完美解决 Ubuntu 下 Sublime Text 2配置搜狗拼音输入法

来源:互联网 发布:男风时尚生活 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 11:24

参考了cnode社区的一个帖子:sublime text 2中文配置

系统Ubuntu 13.04



<span style="font-size:14px;">/*sublime-imfix.cUse LD_PRELOAD to interpose some function to fix sublime input method support for linux.By Cjacker Huang <jianzhong.huang at i-soft.com.cn> gcc -shared -o libsublime-imfix.so sublime_imfix.c  `pkg-config --libs --cflags gtk+-2.0` -fPICLD_PRELOAD=./libsublime-imfix.so sublime_text*/#include <gtk/gtk.h>#include <gdk/gdkx.h>typedefGdkSegment GdkRegionBox; struct_GdkRegion{  longsize;  longnumRects;  GdkRegionBox *rects;  GdkRegionBox extents;}; GtkIMContext *local_context; voidgdk_region_get_clipbox (constGdkRegion *region,            GdkRectangle    *rectangle){  g_return_if_fail (region != NULL);  g_return_if_fail (rectangle != NULL);   rectangle->x = region->extents.x1;  rectangle->y = region->extents.y1;  rectangle->width = region->extents.x2 - region->extents.x1;  rectangle->height = region->extents.y2 - region->extents.y1;  GdkRectangle rect;  rect.x = rectangle->x;  rect.y = rectangle->y;  rect.width = 0;  rect.height = rectangle->height;  //The caret width is 2;  //Maybe sometimes we will make a mistake, but for most of the time, it should be the caret.  if(rectangle->width == 2 && GTK_IS_IM_CONTEXT(local_context)) {        gtk_im_context_set_cursor_location(local_context, rectangle);  }} //this is needed, for example, if you input something in file dialog and return back the edit area//context will lost, so here we set it again. staticGdkFilterReturn event_filter (GdkXEvent *xevent, GdkEvent *event, gpointer im_context){    XEvent *xev = (XEvent *)xevent;    if(xev->type == KeyRelease && GTK_IS_IM_CONTEXT(im_context)) {       GdkWindow * win = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(im_context),"window");       if(GDK_IS_WINDOW(win))         gtk_im_context_set_client_window(im_context, win);    }    returnGDK_FILTER_CONTINUE;} voidgtk_im_context_set_client_window (GtkIMContext *context,          GdkWindow    *window){  GtkIMContextClass *klass;  g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_IM_CONTEXT (context));  klass = GTK_IM_CONTEXT_GET_CLASS (context);  if(klass->set_client_window)    klass->set_client_window (context, window);   if(!GDK_IS_WINDOW (window))    return;  g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(context),"window",window);  intwidth = gdk_window_get_width(window);  intheight = gdk_window_get_height(window);  if(width != 0 && height !=0) {    gtk_im_context_focus_in(context);    local_context = context;  }  gdk_window_add_filter (window, event_filter, context);}</span>
2. 编译动态库:

gcc-shared -o libsublime-imfix.so sublime_imfix.c  `pkg-config --libs --cflags gtk+-2.0` -fPIC

依赖的gtk包可以通过 sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev

3. 设置 LD_PRELOAD 并启动 Sublime Text:

LD_PRELOAD=./libsublime-imfix.so ./sublime_text(同一目录下)
为了不用每次启动Sublime Text都打这么一长串东西,写了个启动Sublime的脚本,并配置桌面:

sh -c"LD_PRELOAD=$LD_LIB $SUBLIME_HOME/sublime_text $@"

(把libsublime-imfix.so放到Sublime Text目录下并修改脚本中的SUBLIME_HOME)


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