
来源:互联网 发布:java 防止 sql注入 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/12 22:22

Today I was participated in a activity called Banat Summer Hackathon in Timisoara. It is really cool event, that gathering around 30 hackers. And they switch the language from Romanian to English since I attend. 

I met many young and nice Romanian developers. They really have passion for coding and technology. I can feel the hacker sprit from them, because they have capability and ideas to solve problem with their code. And comparing with them, I am a little old and do not know so much things that the code can do.

Besides, I saw many cool devices like google glass,Sphero,Raspberry Pi b & b+,Drone and so on. We are trying to hack some of the devices now. I hope I can make some contributions for my team.

That's all for today. I may upload some pictures for this event later, because this whole weekend I'll be there.

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