
来源:互联网 发布:超声波模具设计软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/04 20:42
TypeDescriptionDeclared In
clock_t structureStores time values; used by clock. TIME.H
_complex structureStores real and imaginary parts of complex numbers; used by _cabs. MATH.H
_dev_t short or unsigned integerRepresents device handles. SYS/TYPES.H
div_t, ldiv_t structuresStore values returned by div and ldiv, respectively. STDLIB.H
_exception structureStores error information for _matherr. MATH.H
FILE structureStores information about current state of stream; used in all stream I/O operations.STDIO.H
_finddata_t, _wfinddata_t, _wfinddatai64_t structures_finddata_t stores file-attribute information returned by _findfirst and _findnext. _wfinddata_t stores file-attribute information returned by _wfindfirst and _wfindnext. _wfinddatai64_t stores file-attribute information returned by _wfindfirsti64 and _wfindnexti64. _finddata_t: IO.H
_wfinddata_t: IO.H, WCHAR.H
_wfinddatai64_t: IO.H, WCHAR.H
_FPIEEE_RECORD structureContains information pertaining to IEEE floating-point exception; passed to user-defined trap handler by _fpieee_flt. FPIEEE.H
(long integer, __int64, or structure, depending on the target platform)
Used by fgetpos and fsetpos to record information for uniquely specifying every position within a file. STDIO.H
_HEAPINFO structureContains information about next heap entry for _heapwalk. MALLOC.H
jmp_buf arrayUsed by setjmp and longjmp to save and restore program environment.SETJMP.H
lconv structureContains formatting rules for numeric values in different countries. LOCALE.H
_off_t long integerRepresents file-offset value. SYS/TYPES.H
_onexit_t pointerReturned by _onexit.STDLIB.H
_PNH pointer to functionType of argument to _set_new_handler.NEW.H
ptrdiff_t integerResult of subtraction of two pointers.STDDEF.H
sig_atomic_t integerType of object that can be modified as atomic entity, even in presence of asynchronous interrupts; used with signal. SIGNAL.H
size_t unsigned integerResult of sizeof operator. STDDEF.H and other include files
_stat structureContains file-status information returned by _stat and _fstat.SYS/STAT.H
time_t long integerRepresents time values in mktime and time.TIME.H
_timeb structureUsed by _ftime to store current system time.SYS/TIMEB.H
tm structureUsed by asctime, gmtime, localtime, mktime, and strftime to store and retrieve time information. TIME.H
_utimbuf structureStores file access and modification times used by _utime to change file-modification dates. SYS/UTIME.H
va_list structureUsed to hold information needed by va_arg and va_end macros. Called function declares variable of type va_list that can be passed as argument to another function. STDARG.H
wchar_t internal type of a wide characterUseful for writing portable programs for international markets. STDDEF.H, STDLIB.H
wctrans_t integerRepresents locale-specific character mappings. WCTYPE.H
wctype_t integerCan represent all characters of any national character set. WCHAR.H
wint_t integerType of data object that can hold any wide character or wide end-of-file value. WCHAR.H