
来源:互联网 发布:mac口红专柜多少钱一支 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 12:40





The method setDataSource(Context context, Uri uri, Map<String, String> headers) has been included in the SDK (marked as @hide) for quite a long time (at least since Froyo 2.2.x, API Level 8), check out the change history:

API Extension: Support for optionally specifying a map of extra request headers when specifying the uri of media data to be played

And has been unhidden and open to public since Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.x, API Level 14:

Unhide MediaPlayer's setDataSource method that takes optional http headers to be passed to the server


Prior to Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.x, API Level 14, we can use reflection call this hide API:

Uri uri = Uri.parse(path);Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();headers.put("key1", "value1");headers.put("key2", "value2");mMediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer();// Use java reflection call the hide API:Method method = mMediaPlayer.getClass().getMethod("setDataSource", new Class[] { Context.class, Uri.class, Map.class });method.invoke(mMediaPlayer, new Object[] {this, uri, headers});mMediaPlayer.setAudioStreamType(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC);mMediaPlayer.prepareAsync();... ...


I am building an audio streaming android application using MediaPlayer.

I setup the stream to play using:


Using this syntax the user agent in HTTP header is Dalvik 1.6.0

I tried to update the http user-agent header using:

Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();headers.put("User-Agent", "My custom User Agent name");mMediaPlayer.setDataSource(getApplicationContext(), finalUri, headers);

查看 4.2.2)

    /**     * Sets the data source as a content Uri.     *     * @param context the Context to use when resolving the Uri     * @param uri the Content URI of the data you want to play     * @param headers the headers to be sent together with the request for the data     * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called in an invalid state     */    public void setDataSource(Context context, Uri uri, Map<String, String> headers)        throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, SecurityException, IllegalStateException {                if (headers != null && headers.size() > 0){                        IWindowManager mWindowManager = IWindowManager.Stub.asInterface(                ServiceManager.getService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE));                try{                        Log.d("Hery", "setDataSource sys.html5.local true, run http");                        mWindowManager.setSystemProp("sys.html5.local","true");                } catch (RemoteException ex) {                        ex.printStackTrace();                }                }else{                        IWindowManager mWindowManager = IWindowManager.Stub.asInterface(                ServiceManager.getService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE));                try{                        Log.d("Hery", "setDataSource sys.html5.local false, run local");                        mWindowManager.setSystemProp("sys.html5.local","false");                } catch (RemoteException ex) {                        ex.printStackTrace();                }                }        String scheme = uri.getScheme();        if(scheme == null || scheme.equals("file")) {            setDataSource(uri.getPath());            return;        }        AssetFileDescriptor fd = null;        try {            ContentResolver resolver = context.getContentResolver();            fd = resolver.openAssetFileDescriptor(uri, "r");            if (fd == null) {                return;            }            // Note: using getDeclaredLength so that our behavior is the same            // as previous versions when the content provider is returning            // a full file.            if (fd.getDeclaredLength() < 0) {                setDataSource(fd.getFileDescriptor());            } else {                setDataSource(fd.getFileDescriptor(), fd.getStartOffset(), fd.getDeclaredLength());            }            return;        } catch (SecurityException ex) {        } catch (IOException ex) {        } finally {            if (fd != null) {                fd.close();            }        }        Log.d(TAG, "Couldn't open file on client side, trying server side");        setDataSource(uri.toString(), headers);        return;    }

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