一个简单的Qt socket 程序

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝店的站内推广 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 16:20
/**   This is a model for threaded client/server communication using the Qt QtNetwork class library.   A threaded server is created that waits for a client connection.  When the client   connects, the client sends a string (terminated by a \r) to the server.  The server   reads the string and echos it back to the client.  The client then prints out the string.*/#include "windows.h"#include "QMutex"#include "QThread"#include "QTcpServer"#include "QTcpSocket"#include "QVector"#include "QString"class SocketThreadBase{public:  SocketThreadBase(const QString &ipAddr, const ushort port ) : mIP( ipAddr ), mPort( port )  {    mRunThread = false;  }  enum Identity {    BAD_IDENTITY,    SERVER,        CLIENT  };  virtual void startThread() = 0;  virtual void stopThread() = 0;  virtual Identity getIdentity() = 0;protected:  QMutex mMutex;  const QString mIP;  const ushort mPort;  void setRunThread( bool newVal );  bool getRunThread();  void run();  QString readLine(QTcpSocket *socket );  int waitForInput( QTcpSocket *socket );  void writeLine( QTcpSocket *client, const QString &line );private:  bool mRunThread;};class EchoServer : public SocketThreadBase, QThread{public:  EchoServer(const QString &ipAddr, const ushort port ) : SocketThreadBase( ipAddr, port ) {}  void startThread();  void stopThread();  Identity getIdentity() { return SERVER; }protected:  void run();  void echoServer( QTcpSocket *client );};class EchoClient : public SocketThreadBase, QThread{public:  EchoClient(const QString &ipAddr, const ushort port ) : SocketThreadBase( ipAddr, port ) { mDone = false; }  void startThread();  void stopThread();  bool isDone();  Identity getIdentity() { return CLIENT; }protected:  void run();  void setDone( const bool newVal );private:  static const unsigned int CONNECT_TIME_OUT = 5 * 1000; // 5 seconds  static const char *mStrings[];  static const uint mNumStrings;  bool mDone;};void SocketThreadBase::setRunThread(bool newVal ){  QMutexLocker lock( &mMutex );  mRunThread = newVal;}bool SocketThreadBase::getRunThread(){  QMutexLocker lock( &mMutex );  return mRunThread;}int SocketThreadBase::waitForInput( QTcpSocket *socket ){  int bytesAvail = -1;  while (socket->state() == QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState && getRunThread() && bytesAvail < 0) {    if (socket->waitForReadyRead( 100 )) {      bytesAvail = socket->bytesAvailable();    }    else {      Sleep( 50 );    }  }  return bytesAvail;}QString SocketThreadBase::readLine(QTcpSocket *socket ){  QString line = "";  int bytesAvail = waitForInput( socket );     if (bytesAvail > 0) {    int cnt = 0;    bool endOfLine = false;    bool endOfStream = false;    while (cnt < bytesAvail && (!endOfLine) && (!endOfStream)) {      char ch;      int bytesRead = socket->read(&ch, sizeof(ch));      if (bytesRead == sizeof(ch)) {cnt++;line.append( ch );if (ch == '\r') {  endOfLine = true;}      }      else {endOfStream = true;      }    }  }  return line;}void SocketThreadBase::writeLine(QTcpSocket *socket, const QString &line){  if (line.length() > 0) {    socket->write( line.toAscii() );    if (! socket->waitForBytesWritten()) {      if (getIdentity() == SERVER) {printf("Server - ");      }      else if (getIdentity() == CLIENT) {printf("Client - ");      }      else {printf("Unknown identity - ");      }      printf("writeLine: the write to the socket failed\n");    }  }}void EchoServer::echoServer(QTcpSocket *client ){  QString line;  do {       line = readLine( client );    if (line.length() > 0) {      writeLine( client, line );    }  } while (line.length() > 0);}/**  Note that Qt requires that the QTcpServer be in the same thread it is used in.  So it cannot be declared as a class variable.  It must be in the run thread.*/void EchoServer::run(){  QHostAddress serverAddr( mIP );  QTcpServer server;  if (server.listen(serverAddr, mPort)) {    printf("EchoServer::run: listen() succeeded\n");    while (server.isListening() && getRunThread()) {      if (server.waitForNewConnection(100)) {printf("EchoServer::run: got a TCP connection\n");QTcpSocket *client = server.nextPendingConnection();echoServer( client );      }      else {Sleep( 100 );      }    } // while  }  else {    printf("EchoServer::run: listen operation failed\n");  }}void EchoServer::startThread(){  setRunThread( true );  start();}void EchoServer::stopThread(){  setRunThread( false );}void EchoClient::setDone(const bool newVal){  QMutexLocker lock( &mMutex );  mDone = newVal;}bool EchoClient::isDone(){  QMutexLocker lock( &mMutex );  return mDone;}/**    Note that the QTcpSocket object must be in the run thread.  It cannot    be a class variable.*/void EchoClient::run(){  QTcpSocket socket;  QHostAddress hostAddr( mIP );  socket.connectToHost( hostAddr, mPort );  if (socket.waitForConnected( CONNECT_TIME_OUT )) {    QHostAddress hostAddr = socket.localAddress();    QString addr = "";    if (hostAddr != QHostAddress::Null) {      addr = hostAddr.toString();    }    printf("Client connected");    if (addr.length() > 0) {      printf(" on address %s:%04d", addr.toAscii().data(), socket.localPort() );    }    printf("\n");    int ix = 0;    while (socket.state() == QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState && ix < mNumStrings) {      QString line( mStrings[ix] );      writeLine(&socket, line);      QString echoedLine = readLine( &socket );      if (echoedLine.length() > 0) {if (line != echoedLine) {  printf("line and echoed line doesn't match\n");}else {  printf("%s\n", line.toAscii().data() );}      }      ix++;    } // while  }  else {    printf("Client socket failed to connect\n");  }  setDone( true );}void EchoClient::startThread(){  setRunThread( true );  start();}void EchoClient::stopThread(){}const char *EchoClient::mStrings[] = {  "    'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r",  "        Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r",  "    All mimsy were the borogoves,\r",  "        And the mome raths outgrabe.\r",  " \r",  "    \"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!\r",  "        The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!\r",  "    Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun\r",  "        The frumious Bandersnatch!\"\r",  " \r",  "    He took his vorpal sword in hand: \r",  "        Long time the manxome foe he sought--\r",  "    So rested he by the Tumtum tree, \r",  "        And stood awhile in thought. \r",  " \r",  "    And, as in uffish thought he stood,\r",  "        The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,\r",  "    Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,\r",  "        And burbled as it came!\r",  " \r",  "    One, two!  One, two!  And through and through\r",  "        The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!\r",  "    He left it dead, and with its head\r",  "        He went galumphing back. \r",  " \r",  "    \"And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?\r",  "        Come to my arm, my beamish boy!\r",  "    O frabjous day! Callooh!  Callay!\"\r",  "        He chortled in his joy.\r",  " \r",  "    'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\r",  "        Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:\r",  "    All mimsy were the borogoves, \r",    "        And the mome raths outgrabe\r"};const uint EchoClient::mNumStrings = sizeof EchoClient::mStrings / sizeof( *EchoClient::mStrings );int main(int argc, char *argv[]){  const QString IP =     "";  const ushort port = 9999;  EchoServer server(IP, port );  EchoClient client(IP, port );  server.startThread();  client.startThread();  while (! client.isDone()) {    Sleep( 100 );  }  return 0;}

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