  cout << graph->vertexList[p->vtxNO].vertexLabel << "(" << p->weight <<")->";  p = p->next;  }  cout << "\n";  }  cout << "\n";}//depth first search (use stack or recursion)//DFS is similar to preorder traversal of treesvoid DFS(Graph *graph, int i){if (!graph->vertexList[i].visited){cout << graph->vertexList[i].vertexLabel << " ";graph->vertexList[i].visited = true;}EdgeNode *p = graph->vertexList[i].first;while (p != NULL){if(!graph->vertexList[p->vtxNO].visited)//notice!DFS(graph, p->vtxNO);p = p->next;}}void BeginDFS(Graph *graph){if(graph == NULL) return;cout << "DFS\n";for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++)graph->vertexList[i].visited = false;for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++)DFS(graph,i);}//breadth first search(use queue)//BFS is similar to leverorder traversal of trees//all of the vertexes will be searched once no matter how the digraph is constructedvoid BFS(Graph *graph){if(graph == NULL)return;cout << "BFS\n";for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++)graph->vertexList[i].visited = false;queue<int> QVertex;for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++){if (!graph->vertexList[i].visited){QVertex.push(i);cout << graph->vertexList[i].vertexLabel << " ";graph->vertexList[i].visited = true;}while(!QVertex.empty()){int vtxNO = QVertex.front();QVertex.pop();EdgeNode *p = graph->vertexList[vtxNO].first;while(p != NULL){if (!graph->vertexList[p->vtxNO].visited){cout << graph->vertexList[p->vtxNO].vertexLabel << " ";graph->vertexList[p->vtxNO].visited = true;QVertex.push(p->vtxNO);}p = p->next;}}}cout << "\n";}void TopologicalSort(Graph *graph){//if(UNDIGRAPH) return;if(graph == NULL) return;cout << "TopologicalSort"<<"\n";int counter = 0;queue <int> qVertex;for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++){if(GetIndegree(graph,i) == 0)qVertex.push(i);}while (!qVertex.empty()){int vtxNO = qVertex.front();counter++;cout << graph->vertexList[vtxNO].vertexLabel;if(counter != graph->vertexes)cout << " > ";qVertex.pop();EdgeNode *p = graph->vertexList[vtxNO].first;while(p != NULL){int vtxNo = p->vtxNO;/*EdgeNode *tmp = p;p = p->next;delete tmp;tmp = NULL;*/// although tmp is NULL,but p is not NULL,and the data pointed by p has been deletedp = p->next;//if (GetIndegree(graph,vtxNo) == 0)//error,in while(p != NULL),so use a variable indegree insteadif (--graph->vertexList[vtxNo].indegree == 0)qVertex.push(vtxNo);}}cout << "\n";}void Dijkstra(Graph *graph, int v){if(graph == NULL) return;if(v < 0 || v > graph->vertexes-1) return;for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++){graph->vertexList[i].visited = false;graph->vertexList[i].distance = INT_MAX;//can delete this line,as initialized in BuildGraphgraph->vertexList[i].path = -1;}graph->vertexList[v].distance = 0;//the rest are all INT_MAXwhile(1){int minDisInx = -1;int minDis = INT_MAX;for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++){if(!graph->vertexList[i].visited){if(graph->vertexList[i].distance < minDis){minDis = graph->vertexList[i].distance;minDisInx = i;}}}if(minDisInx == -1)//all visitedbreak;graph->vertexList[minDisInx].visited = true;EdgeNode *p = graph->vertexList[minDisInx].first;while(p != NULL){int vtxNO = p->vtxNO;if(!graph->vertexList[vtxNO].visited){if (graph->vertexList[minDisInx].distance + p->weight < graph->vertexList[vtxNO].distance){graph->vertexList[vtxNO].distance = graph->vertexList[minDisInx].distance + p->weight;graph->vertexList[vtxNO].path = minDisInx;cout << graph->vertexList[vtxNO].vertexLabel << " Updated to " << graph->vertexList[vtxNO].distance << "\n";}}p = p->next;}}cout << "Vertex  Visited  Distance  Path\n";for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++){cout << graph->vertexList[i].vertexLabel<< "";cout << graph->vertexList[i].visited<< "";cout << graph->vertexList[i].distance<< "";if(graph->vertexList[i].path == -1)cout << "NONE\n";elsecout << graph->vertexList[graph->vertexList[i].path].vertexLabel << "\n";}}//almost for undigraphvoid Prim(Graph *graph, int v){if(graph == NULL) return;if(v < 0 || v > graph->vertexes-1) return;for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++){graph->vertexList[i].visited = false;graph->vertexList[i].distance = INT_MAX;//can delete this line,as initialized in BuildGraphgraph->vertexList[i].path = -1;}graph->vertexList[v].distance = 0;//the rest are all INT_MAXwhile(1){int minDisInx = -1;int minDis = INT_MAX;for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++){if(!graph->vertexList[i].visited){if(graph->vertexList[i].distance < minDis){minDis = graph->vertexList[i].distance;minDisInx = i;}}}if(minDisInx == -1)//all visitedbreak;graph->vertexList[minDisInx].visited = true;EdgeNode *p = graph->vertexList[minDisInx].first;while(p != NULL){int vtxNO = p->vtxNO;if(!graph->vertexList[vtxNO].visited){if (p->weight < graph->vertexList[vtxNO].distance){graph->vertexList[vtxNO].distance = p->weight;graph->vertexList[vtxNO].path = minDisInx;cout << graph->vertexList[vtxNO].vertexLabel << " Updated to " << graph->vertexList[vtxNO].distance << "\n";}}p = p->next;}}cout << "Vertex  Visited  Distance  Path\n";for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++){cout << graph->vertexList[i].vertexLabel<< "";cout << graph->vertexList[i].visited<< "";cout << graph->vertexList[i].distance<< "";if(graph->vertexList[i].path == -1)cout << "NONE\n";elsecout << graph->vertexList[graph->vertexList[i].path].vertexLabel << "\n";}}int main(){Graph *graph = NULL;BuildGraph(graph,7);PrintGraph(graph);//for simple test, 0 indexed/*AddEdge(graph,0,1,1);AddEdge(graph,0,2,1);AddEdge(graph,1,3,1);*///for TopologicalSort//0 indexedAddEdge(graph,0,1,1);AddEdge(graph,0,2,1);AddEdge(graph,0,3,1);AddEdge(graph,1,3,1);AddEdge(graph,1,4,1);AddEdge(graph,2,5,1);AddEdge(graph,3,2,1);AddEdge(graph,3,5,1);AddEdge(graph,3,6,1);AddEdge(graph,4,3,1);AddEdge(graph,4,6,1);AddEdge(graph,6,5,1);PrintGraph(graph);RemoveEdge(graph,6,5);AddEdge(graph,6,5,1);//for Dijkstra(shortest path),Prim(minimum spanning tree)//0 indexed/*AddEdge(graph,0,1,2);  AddEdge(graph,0,3,1);  AddEdge(graph,1,3,3);  AddEdge(graph,1,4,10);  AddEdge(graph,2,0,4);  AddEdge(graph,2,5,5);  AddEdge(graph,3,2,2);AddEdge(graph,3,4,2);AddEdge(graph,3,5,8);  AddEdge(graph,3,6,4);  AddEdge(graph,4,6,6);  AddEdge(graph,6,5,1);*/PrintGraph(graph);BeginDFS(graph);cout << "\n";BFS(graph);for (int i = 0; i < graph->vertexes; i++){cout << "\n";Dijkstra(graph,i);}Prim(graph,0);TopologicalSort(graph);MakeEmpty(graph);return 0;}

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热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 入职两个月没有业绩怎么办 在学舞蹈中孩子怕疼怎么办 我生二胎怕疼怎么办 孩子的执行力差怎么办 怀孕三个月不想要孩子怎么办 生完孩子老是掉头发怎么办 5岁半宝宝有狐臭怎么办? 4岁宝宝脾气倔怎么办 小孩子摔到后脑勺吐了怎么办 学生报告册丢了怎么办 错过宝宝语言敏感期怎么办 父亲骂我很难听怎么办 90后父母催婚怎么办 和隔壁邻居吵架了怎么办 教师上课期间孩子出问题责任怎么办 孩子一考试妈妈就焦虑怎么办 妈妈爱发脾气孩子也发脾气怎么办 孩子对家人有抵触情绪怎么办 孩子因为没耐心哭闹怎么办 宝宝哭闹真是没耐心怎么办 对自己孩子没耐心怎么办 跳了把腰伤了怎么办 爸爸对妈妈家暴怎么办 逆反心强23岁怎么办 觉得自己心理有问题怎么办 小孩心理脆弱过于敏感怎么办? 父母老是骂打我怎么办 爸妈打架闹离婚怎么办 夫妻离婚后孩子户口怎么办 离婚后孩子户口怎么办落户 50岁父母要离婚怎么办 父母离婚小孩没有出生证该怎么办 离婚。父母一直在劝说该怎么办 老婆跟人跑了怎么办啊 父母50了要离婚怎么办 父母吵架了我该怎么办 父母看孩子总是吵架怎么办 20岁父母离婚我怎么办 碰到没素质的人怎么办 父母抛弃了我该怎么办 父母说家里没钱困难怎么办