1-2 Windows下启动函数(真正的入口函数) 之 寻找入口函数与_security_init_cookie

来源:互联网 发布:基金知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 17:18

上一节详细介绍了/MT /MD之间的区别。在这一节中,我们首先要找到win32程序真正的启动函数。






// EntryFunction.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。//#include "stdafx.h"int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]){return 0;}


F9下断到main函数的标签处,F11后,在Call Stack中回溯到_tmainCRTStartup(),当前文件为crtexe.c。如下:


F9下断到main函数的标签处,F11后,在Call Stack中回溯到_tmainCRTStartup(),当前文件为crt0.c。如下:




/****__security_init_cookie(cookie) - init buffer overrun security cookie.**Purpose:*       Initialize the global buffer overrun security cookie which is used by*       the /GS compile switch to detect overwrites to local array variables*       the potentially corrupt the return address.  This routine is called*       at EXE/DLL startup.**Entry:**Exit:**Exceptions:********************************************************************************/void __cdecl __security_init_cookie(void){    UINT_PTR cookie;    FT systime={0};    LARGE_INTEGER perfctr;    /*     * Do nothing if the global cookie has already been initialized.  On x86,     * reinitialize the cookie if it has been previously initialized to a     * value with the high word 0x0000.  Some versions of Windows will init     * the cookie in the loader, but using an older mechanism which forced the     * high word to zero.     */    if (__security_cookie != DEFAULT_SECURITY_COOKIE#if defined (_M_IX86)        && (__security_cookie & 0xFFFF0000) != 0#endif  /* defined (_M_IX86) */       )    {        __security_cookie_complement = ~__security_cookie;        return;    }    /*     * Initialize the global cookie with an unpredictable value which is     * different for each module in a process.  Combine a number of sources     * of randomness.     */    GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&systime.ft_struct);#if defined (_WIN64)    cookie = systime.ft_scalar;#else  /* defined (_WIN64) */    cookie = systime.ft_struct.dwLowDateTime;    cookie ^= systime.ft_struct.dwHighDateTime;#endif  /* defined (_WIN64) */    cookie ^= GetCurrentThreadId();    cookie ^= GetCurrentProcessId();#if _CRT_NTDDI_MIN >= NTDDI_VISTA #if defined (_WIN64)    cookie ^= (((UINT_PTR)GetTickCount64()) << 56);#endif  /* defined (_WIN64) */    cookie ^= (UINT_PTR)GetTickCount64();#endif  /* _CRT_NTDDI_MIN >= NTDDI_VISTA  */    QueryPerformanceCounter(&perfctr);#if defined (_WIN64)    cookie ^= (((UINT_PTR)perfctr.LowPart << 32) ^ perfctr.QuadPart);#else  /* defined (_WIN64) */    cookie ^= perfctr.LowPart;    cookie ^= perfctr.HighPart;#endif  /* defined (_WIN64) */    /*     * Increase entropy using ASLR relocation     */    cookie ^= (UINT_PTR)&cookie;#if defined (_WIN64)    /*     * On Win64, generate a cookie with the most significant word set to zero,     * as a defense against buffer overruns involving null-terminated strings.     * Don't do so on Win32, as it's more important to keep 32 bits of cookie.     */    cookie &= 0x0000FFFFffffFFFFi64;#endif  /* defined (_WIN64) */    /*     * Make sure the cookie is initialized to a value that will prevent us from     * reinitializing it if this routine is ever called twice.     */    if (cookie == DEFAULT_SECURITY_COOKIE)    {        cookie = DEFAULT_SECURITY_COOKIE + 1;    }#if defined (_M_IX86)    else if ((cookie & 0xFFFF0000) == 0)    {        cookie |= ( (cookie|0x4711) << 16);    }#endif  /* defined (_M_IX86) */    __security_cookie = cookie;    __security_cookie_complement = ~cookie;}



L         ARG2参数2 ARG1参数1 COOKIE VARcookie变量 EBPEBP栈指针HRET函数返回地址    


这个security cookie是一个已经预先定义好的全局变量(定义与gs_cookie.c中):

 * The global security cookie.  This name is known to the compiler. * Initialize to a garbage non-zero value just in case we have a buffer overrun * in any code that gets run before __security_init_cookie() has a chance to * initialize the cookie to the final value. */DECLSPEC_SELECTANY UINT_PTR __security_cookie = DEFAULT_SECURITY_COOKIE;DECLSPEC_SELECTANY UINT_PTR __security_cookie_complement = ~(DEFAULT_SECURITY_COOKIE);



现在看看security cookie是怎么被编译器安排并使用的。编译器会在可能发生栈缓冲区溢出的函数时,定义一个全局cookie,它位于局部变量和返回地址之间,测试代码如下:

// EntryFunction.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//#include "stdafx.h"#include <string.h>int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]){char szBuffer[5];strcpy( szBuffer, "hello world" );return 0;}


int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]){00EE1990  push        ebp 00EE1991  mov         ebp,esp  00EE1993  sub         esp,0D4h  00EE1999  push        ebx  00EE199A  push        esi  00EE199B  push        edi  00EE199C  lea         edi,[ebp-0D4h]  00EE19A2  mov         ecx,35h  00EE19A7  mov         eax,0CCCCCCCCh  00EE19AC  rep stos    dword ptr es:[edi]  00EE19AE  mov         eax,dword ptr ds:[00F53084h]  ;将全局变量cookie保存到eax00EE19B3  xor         eax,ebp   ;将eax与ebp异或后保存到eax 00EE19B5  mov         dword ptr [ebp-4],eax  ;将异或的结果保存到ebp-4char szBuffer[5];strcpy( szBuffer, "hello world" );00EE19B8  push        0F3FD34h  00EE19BD  lea         eax,[szBuffer]  00EE19C0  push        eax  00EE19C1  call        _strcpy (0EDF758h)  00EE19C6  add         esp,8  return 0;00EE19C9  xor         eax,eax  }00EE19CB  push        edx  00EE19CC  mov         ecx,ebp  00EE19CE  push        eax  00EE19CF  lea         edx,ds:[0EE19FCh]  00EE19D5  call        @_RTC_CheckStackVars@8 (0EDF5E6h)  00EE19DA  pop         eax  00EE19DB  pop         edx  00EE19DC  pop         edi  00EE19DD  pop         esi  00EE19DE  pop         ebx  00EE19DF  mov         ecx,dword ptr [ebp-4]  ;将ebp-4中的值(之前cookie与ebp异或后的值)保存到ecx00EE19E2  xor         ecx,ebp ;将ecx与ebp异或并保存到ecx中(如果ebp被破坏了,那么ecx中存放的应该与之前的cookie不同,否则相同)00EE19E4  call        @__security_check_cookie@4 (0EDF1DBh)  ;fastcall 使用ecx传递参数(ecx存放了计算得出的cookie值)  00EE19E9  add         esp,0D4h  00EE19EF  cmp         ebp,esp  00EE19F1  call        __RTC_CheckEsp (0EDFEA1h)  00EE19F6  mov         esp,ebp  00EE19F8  pop         ebp  00EE19F9  ret  }
在进入函数时在ebp-4中保存cookie xor ebp

在退出函数时在ecx中保存[ebp-4] xor ebp


    /* x86 version written in asm to preserve all regs */    __asm {        cmp ecx, __security_cookie00B4AFD0  cmp         ecx,dword ptr ds:[0BB3084h] ;比较ecx中的值是否与全局cookie相同        jne failure00B4AFD6  jne         failure (0B4AFDAh);不同则跳转到failure标签(_report_gsfailure函数)中        rep ret /* REP to avoid AMD branch prediction penalty */00B4AFD8  rep ret ;相同则直接返回,说明栈帧是没有被破坏的failure:        jmp __report_gsfailure00B4AFDA  jmp         ___report_gsfailure (0B3F645h)  





__declspec(noinline)int__tmainCRTStartup(         void         ){        int initret;        int mainret=0;        int managedapp;#ifdef _WINMAIN_        _TUCHAR *lpszCommandLine = NULL;        WORD showWindowMode = 0;#ifndef _KERNELX        showWindowMode = __crtGetShowWindowMode();        __set_app_type(_GUI_APP);#endif  /* _KERNELX */#else /* _WINMAIN_ */  #ifndef _KERNELX        __set_app_type(_CONSOLE_APP);   ;设置当前程序类型:1.console 2.gui#endif  /* _CRT_APP */#endif  /* _WINMAIN_ */        /*         * Determine if this is a managed application         */        managedapp = check_managed_app();  ;检查是否为托管程序        if ( !_heap_init() )                /* initialize heap */   ;初始化堆(这个在vs2012之前和之后版本不一样)            fast_error_exit(_RT_HEAPINIT);  /* write message and die */        if( !_mtinit() )                    /* initialize multi-thread */  ;初始化多线程环境            fast_error_exit(_RT_THREAD);    /* write message and die */        /* Enable buffer count checking if linking against static lib */        _CrtSetCheckCount(TRUE);        /*         * Initialize the Runtime Checks stuff         */#if defined (_RTC)        _RTC_Initialize();#endif  /* defined (_RTC) */        /*         * Guard the remainder of the initialization code and the call         * to user's main, or WinMain, function in a __try/__except         * statement.         */        __try {            if (_ioinit() < 0)                fast_error_exit(_RT_LOWIOINIT);  /* write message and die */#if !defined (_KERNELX)            /* get wide cmd line info */            _tcmdln = (_TSCHAR *)GetCommandLineT(); ;获取命令行参数            /* get wide environ info */            _tenvptr = (_TSCHAR *)GetEnvironmentStringsT();  ;获取环境变量            if ( _tsetargv() < 0 )                _amsg_exit(_RT_SPACEARG);            if ( _tsetenvp() < 0 )                _amsg_exit(_RT_SPACEENV);#endif  /* !defined (_CRT_APP) */            initret = _cinit(TRUE);                  /* do C data initialize */   ;执行全局数据和浮点寄存器的初始化            if (initret != 0)                _amsg_exit(initret);#ifdef _WINMAIN_#if !defined (_KERNELX)            lpszCommandLine = _twincmdln();#endif /* _KERNELX */            mainret = _tWinMain( (HINSTANCE)&__ImageBase,    ;调用gui的WinMain函数                                 NULL,                                 lpszCommandLine,                                 showWindowMode                                );#else   /* _WINMAIN_ */#if !defined (_KERNELX)            _tinitenv = _tenviron;            mainret = _tmain(__argc, _targv, _tenviron);  ;调用console的main函数#else  /* !defined (_KERNELX) */            mainret = _tmain(0, NULL, NULL);#endif  /* !defined (_KERNELX) */#endif  /* _WINMAIN_ */            if ( !managedapp )                exit(mainret);            _cexit();        }        __except ( _XcptFilter(GetExceptionCode(), GetExceptionInformation()) )        {            /*             * Should never reach here             */            mainret = GetExceptionCode();            if ( !managedapp )                _exit(mainret);            _c_exit();        } /* end of try - except */        return mainret;}











/****check_managed_app() - Check for a managed executable**Purpose:*       Determine if the EXE the startup code is linked into is a managed app*       by looking for the COM Runtime Descriptor in the Image Data Directory*       of the PE or PE+ header.**Entry:*       None**Exit:*       1 if managed app, 0 if not.**Exceptions:********************************************************************************/static int __cdecl check_managed_app (        void        ){        PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER pDOSHeader;        PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pPEHeader;        pDOSHeader = &__ImageBase;        if (pDOSHeader->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE)        {            return 0;        }        pPEHeader = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS) ((BYTE *) pDOSHeader + pDOSHeader->e_lfanew);        if (pPEHeader->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE)        {            return 0;        }        if (pPEHeader->OptionalHeader.Magic != IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR_MAGIC)        {            return 0;        }        /* prefast assumes we are overflowing __ImageBase */#pragma warning(push)#pragma warning(disable:26000)        if (pPEHeader->OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes <= IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_COM_DESCRIPTOR)        {            return 0;        }#pragma warning(pop)        return pPEHeader->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_COM_DESCRIPTOR].VirtualAddress != 0;}





/****_heap_init() - Initialize the heap**Purpose:*       Setup the initial C library heap.**       NOTES:*       (1) This routine should only be called once!*       (2) This routine must be called before any other heap requests.**Entry:*       <void>*Exit:*       Returns 1 if successful, 0 otherwise.**Exceptions:*       If heap cannot be initialized, the program will be terminated*       with a fatal runtime error.********************************************************************************/int __cdecl _heap_init (        int mtflag        ){#if defined _M_AMD64 || defined _M_IA64        // HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE is incompatible with the LFH heap        mtflag = 1;#endif  /* defined _M_AMD64 || defined _M_IA64 */        //  Initialize the "big-block" heap first.        if ( (_crtheap = HeapCreate( mtflag ? 0 : HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE,                                     BYTES_PER_PAGE, 0 )) == NULL )            return 0;#ifndef _WIN64        // Pick a heap, any heap        __active_heap = __heap_select();        if ( __active_heap == __V6_HEAP )        {            //  Initialize the small-block heap            if (__sbh_heap_init(MAX_ALLOC_DATA_SIZE) == 0)            {                HeapDestroy(_crtheap);                _crtheap=NULL;                return 0;            }        }#ifdef CRTDLL        else if ( __active_heap == __V5_HEAP )        {            if ( __old_sbh_new_region() == NULL )            {                HeapDestroy( _crtheap );                _crtheap=NULL;                return 0;            }        }#endif  /* CRTDLL */#elif defined _M_AMD64 || defined _M_IA64        {            // Enable the Low Fragmentation Heap for AMD64 and IA64 by default            // It's the 8 byte overhead heap, and has generally better            // performance charateristics than the 16 byte overhead heap,            // particularly for apps that perform lots of small allocations            ULONG HeapType = 2;            HeapSetInformation(_crtheap, HeapCompatibilityInformation,                               &HeapType, sizeof(HeapType));        }#endif  /* defined _M_AMD64 || defined _M_IA64 */        return 1;}

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