【翻】【英汉对照】【完整官方参考】Windows媒体播放器11 SDK 播放器对象模型(二)

来源:互联网 发布:js创建json对象 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 23:21







章节 描述 用于脚本语言的播放器对象模型 这一小节描述对象模型中可用的对象。 关于对象模型的版本 这一小节详细讨论自从介绍WMP 7.0以来添加进每个版本的对象模型项目。 属性、方法和事件 这一小节解释属性、方法和事件。 支持的协议和文件类型 这一小节列举了Windows媒体播放器和Windows媒体播放器控件对象模型支持的协议和文件类型。 关于库 这一小节描述了Windows媒体播放器库。 让HTML和Windows媒体播放器一起工作 这一小节描述了使Windows媒体播放器和HTML一起工作的各种方式。 嵌入Windows媒体播放器控件 这一小节描述了在微软Office文档和自定义程序中嵌入Windows媒体播放器控件的各种方法。 关于设备同步 这一小节描述了Windows媒体播放器10及后来版本控件提供的传输数字媒体内容到可移动设备的功能。 关于烧制CD 这一小节描述Windows媒体播放器控件提供的创建CD的功能。 关于CD拷贝 这一小节描述了Windows媒体播放器控件提供的从音频CD向用户的计算机复制音轨的功能。 关于文件夹监视 这一小节描述了Windows媒体播放器控件提供的控制播放器文件夹监视进程的功能。


About the Player Object Model

The Microsoft Windows Media Player control is a standard ActiveX control that uses Microsoft Component Object Model (COM) technology. The Windows Media Player functionality is distilled into a set of programming interfaces that follows standard COM guidelines. You can program these interfaces on a standard HTML Web page using the Player control object model with Microsoft JScript or Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript). You can also program them in skins by using Microsoft JScript. If you want to create a custom program that embeds the control, you can use one of several languages, including Visual Basic, C++, and C#.

The Windows Media Player ActiveX control is installed with Windows Media Player. The Player control is not installed with the Windows Media Player SDK and cannot be redistributed separately. The particular features available to your code depend on which version of Windows Media Player the user has installed. The Object Model Reference for Scripting and Object Model Reference for C++ include version requirement information for each property, method, and event.

The following sections provide overview information about the Windows Media Player object model.

Section Description Player Object Model for Scripting Languages This section describes the objects available in the object model. About the Object Model Versions This section details which object model items have been added in each version since the introduction of Windows Media Player 7.0. Properties, Methods, and Events This section explains properties, methods, and events. Supported Protocols and File Types This section lists the protocols and file types supported by Windows Media Player and the Windows Media Player control object model. About the Library This section describes the Windows Media Player library. Using HTML with Windows Media Player This section describes the various ways to make Windows Media Player and HTML work together. Embedding the Windows Media Player Control This section describes the various ways to embed the Windows Media Player control in Microsoft Office documents and in custom programs. About Device Synchronization This section describes the functionality provided by the Windows Media Player 10 or later control for transferring digital media content to portable devices. About CD Burning This section describes the functionality provided by the Windows Media Player control for creating CDs. About CD Ripping This section describes the functionality provided by the Windows Media Player control for copying tracks from audio CDs to the user's computer. About Folder Monitoring This section describes the functionality provided by the Windows Media Player control for controlling the Player's folder monitoring processes.

