【翻】【英汉对照】【完整官方参考】Windows媒体播放器11 SDK 播放器对象模型(一)

来源:互联网 发布:知乎 杨过程英 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 03:58





说明 Windows媒体播放器移动版ActiveX控件基于Windows媒体播放器ActiveX控件,因此它使用相同的对象模型。所以,除非另外声明,关于嵌入Windows媒体播放器到网页或者应用程序的文档也适用于Windows媒体播放器移动版ActiveX控件。

章节 描述 关于播放器对象模型 在抽象层次上讨论对象模型的体系结构。 播放器控件指导 提供关于在各种编程情境下,包括在.NET框架应用程序中,使用本控件的信息。




Windows Media Player Object Model

The Microsoft Windows Media Player ActiveX control object model provides interfaces that let developers add Windows Media Player and Windows Media Player Mobile functionality to Web pages and other programs. The Windows Media Player ActiveX control object model documentation is presented in the following sections.

Note   The Windows Media Player Mobile ActiveX control is based on the Windows Media Player ActiveX control and therefore utilizes the same object model. So, unless otherwise noted, any documentation about embedding the Windows Media Player ActiveX control in a Web page or an application is also applicable to the Windows Media Player Mobile ActiveX control.

Section Description About the Player Object Model Discusses the architecture of the object model in abstract terms. Player Control Guide Provides information about using the control in a variety of programming scenarios, including using the control in .NET Framework applications. Windows Media Player Object Model Reference Provides reference pages for script, C++, and .NET interfaces to the Windows Media Player ActiveX control. Also provides documentation for enumeration types and media attributes.
