SKYLINE uva+线段树+区间的修改+lazy标记

来源:互联网 发布:原油数据接口 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/27 20:51
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The skyline of Singapore as viewed from the Marina Promenade (shown on the left) is one of the iconic scenes of Singapore. Country X would also like to create an iconic skyline, and it has put up a call for proposals. Each submitted proposal is a description of a proposed skyline and one of the metrics that country X will use to evaluate a proposed skyline is the amount of overlap in the proposed sky-line.


As the assistant to the chair of the skyline evaluation committee, you have been tasked with determining the amount of overlap in each proposal. Each proposal is a sequence of buildings,$ \langle$b1,b2,..., bn$ \rangle$, where a building is specified by its left and right endpoint and its height. The buildings are specified in back to front order, in other words a building which appears later in the sequence appears in front of a building which appears earlier in the sequence.

The skyline formed by the first k buildings is the union of the rectangles of the firstk buildings (see Figure 4). The overlap of a building,bi, is defined as the total horizontal length of the parts ofbi, whose height is greater than or equal to the skyline behind it. This is equivalent to the total horizontal length of parts of the skyline behindbi which has a height that is less than or equal tohi, where hi is the height of buildingbi. You may assume that initially the skyline has height zero everywhere.


The input consists of a line containing the number c of datasets, followed byc datasets, followed by a line containing the number `0'.

The first line of each dataset consists of a single positive integer, n (0 < n < 100000), which is the number of buildings in the proposal. The followingn lines of each dataset each contains a description of a single building. Thei-th line is a description of building bi. Each building bi is described by three positive integers, separated by spaces, namely,li, ri andhi, where li andrj (0 < li <ri$ \le$100000) represents the left and right end point of the building andhi represents the height of the building.



The output consists of one line for each dataset. The c-th line contains one single integer, representing the amount of overlap in the proposal for datasetc. You may assume that the amount of overlap for each dataset is at most 2000000.

Note:In this test case, the overlap of building b1, b2 andb3 are 6, 4 and 4 respectively. Figure 4 shows how to compute the overlap of buildingb3. The grey area represents the skyline formed byb1 and b2 and the black rectangle representsb3. As shown in the figure, the length of the skyline covered byb3 is from position 3 to position 5 and from position 11 to position 13, therefore the overlap ofb3 is 4.

Sample Input

1 3 5 11 3 1 10 1 3 13 2 0

Sample Output

#include<iostream>#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#define MMAX 2000000#define N 100000using namespace std;int setv[4*(N+10)],hightv[4*(N+10)];///懒惰标记,及最高楼的维护bool flag[4*(N+10)];///标记该节点下的孩子节点是否都是同一高度int cover;int l[N+10],r[N+10],h[N+10],n,x;void push_down(int rt){    int lc=rt*2,rc=rt*2+1;    if(setv[rt]>=0)    {        if(setv[rt]>=hightv[rc])        {            hightv[rc]=setv[rt];            flag[rc]=true;        }        if(setv[rt]>=hightv[lc])        {            hightv[lc]=setv[rt];            flag[lc]=true;        }    }    setv[lc]=max(setv[lc],setv[rt]);    setv[rc]=max(setv[rc],setv[rt]);    setv[rt]=-1;}///标记往下走,必用维护数组hightv,必要时可减少查询时间void push_up(int rt){    int lc=rt*2,rc=rt*2+1;    hightv[rt]=max(hightv[lc],hightv[rc]);    flag[rt]=(hightv[lc]==hightv[rc])&&flag[lc]&&flag[rc];}///往上更新信息,同时更新flag数组,flag标记该节点下的所有孩子是否同一高度void update(int rt,int L,int R){    if(l[x]<=L&&r[x]>=R&&hightv[rt]<=h[x])    {        setv[rt]=h[x];        hightv[rt]=h[x];        cover+=(R-L+1);        flag[rt]=true;    }    else if(l[x]<=L&&r[x]>=R&&hightv[rt]>h[x]&&flag[rt]) return ;///若该区间的所有楼比h[x]大,不用查下去了。    else    {        push_down(rt);        int M=(L+R)/2;        if(l[x]<=M)update(rt*2,L,M);        if(r[x]>M) update(rt*2+1,M+1,R);        push_up(rt);    }}///本题不用查询,可变更新边记录int main(){    int c;    scanf("%d",&c);    while(~scanf("%d",&n)&&n)    {        cover=0;        memset(setv,-1,sizeof(setv));        memset(hightv,0,sizeof(hightv));        memset(flag,true,sizeof(flag));        setv[1]=0;        for(x=0; x<n; x++)        {            scanf("%d%d%d",&l[x],&r[x],&h[x]);            r[x]--;            update(1,1,N);        }        printf("%d\n",cover);    }    return 0;}

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