poj 3057

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝客服电话人工接听 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 22:28



        简单来说,构图就是把人作为X集合中的点,把门和时间一起考虑,作为Y集合中的点,如果任何情况下人不能全被匹配,说明有一些人无法逃脱,否则肯定有一个最短时间能让所有人逃脱。而为了找到最短的时间,所以从时间1s开始,构出一个二分图,求最大匹配,如果能匹配所有的点,那么这就是最短的时间,否则时间自增1s,重新构图,再求最大匹配,再判断。如果超过时间上界,我的代码里取时间上界为n*m(n为行数,m为列数),那么则无法让所有人都逃脱。由于最大匹配算法可以从一个初始匹配开始运行,所以当我们在求时间为 t s二分图的最大匹配时,可以把 t-1 s时求得的最大匹配作为一个初始匹配。


       这题在《挑战程序设计竞赛》( 人民邮电出版社) P230也有详细解题过程,而我也是参考这个写这道题的,书中对于多维数组作为参数传递的方式上值得学习,虽然不能提高效率,但很简洁,下面的代码也有体现。


#include <cstdlib>#include <iostream>#include <queue>#include <vector>#define MAX 15#define INF (1<<30)using namespace std;//#define LOCALtypedef pair<int,int> pii;pii p[MAX*MAX],d[MAX*MAX];vector<int> G[MAX*MAX];const int dir[4][2]={{0,1},{0,-1},{1,0},{-1,0}};int dist[MAX][MAX][MAX][MAX],cx[MAX*MAX],cy[2*MAX*MAX*MAX];int n,m,cp,cd,ans;bool vis[2*MAX*MAX*MAX];char map[MAX][MAX];void bfs(int x,int y,int dist[MAX][MAX]){     int a,b,i;     queue<pii> qi;     pii tmp;         dist[x][y]=0;     qi.push(make_pair(x,y));     while(!qi.empty())     {         tmp=qi.front();         qi.pop();              for(i=0;i<4;i++)         {             a=dir[i][0]+tmp.first;             b=dir[i][1]+tmp.second;              if(a>=0&&a<n&&b>=0&&b<m&&map[a][b]=='.'&&dist[a][b]==-1)              {                 dist[a][b]=dist[tmp.first][tmp.second]+1;                 qi.push(make_pair(a,b));                                }                   }             }      }void add_edge(int a,int b){     G[a].push_back(b);}bool dfs(int u){     int i,v;     for(i=0;i<G[u].size();i++)     {         v=G[u][i];         if(!vis[v])         {             vis[v]=true;             if(cy[v]==-1||dfs(cy[v]))             {                 cx[u]=v;                 cy[v]=u;                 return true;                                  }                }                           }     return false;}void Hungary(int k){     int i,j;          for(i=0;i<cp;i++)     {         if(cx[i]==-1)         {             //memset(vis,false,sizeof(vis));             for(j=0;j<cd*k;j++) vis[j]=false;             if(dfs(i)) ans++;                  }                  } }int main(int argc, char *argv[]){#ifdef LOCAL    freopen("in.txt","r",stdin);    freopen("out.txt","w",stdout);#endif    int t,i,j,k;    scanf("%d",&t);    while(t--)    {        scanf("%d %d",&n,&m);           for(i=0;i<n;i++) scanf("%s",map[i]);         cp=cd=0;        memset(dist,-1,sizeof(dist));        for(i=0;i<n;i++)        {            for(j=0;j<m;j++)            {                if(map[i][j]=='.') p[cp++]=make_pair(i,j);                else if(map[i][j]=='D')                {                       d[cd++]=make_pair(i,j);                     bfs(i,j,dist[i][j]);                                                }                        }                    }         if(cp==0)        {            printf("0\n");            continue;             }        ans=0;        memset(cx,-1,sizeof(cx));        memset(cy,-1,sizeof(cy));                for(k=1;k<n*m;k++)        {            for(i=0;i<cp;i++)            {                for(j=0;j<cd;j++)                {                     if(dist[d[j].first][d[j].second][p[i].first][p[i].second]!=-1&&dist[d[j].first][d[j].second][p[i].first][p[i].second]<=k)                            add_edge(i,j+cd*(k-1));                         }                         }            Hungary(k);            if(ans==cp)            {                printf("%d\n",k);                  break;            }         }         if(k==n*m) printf("impossible\n");               for(i=0;i<cp;i++) G[i].clear();     }    system("PAUSE");    return EXIT_SUCCESS;}


Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K   


Fires can be disastrous, especially when a fire breaks out in a room that is completely filled with people. Rooms usually have a couple of exits and emergency exits, but with everyone rushing out at the same time, it may take a while for everyone to escape. 

You are given the floorplan of a room and must find out how much time it will take for everyone to get out. Rooms consist of obstacles and walls, which are represented on the map by an 'X', empty squares, represented by a '.' and exit doors, which are represented by a 'D'. The boundary of the room consists only of doors and walls, and there are no doors inside the room. The interior of the room contains at least one empty square. 

Initially, there is one person on every empty square in the room and these persons should move to a door to exit. They can move one square per second to the North, South, East or West. While evacuating, multiple persons can be on a single square. The doors are narrow, however, and only one person can leave through a door per second. 

What is the minimal time necessary to evacuate everybody? A person is evacuated at the moment he or she enters a door square.


The first line of the input contains a single number: the number of test cases to follow. Each test case has the following format: 
One line with two integers Y and X, separated by a single space, satisfying 3 <= Y, X <= 12: the size of the room 
Y lines with X characters, each character being either 'X', '.', or 'D': a valid description of a room


For every test case in the input, the output should contain a single line with the minimal evacuation time in seconds, if evacuation is possible, or "impossible", if it is not. 

Sample Input


Sample Output


0 0