
来源:互联网 发布:南充广电网络客服电话 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 22:24








#include#include#includeclass Rational{public:    Rational(int a = 0, int b = 1) : n(a), d(b) {}private:    int n; // Numerator    int d; // Denominator};int main(){    const int ARRAY_SIZE = 1000;    const int LOOP_TIMES = 5000;    Rational* array[ARRAY_SIZE];    clock_t beg = clock();    for (int i = 0; i < LOOP_TIMES; ++i)    {        for (int j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE; ++j)        {            array[j] = new Rational(j);        }        for (int j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE; ++j)        {            delete array[j];        }    }    clock_t end = clock();    printf("use %f second(s).\n", 1.0 * (end - beg) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);    system("pause");    return 0;}



#include <stdio.h>#include <time.h>#include <stdlib.h>struct NextOnFreeList{    NextOnFreeList* next;};class Rational{public:    Rational(int a = 0, int b = 1) : n(a), d(b) {}    void* operator new(size_t size)    {        if (freeList == 0)// if the list is empty, fill it up.        {            expandTheFreeList();        }        NextOnFreeList* head = freeList;        freeList = head->next;        return head;    }    void operator delete(void* doomed, size_t size)    {        NextOnFreeList* head = static_cast<NextOnFreeList*> (doomed);        head->next = freeList;        freeList = head;    }    static void newMemPool()    {        expandTheFreeList();    }    static void deleteMemPool();private:    static void expandTheFreeList();    static NextOnFreeList* freeList;    enum { EXPANSION_SIZE = 32 };    int n; // Numerator    int d; // Denominator};NextOnFreeList* Rational::freeList = NULL;//当空闲列表里面没有对象时,该函数才会被调用void Rational::expandTheFreeList(){    size_t size = sizeof(Rational) > sizeof(NextOnFreeList*) ?                  sizeof(Rational) : sizeof(NextOnFreeList*);    NextOnFreeList* runner = (NextOnFreeList*)new char[size];    freeList = runner;    for (int i = 0; i < EXPANSION_SIZE; ++i)    {        runner->next = (NextOnFreeList*)new char[size];        runner = runner->next;    }    runner->next = 0;}void Rational::deleteMemPool(){    NextOnFreeList* nextPtr = freeList;    while (nextPtr)    {        freeList = nextPtr->next;        delete [] nextPtr;        nextPtr = freeList;    }}int main(){    const int ARRAY_SIZE = 1000;    const int LOOP_TIMES = 5000;    Rational* array[ARRAY_SIZE];    clock_t beg = clock();    Rational::newMemPool();    for (int i = 0; i < LOOP_TIMES; ++i)    {        for (int j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE; ++j)        {            array[j] = new Rational(j);        }        for (int j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE; ++j)        {            delete array[j];        }    }    clock_t end = clock();    printf("use %f second(s).\n", 1.0 * (end - beg) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);    system("pause");    Rational::deleteMemPool();    return 0;}






#include#include#includetemplate  class MemoryPool{public:    MemoryPool(size_t size = EXPANSION_SIZE)    {        expandTheFreeList(size);    }    ~MemoryPool();    //allocate a T element from the free list.    void* alloc(size_t size)    {        if (next == NULL)        {            expandTheFreeList();        }        MemoryPool* head = next;        next = head->next;        return head;    }    //return a T element to the free list.    void free(void* doomed)    {        MemoryPool* head = static_cast< MemoryPool* > (doomed);        head->next = next;        next = head;    }private:    //next element on the free list.    MemoryPool* next;    //if the freelist is empty, expand it by this amount.    enum {EXPANSION_SIZE = 32};    //add free elements to the free list    void expandTheFreeList(int howMany = EXPANSION_SIZE);};template  MemoryPool :: ~MemoryPool(){    MemoryPool* nextPtr = NULL;    while (nextPtr)    {        nextPtr = next;        next = next->next;        delete [] nextPtr;    }}template  void MemoryPool :: expandTheFreeList(int howMany){    //we must allocate an object enough to contain the next pointer    size_t size = sizeof(T) > sizeof(MemoryPool*) ? sizeof(T) :                  sizeof(MemoryPool*);    MemoryPool* runner = (MemoryPool*) new char[size];    next = runner;    for (int i = 0; i < howMany; ++i)     {         runner->next = (MemoryPool*) new char[size];        runner = runner->next;    }    runner->next = NULL;}class Rational{public:    Rational(int a = 0, int b = 1) : n(a), d(b) {}    void* operator new(size_t size) {return memPool->alloc(size);}    void operator delete(void* doomed, size_t size) {memPool->free(doomed);}    static void newMemPool() {memPool = new MemoryPool;}    static void deleteMemPool() {delete memPool;}private:    int n;    int d;    static MemoryPool* memPool;};MemoryPool* Rational::memPool = NULL;int main(){    const int ARRAY_SIZE = 1000;    const int LOOP_TIMES = 5000;    Rational* array[ARRAY_SIZE];    clock_t beg = clock();    Rational::newMemPool();    for (int i = 0; i < LOOP_TIMES; ++i)    {        for (int j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE; ++j)        {            array[j] = new Rational(j);        }        for (int j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE; ++j)        {            delete array[j];        }    }    clock_t end = clock();    printf("use %f second(s).\n", 1.0 * (end - beg) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);    system("pause");    Rational::deleteMemPool();    return 0;}





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