
来源:互联网 发布:美工是干嘛的 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/15 18:18
#ifndef _NODE_H_#define _NODE_H_typedef struct _node{int data;struct _node *next; //next是一个Node型的指针。 }Node;void add(Node**, int);void show(Node*);void find(Node*, int);void deleteNode(Node**, int);void destroyList(Node*);#endif
</pre><pre code_snippet_id="463884" snippet_file_name="blog_20140904_1_885337" name="code" class="cpp">#include <iostream>#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include "linkedlist.h"using namespace std;//typedef struct node_{//int data;//struct node_ *next;//}Node;int main(int argc, char** argv) {int num;Node* head = NULL; //head 是一个Node型的指针, 起初指向NULL. //作用类似于链表的初始化; do{scanf("%d", &num);if(num != -1) {add(&head, num);//只有传入head的指针,才能对head进行修改。//head本身就是指针了,所以我们传入一个指针的指针; }}while (num != -1);show (head);cout << "Please input the data you want to find: " << endl;int number;cin >> number;find (head, number);cout << "Please input the data you want to delete: " << endl;int number1;cin >> number1;deleteNode(&head, number1);show(head);destroyList(head);cout << "after the free of the whole list, the list now is: "show(head);return 0;}void add(Node** pHead, int num)//pHead是head的指针。传入head, 此时*pHead就是head; {/***********************新创建一个Node*************************/Node* p = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));//p是一个Node指针,//p指向一片新开辟的空间,该空间是Node大小. p->data = num;p->next = NULL;//因为是最新开辟的一个Node,所以将该Node放到链表的末尾。/*********************找到最后的那个Node***************************/Node* last = *pHead;//从链表头开始遍历;if (last != NULL)//如果head不是NULL,说明链表非空的。那么就从头找到链表的尾巴。 {while(last->next){last = last->next;}/****************把新建立的Node链接到链表的尾巴上*********************/last->next = p; //next也是一个Node型的指针。}/****************如果链表还是空的***********************/else {*pHead = p;}}void show(Node* head){cout <<"the linked list is: "<<endl;for(Node *p = head; p; p = p->next)cout << p->data << " ";cout << endl;}void find(Node *head, int number){int flag = 0;for (Node *p = head; p; p = p->next){if (p->data == number){flag = 1;cout << "we've found the number "<< number << endl;}}if (flag == 0)cout << " we cannot find the number " << number << endl;}void deleteNode(Node** pHead, int number)//我们有对head进行修改,需要传入head的指针 {int flag = 0;Node* previous;Node* p;for (previous = NULL, p = *pHead; p; previous = p, p = p->next){if (p->data == number){flag = 1;if (previous)//如果previous指针非空的话 previous->next = p->next;else*pHead = p->next;free(p);cout << "Deletion is successful" << endl;break;}}if (flag == 0)cout << "We can't find the number you want to delete." << endl;}void destroyList(Node *head){Node *p, *q;for (p = head; p; p = q){q = p->next;free(p);}}

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