UVa967 - Circular(线性法筛素数)

来源:互联网 发布:java餐厅订餐系统设计 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 14:51
A circular prime is a prime number that remains prime as each leftmost digit (most signi cant digit),
in turn, is moved to the right hand side. For instance, the number 19937 is a circular prime, since all
numbers in the sequence 19937, 99371, 93719, 37199 and 71993 are prime numbers. Your objective is
to write a program that, given a range, computes the number of circular primes in that range.
The input consists of a sequence of pairs of integers
, with one pair of integers per input line.
All integers will be less than 1,000,000 and greater or equal to 100. You can assume that in any pair
is lesser or equal than
. You should process all pairs of integers, and for each such pair, count the
number of circular primes between
, including
. Input is terminated by a line just with
the number `
For each pair of input integers, de ning a range, the output should be: `
No Circular Primes.
' (if
there are no circular primes in the range), `
1 Circular Prime.
' (if only one circular prime exists in
the range), or `
Circular Primes.
' (if there are
circular primes in the range, and
is greater than
1000 1100
100 120
100 1000
No Circular Primes.
1 Circular Prime.
12 Circular Primes.

用线性筛法求出1-1000000之间的素数,同时用f(x)表示从1到x之间满足条件的数的个数,其输出结果相当于f(b) - f(a - 1)

import java.io.FileInputStream;import java.io.InputStreamReader;import java.io.BufferedReader;import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;import java.io.PrintWriter;import java.io.StreamTokenizer;import java.util.ArrayList;public class Main {private static final boolean DEBUG = false;private static final int N = 1000001;private BufferedReader cin;private PrintWriter cout;private StreamTokenizer tokenizer;private int a, b;private boolean[] vis;private ArrayList<Integer> vPrime = new ArrayList<Integer>();private int[] f;public void init() {try {if (DEBUG) {cin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream("d:\\OJ\\uva_in.txt")));} else {cin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));}cout = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out));tokenizer = new StreamTokenizer(cin);preprocess();} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}}public String next(){ try {tokenizer.nextToken();if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) return null;else if (tokenizer.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) return String.valueOf((int)tokenizer.nval);else return tokenizer.sval;} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();return null;}}public boolean input() {a = Integer.parseInt(next());if (a == -1) return false;b = Integer.parseInt(next());return true;}private void preprocess(){vis = new boolean[N];vis[0] = vis[1] = true;for (int i = 2; i < N; i++) {if (!vis[i]) {vPrime.add(i);}for (int j = 0, size = vPrime.size(); j < size && vPrime.get(j) * i < N; j++) {int tmp = vPrime.get(j);vis[i * tmp] = true;if (i % tmp == 0) break;}}f = new int[N];f[0] = f[1] = 0;for (int i = 2; i < N; i++) {if (check(i)) {f[i] = f[i - 1] + 1;} else f[i] = f[i - 1];}}private boolean check(int num){String s = String.valueOf(num);int len = s.length();for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();sb.append(s.substring(i));sb.append(s.subSequence(0, i));int n = Integer.parseInt(sb.toString());if (vis[n]) return false;}return true;}public void solve() {int ans = f[b] - f[a - 1];if (ans == 0) cout.println("No Circular Primes.");else if (ans == 1) cout.println("1 Circular Prime.");else cout.println(ans + " Circular Primes.");cout.flush();}public static void main(String[] args) {Main solver = new Main();solver.init();while (solver.input()) {solver.solve();}}}

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