
来源:互联网 发布:手机看报纸软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 07:58


 sp=actxserver('SAPI.SpVoice');sp.Speak('你好,欢迎来到西安电子科技大学!Hello,Welcome to XD University!')

       Qt调用讲述人,需要使用专门的类,具体可以参考http://lynxline.com/qtspeech-say-hello-world    一文,文中大致介绍了该类的使用方法。下面我就通过使用该类来实现讲述人的调用。
#ifndef DIALOG_H#define DIALOG_H#include <QDialog>#include"speech.h"namespace Ui {class Dialog;}class Dialog : public QDialog{    Q_OBJECT    public:    explicit Dialog(QWidget *parent = 0);    ~Dialog();    private slots:    void on_pushButton_clicked();private:    Ui::Dialog *ui;};#endif // DIALOG_H

#ifndef SPEECH_H#define SPEECH_H#include <QObject>class QtSpeech : public QObject {    Q_OBJECTpublic:    // 处理异常情况    struct Error { QString msg; Error(QString s):msg(s) {} };    struct InitError : Error { InitError(QString s):Error(s) {} };    struct LogicError : Error { LogicError(QString s):Error(s) {} };    struct CloseError : Error { CloseError(QString s):Error(s) {} };    //定义数据类型    struct VoiceName { QString id; QString name; };    typedef QList<VoiceName> VoiceNames;    //定义构造函数    QtSpeech(QObject * parent);    QtSpeech(VoiceName n = VoiceName(), QObject * parent =0L);    virtual ~QtSpeech();    const VoiceName & name() const; //要读的内容    static VoiceNames voices();     //要读的内容    void say(QString) const;                                    //同步发音    void tell(QString) const;                                   //异步发音    void tell(QString, QObject * obj, const char * slot) const; //发音结束时,有停顿    /*******************/    void pause(void) const;//暂停    void resume(void) const;//从暂停中恢复    void stop(void) const;//停止发音    /******************/signals:    void finished();protected:    virtual void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *);private:    class Private;    Private * d;};//}#endif // SPEECH_H


#include <QApplication>#include"dialog.h"int main(int argc, char *argv[]){    QApplication app(argc, argv);    Dialog dlg;    dlg.show();    return app.exec();}


#include "dialog.h"#include "ui_dialog.h"Dialog::Dialog(QWidget *parent) :    QDialog(parent),    ui(new Ui::Dialog){    ui->setupUi(this);}Dialog::~Dialog(){    delete ui;}void Dialog::on_pushButton_clicked(){    QtSpeech *speaker = new QtSpeech(this);    speaker->tell(ui->textEdit->toPlainText(),speaker,SLOT(onSpeechFinished()));   // speaker.stop();}


#include "speech.h"#include <QString>#include <QPointer>#include <QList>#include <QTimerEvent>#undef UNICODE#include <sapi.h>#include <sphelper.h>#include <comdef.h>#define UNICODE#include <windows.h>#include <windowsx.h>#include <commctrl.h>// some defines for throwing exceptions#define Where QString("%1:%2:").arg(__FILE__).arg(__LINE__)#define SysCall(x,e) {\    HRESULT hr = x;\    if (FAILED(hr)) {\        QString msg = #e;\        msg += ":"+QString(__FILE__);\        msg += ":"+QString::number(__LINE__)+":"+#x+":";\        msg += _com_error(hr).ErrorMessage();\        throw e(msg);\    }\}// internal dataclass QtSpeech::Private {public:    Private()        :onFinishSlot(0L),waitingFinish(false) {}    VoiceName name;    static const QString VoiceId;    typedef QPointer<QtSpeech> Ptr;    static QList<Ptr> ptrs;    CComPtr<ISpVoice> voice;    const char * onFinishSlot;    QPointer<QObject> onFinishObj;    bool waitingFinish;    class WCHAR_Holder {    public:        WCHAR * w;        WCHAR_Holder(QString s)            :w(0) {            w = new WCHAR[s.length()+1];            s.toWCharArray(w);            w[s.length()] =0;        }        ~WCHAR_Holder() { delete[] w; }    };};const QString QtSpeech::Private::VoiceId = QString("win:%1");QList<QtSpeech::Private::Ptr> QtSpeech::Private::ptrs = QList<QtSpeech::Private::Ptr>();//类的定义QtSpeech::QtSpeech(QObject * parent)    :QObject(parent), d(new Private){    CoInitialize(NULL);    SysCall( d->voice.CoCreateInstance( CLSID_SpVoice ), InitError);    VoiceName n;    WCHAR * w_id = 0L;    WCHAR * w_name = 0L;    CComPtr<ISpObjectToken> voice;    SysCall( d->voice->GetVoice(&voice), InitError);    SysCall( SpGetDescription(voice, &w_name), InitError);    SysCall( voice->GetId(&w_id), InitError);    n.name = QString::fromWCharArray(w_name);    n.id = QString::fromWCharArray(w_id);    voice.Release();    if (n.id.isEmpty())        throw InitError(Where+"No default voice in system");    d->name = n;    d->ptrs << this;}QtSpeech::QtSpeech(VoiceName n, QObject * parent)    :QObject(parent), d(new Private){    ULONG count = 0;    CComPtr<IEnumSpObjectTokens> voices;    CoInitialize(NULL);    SysCall( d->voice.CoCreateInstance( CLSID_SpVoice ), InitError);    if (n.id.isEmpty()) {        WCHAR * w_id = 0L;        WCHAR * w_name = 0L;        CComPtr<ISpObjectToken> voice;        SysCall( d->voice->GetVoice(&voice), InitError);        SysCall( SpGetDescription(voice, &w_name), InitError);        SysCall( voice->GetId(&w_id), InitError);        n.name = QString::fromWCharArray(w_name);        n.id = QString::fromWCharArray(w_id);        voice.Release();    }    else {        SysCall( SpEnumTokens(SPCAT_VOICES, NULL, NULL, &voices), InitError);        SysCall( voices->GetCount(&count), InitError);        for (int i =0; i< count; ++i) {            WCHAR * w_id = 0L;            CComPtr<ISpObjectToken> voice;            SysCall( voices->Next( 1, &voice, NULL ), InitError);            SysCall( voice->GetId(&w_id), InitError);            QString id = QString::fromWCharArray(w_id);            if (id == n.id) d->voice->SetVoice(voice);            voice.Release();        }    }    if (n.id.isEmpty())        throw InitError(Where+"No default voice in system");    d->name = n;    d->ptrs << this;}QtSpeech::~QtSpeech(){    d->ptrs.removeAll(this);    delete d;}const QtSpeech::VoiceName & QtSpeech::name() const {    return d->name;}QtSpeech::VoiceNames QtSpeech::voices(){    VoiceNames vs;    ULONG count = 0;    CComPtr<IEnumSpObjectTokens> voices;    CoInitialize(NULL);    SysCall( SpEnumTokens(SPCAT_VOICES, NULL, NULL, &voices), LogicError);    SysCall( voices->GetCount(&count), LogicError);    for(int i=0; i< count; ++i) {        WCHAR * w_id = 0L;        WCHAR * w_name = 0L;        CComPtr<ISpObjectToken> voice;        SysCall( voices->Next( 1, &voice, NULL ), LogicError);        SysCall( SpGetDescription(voice, &w_name), LogicError);        SysCall( voice->GetId(&w_id), LogicError);        QString id = QString::fromWCharArray(w_id);        QString name = QString::fromWCharArray(w_name);        VoiceName n = { id, name };        vs << n;        voice.Release();    }    return vs;}void QtSpeech::tell(QString text) const {    tell(text, 0L,0L);}void QtSpeech::tell(QString text, QObject * obj, const char * slot) const{    if (d->waitingFinish)        throw LogicError(Where+"Already waiting to finish speech");    d->onFinishObj = obj;    d->onFinishSlot = slot;    if (obj && slot)        connect(const_cast<QtSpeech *>(this), SIGNAL(finished()), obj, slot);    d->waitingFinish = true;    const_cast<QtSpeech *>(this)->startTimer(100);    Private::WCHAR_Holder w_text(text);    SysCall( d->voice->Speak( w_text.w, SPF_ASYNC | SPF_IS_NOT_XML, 0), LogicError);}void QtSpeech::say(QString text) const{    Private::WCHAR_Holder w_text(text);    SysCall( d->voice->Speak( w_text.w, SPF_IS_NOT_XML, 0), LogicError);}void QtSpeech::timerEvent(QTimerEvent * te){    QObject::timerEvent(te);    if (d->waitingFinish) {        SPVOICESTATUS es;        d->voice->GetStatus( &es, NULL );        if (es.dwRunningState == SPRS_DONE) {            d->waitingFinish = false;            killTimer(te->timerId());            finished();        }    }}/************************/void QtSpeech::pause(void) const{//暂停    SysCall( d->voice->Pause(), LogicError);}void QtSpeech::resume() const{//恢复    SysCall(d->voice->Resume(), LogicError);}void QtSpeech::stop() const{//停止    SysCall(d->voice->Speak(NULL, SPF_PURGEBEFORESPEAK, 0), LogicError)}/***************************///}



  1. 词典框架设计及成品展示
  2. 本地词典的设计
  3. 开始菜单的设计
  4. 无边框窗口的缩放与拖动
  5. 无边框窗口的拖动
  6. 界面美化设计
  7. 调用网络API
  8. 用户登录及API调用的实现
  9. JSON数据解析
  10. 国际音标的显示
  11. 系统托盘的显示
  12. 调用讲述人
  13. 音频播放
  14. 自动补全功能
  15. HTML特殊字符及正则表达式
  16. 后序



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