webgl photo box

来源:互联网 发布:如何有刘诗诗气质知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/02 04:45


<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en">    <head>        <meta charset="utf-8">        <title>welcome to webgl chapter2.1</title><script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/three.js/r68/three.min.js"></script>        <script type="text/javascript">        var renderer = null,        scene=null,        camera=null,        cube=null,        cubea=null,        animating=false;        function onload(){        //抓取作为Canvas容器的<div>标签        var container = document.getElementById("container");        //创建Three.js渲染器,并添加到<div>标签中        renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer( {antialias: true} );        renderer.setSize(container.offsetWidth,container.offsetHeight)        container.appendChild(renderer.domElement);        //创建Three.js场景        scene = new THREE.Scene();                //创建相机,并添加到场景中。        camera=new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 45, container.offsetWidth/container.offsetHeight, 1, 4000 );        camera.position.set(0,0,3);        //创建一个平行光光源照射到物体上。        var light = new THREE.DirectionalLight( 0xffffff,1.5 );        light.position.set(0,0,1);        scene.add(light);        //创建一个接受光照并带有纹理映射的立方体,并添加到场景中        //首先,创建一个带纹理映射的立方体。        var mapUrl="http://sandbox.runjs.cn/uploads/rs/471/kdnkkh9t/rocy.hou.jpg";        var map = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture(mapUrl);        //创建一个接受光照并带有纹理映射的立方体,并添加到场景中        //首先,创建一个带纹理映射的立方体。        var mapUrla="http://sandbox.runjs.cn/uploads/rs/471/kdnkkh9t/joe1.jpg";        var mapa = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture(mapUrla);        //然后创建一个Phong材质来处理着色,并传递给纹理映射。        var material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( {map:map} );        //然后创建一个Phong材质来处理着色,并传递给纹理映射。        var materiala = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( {map:mapa} );        //创建一个立方体的几何体        var geometry = new THREE.CubeGeometry( 1, 1, 1 );        //创建一个立方体的几何体        var geometrya = new THREE.CubeGeometry( 1, 1, 1 );        //将几何体和材质放到一个网格中        cube = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);        cube.position.set(-1.5,0,0);        //将几何体和材质放到一个网格中        cubea = new THREE.Mesh(geometrya, materiala);        cubea.position.set(1.5,0,0);    //设置网格在场景中的朝向,否则我们将不会看到立方体的形状。        cube.rotation.x=Math.PI /5;        cube.rotation.y=Math.PI/5;    //设置网格在场景中的朝向,否则我们将不会看到立方体的形状。        cubea.rotation.x=Math.PI /5;        cubea.rotation.y=Math.PI /5;        //将立方体网格添加到场景中        scene.add(cube);        //将立方体网格添加到场景中        scene.add(cubea);        //添加处理鼠标事件的函数,用于控制动画的开关。        addMouseHandler();        //运行渲染循环        run();        }/*    function onload(){// Grab our container div        var container = document.getElementById("container");        // Create the Three.js renderer, add it to our div    renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true } );    renderer.setSize(container.offsetWidth, container.offsetHeight);    container.appendChild( renderer.domElement );    // Create a new Three.js scene    scene = new THREE.Scene();    // Put in a camera        camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 45, container.offsetWidth / container.offsetHeight, 1, 4000 );        camera.position.set( 0, 0, 3 );        // Create a directional light to show off the objectvar light = new THREE.DirectionalLight( 0xffffff, 1.5);light.position.set(0, 0, 1);scene.add( light );        // Create a shaded, texture-mapped cube and add it to the scene        // First, create the texture map        var mapUrl = "./images/rocy1.jpg";        var map = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture(mapUrl);                // Now, create a Phong material to show shading; pass in the map        var material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ map: map });        // Create the cube geometry        var geometry = new THREE.CubeGeometry(1, 1, 1);        // And put the geometry and material together into a mesh        cube = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);        // Turn it toward the scene, or we won't see the cube shape!        cube.rotation.x = Math.PI / 5;        cube.rotation.y = Math.PI / 5;        // Add the cube to our scene        scene.add(cube);        // Add a mouse up handler to toggle the animation        addMouseHandler();        // Run our render loop        run();}*/        function run(){        //渲染场景        renderer.render(scene,camera);        //在下一帧中旋转立方体        if(animating){        cube.rotation.y-=0.01;        cubea.rotation.y+=0.01;        }        //在另一帧中回调        requestAnimationFrame(run);        }        function addMouseHandler(){        var dom = renderer.domElement;        dom.addEventListener('mouseup',onMouseUp,false);        }        function onMouseUp(event){        event.preventDefault();        animating= !animating;        }        </script>    </head>    <body onload="onload()" style="">    <center><h1>Rocy and Joe!</h1></center>    <div id="container" style="width:95%; height:80%;position:absolute;"></div>    <div id="prompt" style="width:95%; height:6%;bottom:0;position:absolute;">    Click to animate the cube    </div>    </body></html>


/** * Provides requestAnimationFrame in a cross browser way. * http://paulirish.com/2011/requestanimationframe-for-smart-animating/ */if ( !window.requestAnimationFrame ) {window.requestAnimationFrame = ( function() {return window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||function( /* function FrameRequestCallback */ callback, /* DOMElement Element */ element ) {window.setTimeout( callback, 1000 / 60 );};} )();}


* {    font-family: Arial;    font-style: italic;}body {background-color:#eeeeee;color:#212121;}#container {z-index:-1;background-color:#eeeeee;}

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