
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝店如何提高销量 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/02 04:52
/*prime : 素数、质数Get all the primes less than a known number N.*///main#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <cmath>#include "BinaryTree.h"using namespace std;int main(){BinaryTree bt( 12 );bt.insert( 2 );bt.insert( 10 );bt.insert(20);bt.insert(13);bt.print();cout << "maxdiff:" << bt.getMaxDiff() << endl;cout << bt.contains(103)<<endl;bt.remove(20);bt.print(); return 0;}//binarythree.hclass BinaryTree{struct  BinaryNode{int data;BinaryNode * left;BinaryNode * right;BinaryNode( const int & d, BinaryNode * lt, BinaryNode * rt ):data( d ), left( lt ), right( rt ){}BinaryNode(){}};BinaryNode * first;void insert( BinaryNode * & p, const int & d );void print( BinaryNode * p );int getMaxDiff( BinaryNode * p ,int & max, int & min );bool contains( BinaryNode * p, const int & i , bool & flag ) const;void remove( BinaryNode * & p, const int & i );BinaryNode * findMin( BinaryNode * p );public:BinaryTree(void);BinaryTree(int);~BinaryTree(void);void insert( const int );void print();int BinaryTree::getMaxDiff( );bool contains( const int & i ) const;void remove( const int & i );};//binarythree.cpp#include "BinaryTree.h"#include <iostream>using namespace std;BinaryTree::BinaryTree(void){first = NULL;}BinaryTree::BinaryTree( int d ){first = new BinaryNode( d, NULL, NULL );/*first = new BinaryNode;first->data = d;first->left = NULL;first->right = NULL;*/}BinaryTree::~BinaryTree(void){delete first;}int BinaryTree::getMaxDiff( ){if ( first == NULL )return 0;else{int max = first->data;int min = first->data;//int x = getMaxDiff( first, max, min );//cout << "max: " << max <<"  min : "<< min << endl;//return x;return getMaxDiff( first, max, min );}}int BinaryTree::getMaxDiff( BinaryNode * p, int & max, int & min ){if ( p == NULL )return 0;if( p->data < min )min = p->data;else if ( p->data  > max )max = p->data;getMaxDiff( p->left, max, min );getMaxDiff( p->right, max, min );return abs( max-min );}void BinaryTree::insert( const int d ){insert( first, d );}void BinaryTree::insert( BinaryNode * & p, const int & d )  //这里用引用,使得p的地址改变也可以引起调用实参所对应的地址的改变..{if ( p == NULL )p = new BinaryNode( d, NULL, NULL );else if ( d < p->data )insert( p->left , d );else if( d > p->data )insert( p->right , d );else;}void BinaryTree::print(){if( first == NULL ){cout << "The tree is empty." << endl;return ;}elseprint( first );}void BinaryTree::print( BinaryNode * p ){if( p == NULL )return;elsecout << p->data << " ";print( p->left );print( p->right );}bool BinaryTree::contains( BinaryNode * p, const int & i ,bool & flag ) const{/*二叉查找树操作方法if ( p == NULL )return false;else if ( p->data < i )return contains( p->right, i );else if ( p->data > i )return contains( p->left, i );else return true;  //一旦 执行这句,就直接调用结束,即使 返回上层调用函数..*///二叉树操作方法if ( p == NULL ){return false;}else if ( p->data == i ){flag = true;return true;}else{contains( p->left, i, flag );contains( p->right, i, flag );}return flag;}bool BinaryTree::contains( const int & i ) const{bool flag = false;return contains( first , i, flag  );}void BinaryTree::remove( const int & i ){remove( first, i );}void BinaryTree::remove( BinaryNode * & p, const int & i ){//二叉树操作if ( p == NULL )return; //Item not found; do nothingif ( p->data != i){remove( p->left, i );remove( p->right, i );}//二叉查找树操作时,上段改成/*if( i < p->data )remove( p->left, i );else if( i > p->data )remove( p->right, i );*/else if ( p->left != NULL && p->right != NULL ) //Two Children{p->data = findMin( p->right )->data;remove( p->right, p->data );}else{BinaryNode * oldNode = p;p = ( p->left != NULL )? p->left : p->right;delete oldNode;}}BinaryTree::BinaryNode * BinaryTree::findMin( BinaryNode * p )  //开头一定要加BinaryTree::,因为BinaryNode是定义在该类中的{if ( p != NULL ){while ( p->left != NULL ){p = p->left;}return p;}}//binaryheap.main.cpp#include <vector>#include <iostream>#include "BinaryHeap.h"using namespace std;template < class T >void print( const vector< T > & myvec ){for ( int i = 0; i < (int)myvec.size(); i++ ){cout << myvec[i]<<"*";}cout << endl;}int main(){vector< int > a(4,100);print( a );vector< int >b( a.size()+10 ,99);print( b );cout << b.size()<<endl;b.push_back(12);print( b );cout << b.size()<<endl;BinaryHeap bh( b );bh.print();bh.deleteMin();bh.print();BinaryHeap bh2;bh2.insert(12);bh2.print();bh2.deleteMin();bh2.print();//bh.insert(12);//bh.print();return 0;}//binaryheap.h#pragma once#include <vector>using namespace std;//最小堆class BinaryHeap{int CurrentSize;  //array的size必须比currentsize大1.大多少可以自定义。vector< int > array;  //vector是属于std的名字空间,所以要在开头写using namespace std;void buildHeap();void percolateDown( int hole );public:BinaryHeap(void);BinaryHeap( const vector< int > & items );~BinaryHeap(void);void insert( const int & x ); void print();void deleteMin();};//binaryheap.cpp#include "BinaryHeap.h"#include <iostream>BinaryHeap::BinaryHeap(void){CurrentSize = 0;array.resize(1); //优先队列从下标1开始存储//array.reserve(100);}BinaryHeap::BinaryHeap( const vector< int > & items ):array( items.size()+10 ), CurrentSize( int(items.size()) ){cout<<CurrentSize<<" "<<array.size()<<endl;for ( int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++ )array[ i + 1 ] = items[ i ];buildHeap();}BinaryHeap::~BinaryHeap(void){}void BinaryHeap::insert( const int & x ){if ( CurrentSize == array.size()-1 )array.resize( array.size() * 2 );// percolate upint hole = ++CurrentSize;for ( ; hole > 1 && x < array[ hole/2 ]; hole /= 2 )array[ hole ] = array[ hole/2 ];array[ hole ] = x;}void BinaryHeap::print(){for ( int i = 1; i < CurrentSize+1; i++ ){cout << array[ i ] << " ";}cout << endl;}void BinaryHeap::percolateDown( int hole ){int child;int tmp = array[ hole ];for ( ; hole * 2 <= CurrentSize; hole = child ){child = hole * 2; //left childif( child != CurrentSize && array[ child + 1] < array[ child ] ) //取左右儿子中较小的那个的下标。最小堆child++;if ( array[ child ] < tmp ) //子结点的值比较小,上移到hole中array[ hole ] = array[ child ];elsebreak;}array[ hole ] = tmp;}void BinaryHeap::deleteMin(){if ( CurrentSize ){array[ 1 ] = array[ CurrentSize-- ];percolateDown( 1 );}}void BinaryHeap::buildHeap(){for ( int i = CurrentSize/2; i > 0; i-- ) //从堆的倒数第二层开始上滤percolateDown( i );}//数字计算相关/*把中缀(infix)表达式改为后缀(suffix)表达式and compute the result of the expression.*/#include <iostream>#include <stack>#include <string>#include <sstream>#include <vector>#include <map>using namespace std;int compute( const int & a, const int & b , const char & op ){switch( op ){case '*' : return a*b;case '/' : return a/b;case '+' : return a+b;case '-' : return a-b;default : return 0;}}bool LessPriority( const char & op1, const char & op2 ){map< char ,int > Priority;Priority[ '+' ] = 0 ;Priority[ '-' ] = 0 ;Priority[ '*' ] = 1  ;Priority[ '/' ] = 1 ;if ( Priority[ op1 ] < Priority[ op2] )return true;elsereturn false;}template < class T >string infixTosuffix( const string & str ){}int main(){string infix( "1+2*3-4/5-8" );cout << infix << endl;string suffix;istringstream inbuf( infix );ostringstream outbuf( suffix );//stringstream outbuf( suffix, stringstream::in | stringstream::out );stack<char> chstack;stack< int > result; //used to compute the resultint i, num1, num2;char ch, op;inbuf >> i;outbuf << i;//Once push a number into the outbuf, push it into the result stack too.result.push( i );while( inbuf >> ch ){//If the top element's priority of stack is less than ch's, then push the ch; //or, pop the top elements until its priority is not less than ch, and push ch.while( !chstack.empty() && !LessPriority( chstack.top(), ch ) ){outbuf << chstack.top();op = chstack.top();chstack.pop();//Once push an operator into the outbuf, compute the result.num2 = result.top(); result.pop();num1 = result.top(); result.pop();num1 = compute( num1 , num2, op );result.push( num1 );}chstack.push( ch );inbuf >> i;outbuf << i;//Once push a number into the outbuf, push it into the result stack too.result.push( i );}while( !chstack.empty() )//if the stack is not empty, pop all the elements.{outbuf << chstack.top();op = chstack.top();chstack.pop();//Once push an operator into the outbuf, compute the result.num2 = result.top(); result.pop();num1 = result.top(); result.pop();num1 = compute( num1 , num2, op );result.push( num1 );}suffix = outbuf.str(); cout << suffix <<endl;//Pop the only one number in the result stack and print it.cout << "The size of the result stack: " << ( int )result.size() <<endl ;cout << "The result: " << result.top() <<endl;return 0;}

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