RailsCasts32 Time in Text Field 时间类型的输入域

来源:互联网 发布:w7计算机mac地址怎么查 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 10:14
The tasks index page.

Above is an application that displays a list of tasks. Clicking on the edit link for a task takes us to the edit page for that task. The edit page uses the datetime_select helper method to render the tasks as a list of drop down lists.

The edit page for a task.



<h1>Edit Task</h1><% form_for @task do |form| %><ol class="formList">  <li>    <%= form.label :name, "Name" %>    <%= form.text_field :name %>  </li>  <li>    <%= form.label :due_at_string, "Due at" %>    <%= form.text_field :due_at_string %>  </li>  <li>    <%= submit_tag "Edit task" %>  </li></ol><% end %>


class Task < ActiveRecord::Base  belongs_to :project  validates_presence_of :name  def due_at_string    due_at.to_s(:db)  end  def due_at_string=(due_at_str)    self.due_at = Time.parse(due_at_str)  endend


有时需要比Time.parse 提供更多功能的函数,可使用Chronic gem,Task模型中添加的代码如下:

require 'chronic'
def due_at_string=(due_at_str)    self.due_at = Chronic.parse(due_at_str)  end


如果传入一个不能解析的字符串,Chronic将返回nil。Time.parse将抛出 ArgumentError 异常 .显然,需向setter中添加rescue。我们将向类中加入一个实例变量,如果存入数据库中时抛出异常,则置为true;添加validate方法,当time不能被解析时,将向task中添加一个error。

def due_at_string=(due_at_str)  self.due_at = Time.parse(due_at_str)rescue ArgumentError  @due_at_invalid = trueenddef validate  errors.add(:due_at, "is invalid") if @due_at_invalidend

If we try to pass an invalid date now, the error will be caught and added to the model’s list of errors. It’s worth noting that Time.parse will replace missing or completely invalid parts of the string passed with the equivalent part from Time.now, so if we pass a completely invalid value like "Hello, world!" the due date will be set to the current time. An exception will only be raised if an invalid date such as "32-12-2009" is passed.

The edit page will now show an error if an invalid date is passed.

We now have a much better way of inputting dates and times into Rails applications. Whether we choose to use the Chronic gem or the built-in time parsing methods we can handle a wide range of date formats from user input.

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