
来源:互联网 发布:个人卖数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 06:08

1.     所谓线程就是“一个进程内部的一个控制序列”。也就是一个进程内部的并行的基础!

2.     Linux进程可以看成只有一个控制线程:
3.      线程的优点:
            (1) 通过为每种事件类型的处理分配单独的线程,能够简化处理异步时间的代码。
            (2) 多个线程可以自动共享相同的存储地址空间和文件描述符。
            (3) 有些问题可以通过将其分解从而改善整个程序的吞吐量。
            (4) 交互的程序可以通过使用多线程实现相应时间的改善,多线程可以把程序中

4.        线程的缺点:
5.     线程标识:
        #include <pthread.h>
        int pthread_equal(pthread_t tid1,pthread_t tid2 );
                所以,在不同的系统下,pthread_t的类型是不同的,比如在ubuntn下,是unsigned long类型,
                而在solaris系统中,是unsigned int类型。而在FreeBSD上才用的是结构题指针。
        #include <pthread.h>
        pthread_t pthread_self(void);              
        注意:在使用pthread_create(pthread_t *thread_id,NULL,void* (*fun) (void *),void * args);
6.     线程的创建:
        #include <pthread.h>
        int pthread_create(pthread_t *restrict tidp,const pthread _attr_t *restrict attr,void *(*start_rtn)(void),void *restrict arg);          
        if不加上就会报错:undefined reference to `pthread_create'。
7.      线程的终止与等待:
        <1>. 线程从启动例程中返回,返回值是线程的退出码。
        <2>. 线程可以被同一进程中的其他线程取消。
        <3>. 线程退出调用pthread_exit.
        #include <pthread.h>
        void pthread_exit( void * rval_ptr );       
        rval_ptr 是一个无类型指针,与传给启动例程的单个参数类似。
        int pthread_join( pthread_t thread, void ** rval_ptr );
8.     pthread_detach:使线程进入分离状态
        int pthread_detach( pthread_t tid );
9.     pthread_cancel:取消同一进程中的其他线程(注意是取消其他线程)
        int pthread_cancel(pthread_t tid);
10.  pthread_cleanup_push 和 pthread_cleanup_pop:线程清理处理程序       
        void pthread_cleanup_push( void ( * rtn ) ( void * ),void *arg );
        void pthread_cleanup_pop( int exe );
                rtn:  处理程序入口地址
                arg: 传递给处理函数的参数
        关于“取消点” ( cancellation point ):
                                    printf(" sleep\n");
                                    printf(" wake \n");
                pthread的建议是:如果一个函数是阻塞的,那么你必须在这个函数前后建立 “ 取消点 ”, 比如:
                                    printf(" sleep\n");
                                    printf(" wake \n");
                对于一些函数来说本身就是有cancellation point 的,那么可以不管,但是大部分还是没有的,
                sigwait         都是cancellation点.
                其它的一些函数如果调用了上面的函数, 那么, 它们也是cancellation点.
                int pthread_setcancelstate (int STATE, int *OLDSTATE);

                int pthread_setcanceltype (int TYPE, int *OLDTYPE);
                设置如何处理cancellation, 异步的还是推迟的.

                什么是取消点(cancelation point)?

                资料中说,根据POSIX标准,pthread_join()、pthread_testcancel()、 pthread_cond_wait()、
                pthread_cond_timedwait()、sem_wait()、sigwait()等函数以及 read()、write()等会引起阻塞
                的系统调用都是Cancelation-point。而其他pthread函数都不会引起 Cancelation动作。但
                数都不是 Cancelation-point;但CANCEL信号会使线程从阻塞的系统调用中退出,并置
                EINTR错误码,因此可以在需要作为 Cancelation-point的系统调用前后调用pthread_testcancel(),

                retcode = read(fd, buffer, length);

        #include <pthread.h>
        int pthread_setcancelstate( int state, int* oldstate );

        pthread_setcancelstate() f函数设置线程取消状态为state,并且返回前一个取消点状态oldstate。
        state: 新取消状态。
        oldstate: 指向本函数所存储的原取消状态的指针。

        #include <pthread.h>
        int pthread_setcanceltype( int type, int* oldtype );


        type: 新取消类型
        oldtype: 指向该函数所存储的原取消类型的指针。

12.   posix变量一次初始化问题:
        pthread_once_t  once_control = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
        int pthread_once( pthread_once_t *once_control, void( * init_routine ) ( void ) );
        参数:once_control         控制变量
                init_routine              初始化函数
        pthread_once 工作原理:
13.    线程的私有数据:
        创建 " 线程键 "。
        #include <pthread.h>
        int pthread_key_create(pthread_key *key,void(*destructor)(void *));
        key             私有数据键
        destructor    清理函数参数
        if destructor 不为空,那么系统将调用这个函数来释放绑定在这个键上的内存块。

14.    关于: " 线程存储 "    


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>

void * print_id( void * arg )        //!> 这是线程的入口函数                               
    printf("The Current process is: %d \n", getpid());                                //!> 当前进程ID   
    printf( "The Current thread id : %d \n", (unsigned)pthread_self() );    //!> 注意此处输出的子线程的ID

int main( )
    pthread_t        t;
    int                 t_id;
    t_id = pthread_create( &t, NULL, print_id, NULL );        //!> 简单的创建线程
    if( t_id != 0 )                        //!> 注意创建成功返回0                               
        printf("\nCreate thread error...\n");
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
    sleep( 1 );
    printf("\nThe Current process is: %d \n", getpid());                         //!> 当前进程ID       
    printf( "The Main thread id : %d \n", (unsigned)pthread_self() );    //!> 注意输出的MAIN线程的ID
    return 0;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void * entrance_1( void * arg )                //!> 第一个创建的线程的入口函数
    printf( " thread 1 id == %d , run now ... \n", ( unsigned )pthread_self() );
    sleep( 3 );
    return ( ( void * ) 1 );

void * entrance_2( void * arg )                //!> 第二个创建的线程的入口函数
    printf( " thread 2 id == %d , run now ... \n", ( unsigned )pthread_self() );
    sleep( 3 );
    return ( ( void * ) 2 );

int main( )
    pthread_t        t1 = -1;    //!> 最好是初始化:因为下面的pthread_join是需要判断是否成功在输出的
    pthread_t        t2 = -1;
    int              tid1;
    int              tid2;
    void     *        ret;
    tid1 = pthread_create( &t1, NULL, entrance_1, NULL );    //!> 简单的创建线程
    tid2 = pthread_create( &t2, NULL, entrance_2, NULL );
    if( tid1 != 0 || tid2 != 0 )    //!> 创建线程失败                   
        printf( "Create thread error...\n" );
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
    if( t1 != -1 )                //!> 也就是线程还没有结束
        if ( pthread_join( t1, &ret ) == 0 )    //!> join success
            printf( " thread 1 get the return of pthread_join == %d \n", 2 );/ )
     pthread_mutex_init( &mutex, NULL );        //!> 初始化为默认的互斥锁
     create_two_thread();        //!> 创建2个线程
     wait_two_thread();        //!> 等待线程完成任务
                                 //!> 线程任务完成才可以执行下面代码
     printf("Num == %d \n\n", num);
     return 0;

//        双线程处理冒泡排序(多线程也一样)
//        实现从“小”--->“大”排序

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int g_arr[] = { 10, 23, 12, 34, 5, 29, 90, 9, 78, 44 };        //!> 全局的要排序的数组
pthread_t                thread[2];               //!> 两个线程
pthread_mutex_t        mutex;                //!> 互斥锁

int                         g_i = 0;                     //!> 全局的剩余排列次数

//!> 打印数组
void print_array()
    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
        printf( " %d ", g_arr[i] );

//!> 交换元素
void swap_elem( int * a, int * b )
    int temp;
    temp = *a;
    *a = *b;
    *b = temp;

//!> 线程1入口函数
void * entrance_1( void * arg )
    int j;
    for( g_i = 0; g_i < 10; g_i++ )    //!> 外层循环
        pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex );        //!> 加锁
        printf( "线程1后台执行排序...\n" );
        for( j = 0; j < ( 10 - g_i - 1 ); j++ )    //!> 内层循环
            if( g_arr[j] > g_arr[j+1] )
                swap_elem( &g_arr[j], &g_arr[j+1] );
        pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex );    //!> 解锁
        sleep( 1 );

//!> 线程2入口函数
void * entrance_2( void * arg )
    int j;
    for( g_i = 0; g_i < 10; g_i++ )    //!> 外层循环
        pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex );        //!> 加锁
        printf( "线程2后台执行排序...\n" );
        for( j = 0; j < ( 10 - g_i - 1 ); j++ )    //!> 内层循环
            if( g_arr[j] > g_arr[j+1] )
                swap_elem( &g_arr[j], &g_arr[j+1] );
        pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex );    //!> 解锁

        sleep( 2 );   

//!> 创建2个线程
void create_two_thread()
    memset( &thread, 0, sizeof( thread ) );            //!> 初始化为0(作为下面的判断进程是否创建OK依据)
    if( ( pthread_create( &thread[0], NULL, entrance_1, NULL ) ) == 0 )
        printf("线程1创建OK ...\n");
        printf("线程1创建Error ...\n");
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
    if( ( pthread_create( &thread[1], NULL, entrance_2, NULL ) ) == 0 )
        printf("线程2创建OK ...\n");
        printf("线程2创建Error ...\n");
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

//!> 线程执行与等待
void do_and_wait()
    if( thread[0] != 0 )//!> 由于在create_two_thread中初始化=0,if床架ok,那么不可能还是0
        pthread_join( thread[0], NULL );    //!> 等待线程1结束,不结束不执行下面代码
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
    if( thread[1] != 0 )
        pthread_join( thread[1], NULL );    //!> 等待线程1结束,不结束不执行下面代码
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

int main( )
    pthread_mutex_init( &mutex, NULL );
    print_array();                //!> 打印排序前的结果
    create_two_thread();        //!> 创建线程
    do_and_wait();            //!> 执行线程and等待
    printf( "排序完成:\n" );

    print_array();                //!> 打印排序后的结果
    return 0;


//        线程清理处理程序TEST

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>

void clean(void *arg)
    printf("清理: %s \n", (char *)arg);

void * entrance( void * arg )
    pthread_cleanup_push( clean, "线程处理程序1" );
    pthread_cleanup_push( clean, "线程处理程序2" );
    printf("pthread clean 完成...\n");
    pthread_exit((void *)0);        //!> 我们知道:清理函数只有在异常退出时候才会做一些清理工作
                                                //!> 所以此处的退出是异常退出来测试的!

int main( )
    pthread_t     tid;
    void     *     ret = NULL;
    if( ( pthread_create( &tid, NULL, entrance, (void *)1 ) ) != 0 )
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
    pthread_join( tid, &ret );       
    if( ret )                            //!> 注意此处相当于是抛出异常
    {                                //!> 避免子线程的异常退出造成的空指针情况
        printf( "结束:code == %d\n", *( ( int * ) ret) );
    return 0;

//    DEMO——2

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>

void clean( void * arg )

void * entrance( void * arg )
    int old_type, old_state;
    int i = 0;
    pthread_cleanup_push( clean, NULL );    //!> 设置清理函数
    pthread_setcancelstate( PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, &old_state );
                                                //!> 设置对本线程的“取消”无效
    pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS,&old_type);    //>>>>>>>>>>> 目标句1
    while( 1 )
        sleep( 2 );
        if( 5 == i )
            pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, &old_state);
    pthread_cleanup_pop( 0 );

int main( int argc, char ** argv )
    pthread_t    tid;
    int               res;
    void *          ret;
    pthread_create( &tid, NULL, entrance, NULL );
    sleep( 2 );
    pthread_cancel( tid );            //!> 请求子线程退出
    res = pthread_join( tid, &ret );    //!> 等待子线程退出
    if( ret != PTHREAD_CANCELED )    //!> 非安全退出
        printf("pthread_join 失败...\n");
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
    exit( EXIT_SUCCESS );   

                                        子线程runing...                        //!> 比下面多的
                                        Success..                                //!> 与下面不一样的
                                        pthread_join 失败...                    //!> 与上面不一样的

6. pthread_once 工作原理code

//        pthread_once 函数使用

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>

pthread_once_t        once = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;    //!> once宏赋值

//!> 初始化执行函数
void once_init( void )
    printf("初始化成功! 我的ID == %d\n", (unsigned)pthread_self());

//!> 线程入口函数
void * entrance( void * arg )
    printf("子线程:ID == %d \n", (unsigned)pthread_self());
    //!> once = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;        //!> 测试使用(下面的要求)
    pthread_once( &once, once_init );        //!> 此处也有初始化

//!> main函数
int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
    pthread_t        pid;
    pthread_create( &pid, NULL, entrance, NULL );

    printf("主函数ID == %d \n", (unsigned)pthread_self());
//!>    pthread_join( pid, NULL );            //!> 分析点
    pthread_once( &once, once_init );    //!> 调用一次初始化函数
    pthread_join( pid, NULL );
    return 0;

        if pthread_join是在主函数初始化后面,那么就是主函数初始化的
        结果是: 主函数ID == 441960192
                       初始化成功! 我的ID == 441960192
                      子线程:ID == 433944320
        if pthread_join是在之前,那么就是要等待子函数执行ok后才执行自己的下面代码
        结果是:主函数ID == 210818816
                      子线程:ID == 202802944
                      初始化成功! 我的ID == 202802944

        本质:   其实就是操作once变量而已,与互斥变量的本质是一样的!!!
                      我们可以这样测试在entrance中加入once = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
        结果是:主函数ID == 1590228736
                      初始化成功! 我的ID == 1590228736
                      子线程:ID == 1582212864
                      初始化成功! 我的ID == 1582212864
        感兴趣的可以使用pthread_mutex_t 的互斥变量处理,效果一样!

7.pthread_key_create线程键 与 线程存储

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>

pthread_once_t        once = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
pthread_key_t        key;            //!> 键值
int                         g_val = 10;    //!> 传说中的独享值,呵呵

void once_init_key()
    if( pthread_key_create( &key, NULL ) == 0 )    //!> 创建线程键值
    {                                                    //!>
        printf("创建线程键OK ...\n");

void * entrance( void * arg )
    int * val;
    printf("子线程:ID == %d \n", (unsigned)pthread_self());
    pthread_setspecific( key, &g_val );               //!> 将 g_val 作为一个每个进程的独享值
    val = ( int * )pthread_getspecific( key );        //!> 取出那个值
                                                        //!> 此后对于这些量都有自己的处理方式,
                                                        //!> 名称相同但是内容不同!!!   
                                                        //!> 对于文件的处理是最好的!!!
    printf("ID == %d, Value == %d\n",  (unsigned)pthread_self(), *val);

int main( )
    pthread_t        tid, tid2;
    void     *      ret1;
    void     *     ret2;
    if( pthread_create( &tid, NULL, entrance, NULL ) != 0 )            //!> 线程1
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
    if( pthread_create( &tid2, NULL, entrance, NULL ) != 0 )            //!> 线程2
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
    printf("主函数:ID == %d \n", (unsigned)pthread_self());
    pthread_once( &once, once_init_key );    //!> 创建一个键值
    printf("下面等待子线程执行ok... \n");
    pthread_join( tid, &ret1 );                    //!> 等待线程( 必不可少 )
    pthread_join( tid2, &ret2 );
    return 0;

    主函数:ID == 1588877056
    创建线程键OK ...
    子线程:ID == 1580861184
    ID == 1580861184, Value == 10
    子线程:ID == 1572468480
    ID == 1572468480, Value == 10

1.    线程属性:
                #include <pthread.h>
                int pthread_attr_init(pthread_attr_t *attr);
                int pthread_attr_destroy(pthread_attr_t *attr);   

                typedef struct
                       int                           detachstate;     线程的分离状态
                       int                          schedpolicy;   线程调度策略
                       struct sched_param      schedparam;   线程的调度参数
                       int                          inheritsched;    线程的继承性
                       int                          scope;          线程的作用域
                       size_t                      guardsize; 线程栈末尾的警戒缓冲区大小
                       int                          stackaddr_set;
                       void *                     stackaddr;      线程栈的位置
                       size_t                      stacksize;       线程栈的大小
2.    分离状态:
            下,原有的线程等待创建的线程结束。只有当pthread_join() 函数返回       
            #include <pthread.h>
            int pthread_attr_getdetachstate(const pthread_attr_t * attr, int * detachstate);
            int pthread_attr_setdetachstate(pthread_attr_t * attr, int detachstate);
            <1>.detachstate参数为:PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED     分离状态启动
            <2>.detachstate参数为:PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE    正常启动线程
3.    线程的继承性:
            #include <pthread.h>
            int pthread_attr_getinheritsched(const pthread_attr_t *attr,int *inheritsched);
            int pthread_attr_setinheritsched(pthread_attr_t *attr,int inheritsched);
            attr                线程属性变量
            inheritsched     线程的继承性
            PTHREAD_INHERIT_SCHED: 新的线程继承创建线程的策略和参数!
>>>>>:    下面补充线程调度策略和调度参数:
                    int pthread_attr_getschedpolicy(const pthread_attr_t *, int * policy)
                    int pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(pthread_attr_*, int policy)
                            attr            线程属性变量
                            policy        调度策略   
                    SCHED_FIFO    :先进先出
                    SCHED_RR       :轮转法
                    SCHED_OTHER    :其他方法
                            > 此处的SCHED_FIFO是允许被高优先级抢占的!
                            > 也就是有高优先级的必须先运行
                            > SCHED_RR是设置一个时间片
                            > 当有SCHED_FIFO或SCHED_RR策赂的线程在一个条件变量
                    函数pthread_attr_getschedparam 和pthread_attr_setschedparam分别

                    int pthread_attr_getschedparam(const pthread_attr_t *,struct
                    sched_param *);
                    int pthread_attr_setschedparam(pthread_attr_t *,const struct
                    sched_param *);
                            attr            线程变量属性
                            param        sched_parm 结构体
                    /usr/include /bits/sched.h
                    struct sched_param
                           int sched_priority;    //!> 参数的本质就是优先级
                    #include <pthread.h>
                    int sched_get_priority_max( int policy );
                    int sched_get_priority_min( int policy );
                    参数:max_:    系统支持的优先级的最小值
                            min_ :    系统支持的优先级的最大值
                    使用:max_ = sched_get_priority_max( policy );
                            min_ = sched_get_priority_min( policy );
                    policy = SCHED_OTHER
                    max_priority = 0
                    min_priority = 0
                    Show SCHED_FIFO of priority
                    max_priority = 99
                    min_priority = 1
                    Show SCHED_RR of priority
                    max_priority = 99
                    min_priority = 1
                    Show priority of current thread
                    priority = 0
3.    线程的作用域:
            #include <pthread.h>   
            int    pthread_attr_getscope( const pthread_attr_t * attr, int * scope );
            int pthread_attr_setscope( pthread_attr_t*, int scope );
                    attr               线程属性变量
                    scope         线程的作用域       
            PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM   (系统级竞争资源)。
4.    线程堆栈的大小
            int pthread_attr_getstacksize(const pthread_attr_t *,size_t * stacksize);
            int pthread_attr_setstacksize(pthread_attr_t *attr ,size_t *stacksize);
            参数:attr                线程属性变量
                    stacksize        堆栈大小
5.    线程堆栈的地址           
            #include <pthread.h>
            int pthread_attr_getstackaddr(const pthread_attr_t *attr,void **stackaddf);
            int pthread_attr_setstackaddr(pthread_attr_t *attr,void *stackaddr);
            参数:attr               线程属性变量
                    stackaddr     堆栈地址           

6.    警戒缓冲区

            #include <pthread.h>                   
            int pthread_attr_getguardsize(const pthread_attr_t *restrict attr,size_t *restrict
            int pthread_attr_setguardsize(pthread_attr_t *attr ,size_t *guardsize);

linux thread与fork的对比

 进程原语线程原语 描述  forkpthread_create  创建新的控制流 exitpthread_exit 从现有的控制流退出 waitpidpthread_join 从控制流中得到退出状态 atexitpthread_clean_push 注册在退出控制流时执行的函数 getpidpthread_self 获得控制流ID abortpthread_cancel 请求控制流的非正常退出
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