
来源:互联网 发布:首届编程杯冠军 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 15:43


1. seqlist.h

<span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Comic Sans MS;font-size:14px;">#ifndef _SEQ_LIST_H_#define _SEQ_LIST_H_#define MAX 16typedef int data_t;typedef struct{data_t data[MAX];int last; /* pointer to the last element of the list */} seqlist_t;/*  * create a list and init it as empty  * Input : void * Output: void * Return: new list, NULL when failed  */seqlist_t*CreateEmptySqlist();/*  * destroy a list  * Input : the list to be destroied.  * Output: void * Return: void */voidDestroySqlist(seqlist_t *list);/* * clear the list and reset it as empty * Input : the list to be cleared.  * Output: void * Return: void */voidClearSqlist(seqlist_t *list);/*  * judge if the list is empty * Input : the list to be tested.  * Output: void * Return: *1 : list is empty *0 : not  *-1: error */intEmptySqlist(seqlist_t *list);/*  * judge if the list is full  * Input : the list to be tested.  * Output: void * Return: *1 : list is full *0 : not  *-1: error */intFullSqlist(seqlist_t *list);/*  * get length of the list  * Input : the list to be tested.  * Output: void * Return:  * >= 0: length of the list; * -1 : means error  */intLengthSqlist(seqlist_t *list);/*  * insert element at the position * Input :  *list: the list to be operated. *at : the position at which to insert the new element into, start from zero *x   : the data value  * Output: void * Return: *0 : success;  *-1: error  */intInsertSqlist(seqlist_t *list, int at, data_t x);/* * delete the element by the position * Input :  *list: the list to be operated. *at : the position at where to delete the element, start from zero * Output: void * Return: *1 : success; *0 : not found *-1: error   */intDeleteSqlist(seqlist_t *list, int at);/* * get data of element at specified position * Input :  *list: the list to be operated. *at : the position where to get the element at, started from zero * Output: *x: the value returned * Return: *0 : success; *-1: error: list is invalid; at extends the range of the list     */intGetSqlist(seqlist_t *list, int at, data_t *x);/* * set/update data of element at specified position * Input :  *list: the list to be operated. *at : the position at where to set the element, started with zero *x   : the new data value * Output: void * Return: *0 : success; *-1: error: list is invalid; at extends the range of the list    */intSetSqlist(seqlist_t *list, int at, data_t x);/* * search the first element match the value of specified data  * and return its position * Input :  *list: the list to be operated. *x   : the data value to be compared when search * Output: void * Return: *>=0 : the position of the element found; *-1  : not found or error    */intSearchSqlist(seqlist_t *list, data_t x);/* * iterate through the list and print out info of each element * Input :  *list: the list to be operated. * Output: void * Return: void */voidVisitSqlist(seqlist_t *list);#endif /* _SEQ_LIST_H_ */</span></span>

2. seqlist.c

<span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Comic Sans MS;font-size:14px;">#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include "seqlist.h"seqlist_t *CreateEmptySqlist(){seqlist_t *list;list = (seqlist_t *)malloc(sizeof(seqlist_t));list->last = -1;return list;}void DestroySqlist(seqlist_t *list){if (NULL != list)free(list);}int FullSqlist(seqlist_t *list){if (list) {if ((MAX - 1) == list->last) {return 1;} else {return 0;}} else {return -1;}}void ClearSqlist(seqlist_t *list){if (list) {list->last = -1;}return;}int LengthSqlist(seqlist_t *list){if (list) {return (list->last + 1);} else {return -1;}}int GetSqlist(seqlist_t *list, int at, data_t *x){if (!list) return -1;if ((at < 0) || (at > list->last)) return -1;if (x) {*x = list->data[at];}return 0;}int InsertSqlist(seqlist_t *list, int at, data_t x){int i;if (!list) return -1;if (FullSqlist(list) || (at < 0) || (at > (list->last + 1))) {return -1;}for (i = list->last; i >= at; i--) {list->data[i + 1] = list->data[i];}list->data[at] = x;list->last++;return 0;}void VisitSqlist(seqlist_t *list){int i;printf("list.last = %d, list = {", list->last);for (i = -1; i < list->last;) {printf("%d,", list->data[++i]);}if (i > -1)printf("\b}\n");elseprintf("}\n");}int SearchSqlist(seqlist_t *list, data_t x){int i;if (!list) return -1;for (i = 0; i <= list->last; i++) {if (list->data[i] == x) return i;}return -1;}int EmptySqlist(seqlist_t *list){if (list) {if (-1 == list->last) {return 1;} else {return 0;}} else {return -1;}}int SetSqlist(seqlist_t *list, int at, data_t x){if (!list) return -1;if ((at < 0) || (at > list->last)) return -1;list->data[at] = x;return 0;}int DeleteSqlist(seqlist_t *list, int at){int i;if (!list) return -1;if ((at < 0) || (at > list->last)) return 0;for (i = at; i < list->last; i++){list->data[i] = list->data[i + 1];}list->last--;return 1;}</span></span>


<span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Comic Sans MS;font-size:14px;">#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include "seqlist.h"int main(int argc, char *argv[]){int i;data_t a[10] = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20};data_t x;seqlist_t *list;list = CreateEmptySqlist();if (NULL == list) return -1;for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {if (InsertSqlist(list, i, a[i]) < 0)break;}VisitSqlist(list);GetSqlist(list, 4, &x);printf("list[4] = %d\n", x);printf("updated list[4] to 100\n");SetSqlist(list, 4, 100);GetSqlist(list, 4, &x);printf("now list[4] = %d\n", x);printf("removed list[4]\n");DeleteSqlist(list, 4);GetSqlist(list, 4, &x);printf("now list[4] = %d\n", x);printf("and total number of list is %d\n", LengthSqlist(list));VisitSqlist(list);ClearSqlist(list);printf("after clear, total number of list is %d\n", LengthSqlist(list));VisitSqlist(list);DestroySqlist(list);return 0;}</span></span>

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