
来源:互联网 发布:中国网络什么时候墙的 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 00:18

Within two weeks will I go back to school. 

Today is also the date for me hand in a Java project. I think it is fun and the professor is pretty good. Most companies use Java as a background server language. It is quite reasonable because Java has a large community as support and many programmers available. Steve Jobs once criticized both Java and Flash for their efficiency and risks. He stated that Java is insecure therefore did not suggest Mac users to use it. However, every mac itself contains a Java Virtual Machine because a lot of websites require a Java platform to display. I start with Java as well and find it is a pretty heavy language. Different than Python and Ruby, Java has more strict rule for stating instances and main functions. So far I do not see serious risks of using Java. Many script programmers prefer Python. Using python is a bit slow. And the efficiency of using Java really depends on the speed of the JVM. There used to be a test comparing the speed of node.js, java, php, and python as server script. Node.js is the fastest among the four. And Java ranked the second. I don't think Java is slow, either. Because I believe that oracle and sun are companies capable of improving this language. 

Despite the good things about Java, I will build a small site with ruby on rails. The model-view-control pattern is widely used in rails. The MVC model makes it efficient for programmers to use. 

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