OC语法 子类与父类

来源:互联网 发布:中国网络什么时候墙的 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 21:45







////  main.m//  Test////  Created by apple  on 14-8-10.//  Copyright (c) 2014年. All rights reserved.//#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>#import "Human.h"#import "Student.h"int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {    @autoreleasepool {                Human *human = [[Human alloc]init];        Student *student = [[Student alloc]init];                Human *h1 = student;                [student print];                [student setAge:20];        [student setHeigt:168];        NSLog(@"height= %f,age = %d,h1:age=%d",[student Height],[student Age],[h1 Age]);                        [human print];        NSLog(@"height= %f,age = %d",[human Height],[human Age]);    }    return 0;}

2014-08-10 15:49:35.249 Test[29651:303] this is Student class:
2014-08-10 15:49:35.450 Test[29651:303] obtain height:use the method of Student!
2014-08-10 15:49:35.452 Test[29651:303] obtain age:use the method of Student!
2014-08-10 15:49:35.452 Test[29651:303] obtain age:use the method of Student!
2014-08-10 15:49:35.453 Test[29651:303] height= 168.000000,age = 20,h1:age=20
2014-08-10 15:49:35.453 Test[29651:303] this is Human class:
2014-08-10 15:49:35.454 Test[29651:303] obtain height:use the method of Human!
2014-08-10 15:49:35.455 Test[29651:303] obtain age:use the method of Human!
2014-08-10 15:49:35.455 Test[29651:303] height= 0.000000,age = 0
Program ended with exit code: 0

可以看出即使student对象对height和age设定了值,但NSLog(@"height= %f,age = %d",[human Height],[human Age]);

输出2014-08-10 15:49:35.454 Test[29651:303] obtain height:use the method of Human!
2014-08-10 15:49:35.455 Test[29651:303] obtain age:use the method of Human!
2014-08-10 15:49:35.455 Test[29651:303] height= 0.000000,age = 0

即父类的对象human还是调用的父类里的方法Height,而不是子类的。由于父类里并没有给height赋值因此,[human Height] height值为0.
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