将C++ IplImage 图像用C#读取(二)

来源:互联网 发布:哪里可以买淘宝号 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 23:29

上一篇 将C++ IplImage 图像用C#读取 的方法只适用于自己的电脑,而如果是将工程放到别的计算机,debug版本可以工作

 release 版本就不能正常工作了,原因在于指针。具体的可以自己学习了解。(目前发现,部分电脑能用,部分不能用,有知道的可以告诉我下是什么问题,谢谢了





CvMat 可以用类似的方法转换。

dll 代码

#include "stdafx.h"#define DLL_API extern "C" _declspec(dllexport)   #include <opencv2\opencv.hpp>DLL_API IplImage* _stdcall test(char* fileName){IplImage* src = cvLoadImage(fileName);return src;}


using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Drawing;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Windows.Forms;using Emgu.CV;using Emgu.CV.Structure;using Emgu.Util;using System.Runtime.InteropServices;namespace 1{    public partial class Form1 : Form    {        public Form1()        {            InitializeComponent();        }        [DllImport("1.dll")]       // unsafe        public static extern IntPtr test(string fileName);          //unsafe        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)        {            OpenFileDialog open = new OpenFileDialog();            if (open.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)            {                IntPtr pp = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(MIplImage)));                pp = test(open.FileName);                MIplImage d = (MIplImage)Marshal.PtrToStructure((IntPtr)(pp.ToInt32()), typeof(MIplImage));                IntPtr aa = new IntPtr();                aa = d.imageData;                int width = d.width;                int step = d.widthStep;                int height = d.height;                using (Image<Bgr, byte> src = new Image<Bgr, byte>(width, height, step, aa))                {                   pictureBox1.Image = src.ToBitmap();                }            }        }    }}

下面是我按照C++的格式对应写的结构体        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]        public struct MIplImage        {            //            // 摘要:            //     sizeof(IplImage)            public int nSize;            //            // 摘要:            //     version (=0)            public int ID;            //            // 摘要:            //     Most of OpenCV functions support 1,2,3 or 4 channels            public int nChannels;            //            // 摘要:            //     ignored by OpenCV            public int alphaChannel;            //            // 摘要:            //     pixel depth in bits: IPL_DEPTH_8U, IPL_DEPTH_8S, IPL_DEPTH_16U, IPL_DEPTH_16S,            //     IPL_DEPTH_32S, IPL_DEPTH_32F and IPL_DEPTH_64F are supported            public IPL_DEPTH depth;            //            // 摘要:            //     ignored by OpenCV            public byte colorModel0;            //            // 摘要:            //     ignored by OpenCV            public byte colorModel1;            //            // 摘要:            //     ignored by OpenCV            public byte colorModel2;            //            // 摘要:            //     ignored by OpenCV            public byte colorModel3;            //            // 摘要:            //     ignored by OpenCV            public byte channelSeq0;            //            // 摘要:            //     ignored by OpenCV            public byte channelSeq1;            //            // 摘要:            //     ignored by OpenCV            public byte channelSeq2;            //            // 摘要:            //     ignored by OpenCV            public byte channelSeq3;            //            // 摘要:            //     0 - interleaved color channels, 1 - separate color channels.  cvCreateImage            //     can only create interleaved images            public int dataOrder;            //            // 摘要:            //     0 - top-left origin, 1 - bottom-left origin (Windows bitmaps style)            public int origin;                       // 摘要:            //     Alignment of image rows (4 or 8).  OpenCV ignores it and uses widthStep instead            public int align;            //            // 摘要:            //     image width in pixels            public int width;            //            // 摘要:            //     image height in pixels            public int height;            //            // 摘要:            //     image ROI. when it is not NULL, this specifies image region to process            public IntPtr roi;            //            // 摘要:            //     must be NULL in OpenCV            public IntPtr maskROI;            //            // 摘要:            //     ditto            public IntPtr imageId;            //            // 摘要:            //     ditto            public IntPtr tileInfo;            //            // 摘要:            //     image data size in bytes (=image->height*image->widthStep in case of interleaved            //     data)            public int imageSize;            //            // 摘要:            //     pointer to aligned image data            public IntPtr imageData;            //            // 摘要:            //     size of aligned image row in bytes            public int widthStep;            //            // 摘要:            //     border completion mode, ignored by OpenCV            public int BorderMode0;            //            // 摘要:            //     border completion mode, ignored by OpenCV            public int BorderMode1;            //            // 摘要:            //     border completion mode, ignored by OpenCV            public int BorderMode2;            //            // 摘要:            //     border completion mode, ignored by OpenCV            public int BorderMode3;            //            // 摘要:            //     border const, ignored by OpenCV            public int BorderConst0;            //            // 摘要:            //     border const, ignored by OpenCV            public int BorderConst1;            //            // 摘要:            //     border const, ignored by OpenCV            public int BorderConst2;            //            // 摘要:            //     border const, ignored by OpenCV            public int BorderConst3;                  //            // 摘要:            //     pointer to a very origin of image data (not necessarily aligned) - it is            //     needed for correct image deallocation            public IntPtr imageDataOrigin;              }

对于不用EMGUCV的人  可以自己复制一个MIplImage 的结构体


 public enum IPL_DEPTH    {        // 摘要:        //     1bit unsigned        IPL_DEPTH_1U = 1,        //        // 摘要:        //     8bit unsigned (Byte)        IPL_DEPTH_8U = 8,        //        // 摘要:        //     16bit unsigned        IPL_DEPTH_16U = 16,        //        // 摘要:        //     32bit float (Single)        IPL_DEPTH_32F = 32,        //        // 摘要:        //     double        IPL_DEPTH_64F = 64,        //        // 摘要:        //     indicates if the value is signed        IPL_DEPTH_SIGN = 0x80000000,        //        // 摘要:        //     8bit signed        IPL_DEPTH_8S = IPL_DEPTH_SIGN| 8,        //        // 摘要:        //     16bit signed        IPL_DEPTH_16S = IPL_DEPTH_SIGN|16,        //        // 摘要:        //     32bit signed        IPL_DEPTH_32S = IPL_DEPTH_SIGN|32,    }


public static class CvToolbox    {       // #region Color Pallette        /// <summary>        /// The ColorPalette of Grayscale for Bitmap Format8bppIndexed        /// </summary>        public static readonly ColorPalette GrayscalePalette = GenerateGrayscalePalette();        private static ColorPalette GenerateGrayscalePalette()        {            using (Bitmap image = new Bitmap(1, 1, PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed))            {                ColorPalette palette = image.Palette;                for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)                {                    palette.Entries[i] = Color.FromArgb(i, i, i);                }                return palette;            }        }    }

            aa = d.imageData;            int height = d.height;            int step = d.widthStep;            Bitmap img = new Bitmap(width, height, step, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed, aa);            img.Palette = CvToolbox.GrayscalePalette;            bigImage.Image = img;


//! converts header to IplImage; no data is copied
    operator IplImage() const;

举例:Mat img;

            IplImage *src;



//! converts old-style IplImage to the new matrix; the data is not copied by default
    Mat(const IplImage* img, bool copyData=false);

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