
来源:互联网 发布:国企私有化 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 00:53




复制ucgui3.98\Micrium\Software\uC-GUI\Start\GUI目录下的各目录到工程中,并把GUI的各文件添加到工程中,并加入Include Path中,其中GUI_X目录复制ucgui3.98\Micrium\Software\uC-GUI\Sample\GUI_X目录下的GUI_X_Touch.c和GUI_X_uCOS.c

另需要把ucgui3.98\Micrium\Software\uC-GUI\Start\Config目录复制到工程中并添加到Include Path下





先肯定是修改BSP.c文件,BSP_Init方法中加上调用 FSMC_LCD_Init();

void FSMC_LCD_Init(void){FSMC_NORSRAMInitTypeDef  FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure;FSMC_NORSRAMTimingInitTypeDef  p;GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;    RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHBPeriph_FSMC, ENABLE);   RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOA | RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOB | RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOC | RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOD | RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOE , ENABLE);  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_13;GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_Out_PP;GPIO_Init(GPIOD, &GPIO_InitStructure);GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_1;GPIO_Init(GPIOE, &GPIO_InitStructure);      // ¸´Óö˿ÚΪFSMC½Ó¿Ú FSMC-D0--D15GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_0 | GPIO_Pin_1 | GPIO_Pin_4 | GPIO_Pin_5 |GPIO_Pin_8 | GPIO_Pin_9 | GPIO_Pin_10 | GPIO_Pin_14 | GPIO_Pin_15;GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP;GPIO_Init(GPIOD, &GPIO_InitStructure);   GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_7 | GPIO_Pin_8 | GPIO_Pin_9 | GPIO_Pin_10 |GPIO_Pin_11 | GPIO_Pin_12 | GPIO_Pin_13 | GPIO_Pin_14 |GPIO_Pin_15;GPIO_Init(GPIOE, &GPIO_InitStructure);    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_7; GPIO_Init(GPIOD, &GPIO_InitStructure);GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_11 ; GPIO_Init(GPIOD, &GPIO_InitStructure); GPIO_SetBits(GPIOD, GPIO_Pin_13);           //LCD±³¹â´ò¿ªp.FSMC_AddressSetupTime = 0x02;p.FSMC_AddressHoldTime = 0x00;p.FSMC_DataSetupTime = 0x05;p.FSMC_BusTurnAroundDuration = 0x00;p.FSMC_CLKDivision = 0x00;p.FSMC_DataLatency = 0x00;p.FSMC_AccessMode = FSMC_AccessMode_B;FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure.FSMC_Bank = FSMC_Bank1_NORSRAM1;FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure.FSMC_DataAddressMux = FSMC_DataAddressMux_Disable;FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure.FSMC_MemoryType = FSMC_MemoryType_NOR;FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure.FSMC_MemoryDataWidth = FSMC_MemoryDataWidth_16b;FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure.FSMC_BurstAccessMode = FSMC_BurstAccessMode_Disable;FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure.FSMC_WaitSignalPolarity = FSMC_WaitSignalPolarity_Low;FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure.FSMC_WrapMode = FSMC_WrapMode_Disable;FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure.FSMC_WaitSignalActive = FSMC_WaitSignalActive_BeforeWaitState;FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure.FSMC_WriteOperation = FSMC_WriteOperation_Enable;FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure.FSMC_WaitSignal = FSMC_WaitSignal_Disable;FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure.FSMC_ExtendedMode = FSMC_ExtendedMode_Disable;FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure.FSMC_WriteBurst = FSMC_WriteBurst_Disable;FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure.FSMC_ReadWriteTimingStruct = &p;FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure.FSMC_WriteTimingStruct = &p;FSMC_NORSRAMInit(&FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure); /* Enable FSMC Bank1_SRAM Bank */FSMC_NORSRAMCmd(FSMC_Bank1_NORSRAM1, ENABLE);}


#include "lcddriver.h"#define Bank1_LCD_D    ((uint32_t)0x60020000)    //ÏÔʾÇøÊý¾ÝµØÖ·  #define Bank1_LCD_C    ((uint32_t)0x60000000) //ÏÔʾÇøÖ¸ÁîµØÖ·void Delay(__IO uint32_t nCount){  for(; nCount != 0; nCount--);}void LCD_WR_CMD(unsigned int index,unsigned int val){*(__IO uint16_t *) (Bank1_LCD_C)= index;*(__IO uint16_t *) (Bank1_LCD_D)= val;}//д16λÏñËØÊý¾Ýº¯Êývoid    LCD_WR_Data(unsigned int val){   *(__IO uint16_t *) (Bank1_LCD_D)= val; }void LCD_Init_realize(void){unsigned int i;GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOE, GPIO_Pin_1);  //Ó²¼þ¸´Î»Delay(0x1AFFf);   GPIO_SetBits(GPIOE, GPIO_Pin_1 ); Delay(0x1AFFf);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0000, 0x00000);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0000, 0x00000);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0000, 0x00000);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0000, 0x00000);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0400, 0x06200);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0008, 0x00808);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0300, 0x00C00);//gammaLCD_WR_CMD(0x0301, 0x05A0B);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0302, 0x00906);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0303, 0x01017);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0304, 0x02300);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0305, 0x01700);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0306, 0x06309);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0307, 0x00C09);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0308, 0x0100C);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0309, 0x02232);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0010, 0x00016);//69.5HzLCD_WR_CMD(0x0011, 0x00101);//LCD_WR_CMD(0x0012, 0x00000);//LCD_WR_CMD(0x0013, 0x00001);//LCD_WR_CMD(0x0100, 0x00330);//BT,APLCD_WR_CMD(0x0101, 0x00237);//DC0,DC1,VCLCD_WR_CMD(0x0103, 0x00F00);//VDVLCD_WR_CMD(0x0280, 0x06100);//VCMLCD_WR_CMD(0x0102, 0x0C1B0);//VRH,VCMR,PSON,PONLCD_WR_CMD(0x0001, 0x00100);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0002, 0x00100);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0003, 0x01030);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0009, 0x00001);LCD_WR_CMD(0x000C, 0x00000);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0090, 0x08000);LCD_WR_CMD(0x000F, 0x00000);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0210, 0x00000);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0211, 0x000EF);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0212, 0x00000);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0213, 0x0018F);//432=1AF, 400=18FLCD_WR_CMD(0x0500, 0x00000);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0501, 0x00000);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0502, 0x0005F);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0401, 0x00001);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0404, 0x00000);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0007, 0x00100);//BASEELCD_WR_CMD(0x0200, 0x00000);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0201, 0x00000);LCD_WR_CMD(0x200, 0);LCD_WR_CMD(0x201, 0);*(__IO uint16_t *) (Bank1_LCD_C)= 0x202; //×¼±¸Ð´Êý¾ÝÏÔʾÇøfor(i=0;i<96000;i++){LCD_WR_Data(0xffff); //ÓúÚÉ«ÇåÆÁ}  }void LCD_WR_REG(unsigned int index){*(__IO uint16_t *) (Bank1_LCD_C)= index;}unsigned int LCD_RD_data(void){unsigned int a=0;a=*(__IO uint16_t *) (Bank1_LCD_D);   //¿Õ²Ù×÷a=*(__IO uint16_t *) (Bank1_LCD_D);   //¶Á³öµÄʵ¼Ê16λÏñËØÊý¾Ý  return(a);}void lcd_SetPoint(u16 StartX,u16 StartY,u16 Color){LCD_WR_CMD(0x0003,0x1018);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0210, StartY);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0211, StartY);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0212, 399-StartX);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0213, 399-StartX);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0200, StartY);LCD_WR_CMD(0x0201, 399-StartX);LCD_WR_REG(0x0202);LCD_WR_Data(Color);}void GUI_Line(u16 x0,u16 y0,u16 x1,u16 y1,u16 color){ u16 x,y; u16 dx;// = abs(x1 - x0); u16 dy;// = abs(y1 - y0);if(y0==y1){if(x0<=x1){x=x0;}else{x=x1;x1=x0;}  while(x <= x1)  {   lcd_SetPoint(x,y0,color);   x++;  }  return;}else if(y0>y1){dy=y0-y1;}else{dy=y1-y0;}  if(x0==x1){if(y0<=y1){y=y0;}else{y=y1;y1=y0;}  while(y <= y1)  {   lcd_SetPoint(x0,y,color);   y++;  }  return;}else if(x0 > x1) {dx=x0-x1;  x = x1;  x1 = x0;  y = y1;  y1 = y0; } else {dx=x1-x0;  x = x0;  y = y0; } if(dx == dy) {  while(x <= x1)  {   x++;if(y>y1){y--;}else{   y++;}   lcd_SetPoint(x,y,color);  } } else { lcd_SetPoint(x, y, color);  if(y < y1)  {   if(dx > dy)   {    s16 p = dy * 2 - dx;    s16 twoDy = 2 * dy;    s16 twoDyMinusDx = 2 * (dy - dx);    while(x < x1)    {     x++;     if(p < 0)     {      p += twoDy;     }     else     {      y++;      p += twoDyMinusDx;     }     lcd_SetPoint(x, y,color);    }   }   else   {    s16 p = dx * 2 - dy;    s16 twoDx = 2 * dx;    s16 twoDxMinusDy = 2 * (dx - dy);    while(y < y1)    {     y++;     if(p < 0)     {      p += twoDx;     }     else     {      x++;      p+= twoDxMinusDy;     }     lcd_SetPoint(x, y, color);    }   }  }  else  {   if(dx > dy)   {    s16 p = dy * 2 - dx;    s16 twoDy = 2 * dy;    s16 twoDyMinusDx = 2 * (dy - dx);    while(x < x1)    {     x++;     if(p < 0)     {      p += twoDy;     }     else     {      y--;      p += twoDyMinusDx;     }     lcd_SetPoint(x, y,color);    }   }   else   {    s16 p = dx * 2 - dy;    s16 twoDx = 2 * dx;    s16 twoDxMinusDy = 2 * (dx - dy);    while(y1 < y)    {     y--;     if(p < 0)     {      p += twoDx;     }     else     {      x++;      p+= twoDxMinusDy;     }     lcd_SetPoint(x, y,color);    }   }  } }}void DrawBitLine1BPP(int x, int y, u8 const*p, int Diff, int xsize, const LCD_PIXELINDEX*pTrans){  LCD_PIXELINDEX pixels;  LCD_PIXELINDEX Index0 = *(pTrans+0);  LCD_PIXELINDEX Index1 = *(pTrans+1);/*// Jump to right entry point*/  pixels = *p;  switch (GUI_Context.DrawMode & (LCD_DRAWMODE_TRANS|LCD_DRAWMODE_XOR)) {  case 0:    #if defined (SETNEXTPIXEL)   /* Optimization ! */      x+=Diff;      ili9320_SetCursor(x,y);    #endif    switch (Diff&7) {    case 0:         goto WriteBit0;    case 1:         goto WriteBit1;    case 2:      goto WriteBit2;    case 3:      goto WriteBit3;    case 4:      goto WriteBit4;    case 5:         goto WriteBit5;    case 6:         goto WriteBit6;    case 7:         goto WriteBit7;    }    break;  case LCD_DRAWMODE_TRANS:    switch (Diff&7) {    case 0:      goto WriteTBit0;    case 1:      goto WriteTBit1;    case 2:      goto WriteTBit2;    case 3:      goto WriteTBit3;    case 4:      goto WriteTBit4;    case 5:         goto WriteTBit5;    case 6:         goto WriteTBit6;    case 7:         goto WriteTBit7;    }    break;  case LCD_DRAWMODE_XOR:    switch (Diff&7) {    case 0:         goto WriteXBit0;    case 1:         goto WriteXBit1;    case 2:      goto WriteXBit2;    case 3:      goto WriteXBit3;    case 4:      goto WriteXBit4;    case 5:         goto WriteXBit5;    case 6:         goto WriteXBit6;    case 7:         goto WriteXBit7;    }  }/*        Write with transparency*/  WriteTBit0:   if (pixels&(1<<7)) lcd_SetPoint(x+0, y, Index1);    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteTBit1:    if (pixels&(1<<6)) lcd_SetPoint(x+1, y, Index1);    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteTBit2:    if (pixels&(1<<5)) lcd_SetPoint(x+2, y, Index1);    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteTBit3:    if (pixels&(1<<4)) lcd_SetPoint(x+3, y, Index1);    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteTBit4:    if (pixels&(1<<3)) lcd_SetPoint(x+4, y, Index1);    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteTBit5:    if (pixels&(1<<2)) lcd_SetPoint(x+5, y, Index1);    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteTBit6:    if (pixels&(1<<1)) lcd_SetPoint(x+6, y, Index1);    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteTBit7:    if (pixels&(1<<0)) lcd_SetPoint(x+7, y, Index1);    if (!--xsize)      return;    x+=8;    pixels = *(++p);    goto WriteTBit0;/*        Write without transparency*/  WriteBit0:    lcd_SetPoint(x+0, y, (pixels&(1<<7)) ? Index1 : Index0);    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteBit1:    lcd_SetPoint(x+1, y, (pixels&(1<<6)) ? Index1 : Index0);    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteBit2:    lcd_SetPoint(x+2, y, (pixels&(1<<5)) ? Index1 : Index0);    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteBit3:    lcd_SetPoint(x+3, y, (pixels&(1<<4)) ? Index1 : Index0);    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteBit4:    lcd_SetPoint(x+4, y, (pixels&(1<<3)) ? Index1 : Index0);    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteBit5:    lcd_SetPoint(x+5, y, (pixels&(1<<2)) ? Index1 : Index0);    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteBit6:    lcd_SetPoint(x+6, y, (pixels&(1<<1)) ? Index1 : Index0);    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteBit7:    lcd_SetPoint(x+7, y, (pixels&(1<<0)) ? Index1 : Index0);    if (!--xsize)      return;    x+=8;    pixels = *(++p);    goto WriteBit0;/*        Write XOR mode*/  WriteXBit0:    if (pixels&(1<<7))      LCD_L0_XorPixel(x+0, y);    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteXBit1:    if (pixels&(1<<6))      LCD_L0_XorPixel(x+1, y);    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteXBit2:    if (pixels&(1<<5))      LCD_L0_XorPixel(x+2, y);    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteXBit3:    if (pixels&(1<<4))      LCD_L0_XorPixel(x+3, y);    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteXBit4:    if (pixels&(1<<3))      LCD_L0_XorPixel(x+4, y);    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteXBit5:    if (pixels&(1<<2))      LCD_L0_XorPixel(x+5, y);    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteXBit6:    if (pixels&(1<<1))      LCD_L0_XorPixel(x+6, y);    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteXBit7:    if (pixels&(1<<0))      LCD_L0_XorPixel(x+7, y);    if (!--xsize)      return;    x+=8;    pixels = *(++p);    goto WriteXBit0;}void  DrawBitLine2BPP(int x, int y, U8 const*p, int Diff, int xsize, const LCD_PIXELINDEX*pTrans) {  LCD_PIXELINDEX pixels;/*// Jump to right entry point*/  pixels = *p;  if (pTrans) {    /*      with palette    */    if (GUI_Context.DrawMode & LCD_DRAWMODE_TRANS) switch (Diff&3) {    case 0:      goto WriteTBit0;    case 1:      goto WriteTBit1;    case 2:      goto WriteTBit2;    default:      goto WriteTBit3;    } else switch (Diff&3) {    case 0:      goto WriteBit0;    case 1:      goto WriteBit1;    case 2:      goto WriteBit2;    default:      goto WriteBit3;    }  /*          Write without transparency  */  WriteBit0:    lcd_SetPoint(x+0, y, *(pTrans+(pixels>>6)));    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteBit1:    lcd_SetPoint(x+1, y, *(pTrans+(3&(pixels>>4))));    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteBit2:    lcd_SetPoint(x+2, y, *(pTrans+(3&(pixels>>2))));    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteBit3:    lcd_SetPoint(x+3, y, *(pTrans+(3&(pixels))));    if (!--xsize)      return;    pixels = *(++p);    x+=4;    goto WriteBit0;  /*          Write with transparency  */  WriteTBit0:    if (pixels&(3<<6))      lcd_SetPoint(x+0, y, *(pTrans+(pixels>>6)));    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteTBit1:    if (pixels&(3<<4))      lcd_SetPoint(x+1, y, *(pTrans+(3&(pixels>>4))));    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteTBit2:    if (pixels&(3<<2))      lcd_SetPoint(x+2, y, *(pTrans+(3&(pixels>>2))));    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteTBit3:    if (pixels&(3<<0))      lcd_SetPoint(x+3, y, *(pTrans+(3&(pixels))));    if (!--xsize)      return;    pixels = *(++p);    x+=4;    goto WriteTBit0;  } else {     /*       without palette     */    if (GUI_Context.DrawMode & LCD_DRAWMODE_TRANS) switch (Diff&3) {    case 0:      goto WriteDDPTBit0;    case 1:      goto WriteDDPTBit1;    case 2:      goto WriteDDPTBit2;    default:      goto WriteDDPTBit3;    } else switch (Diff&3) {    case 0:      goto WriteDDPBit0;    case 1:      goto WriteDDPBit1;    case 2:      goto WriteDDPBit2;    default:      goto WriteDDPBit3;    }  /*          Write without transparency  */  WriteDDPBit0:    lcd_SetPoint(x+0, y, (pixels>>6));    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteDDPBit1:    lcd_SetPoint(x+1, y, (3&(pixels>>4)));    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteDDPBit2:    lcd_SetPoint(x+2, y, (3&(pixels>>2)));    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteDDPBit3:    lcd_SetPoint(x+3, y, (3&(pixels)));    if (!--xsize)      return;    pixels = *(++p);    x+=4;    goto WriteDDPBit0;  /*          Write with transparency  */  WriteDDPTBit0:    if (pixels&(3<<6))      lcd_SetPoint(x+0, y, (pixels>>6));    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteDDPTBit1:    if (pixels&(3<<4))      lcd_SetPoint(x+1, y, (3&(pixels>>4)));    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteDDPTBit2:    if (pixels&(3<<2))      lcd_SetPoint(x+2, y, (3&(pixels>>2)));    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteDDPTBit3:    if (pixels&(3<<0))      lcd_SetPoint(x+3, y, (3&(pixels)));    if (!--xsize)      return;    pixels = *(++p);    x+=4;    goto WriteDDPTBit0;  }}void  DrawBitLine4BPP(int x, int y, U8 const*p, int Diff, int xsize, const LCD_PIXELINDEX*pTrans){  LCD_PIXELINDEX pixels;  pixels = *p;  if (pTrans)  {    if (GUI_Context.DrawMode & LCD_DRAWMODE_TRANS)    {      if ((Diff&1) ==0)        goto WriteTBit0;        goto WriteTBit1;    }    else    {      if ((Diff&1) ==0)        goto WriteBit0;        goto WriteBit1;    }  WriteBit0:    lcd_SetPoint(x+0, y, *(pTrans+(pixels>>4)));    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteBit1:    lcd_SetPoint(x+1, y, *(pTrans+(pixels&0xf)));    if (!--xsize)      return;    x+=2;    pixels = *(++p);    goto WriteBit0;  /*          Write with transparency  */  WriteTBit0:    if (pixels>>4)      lcd_SetPoint(x+0, y, *(pTrans+(pixels>>4)));    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteTBit1:    if (pixels&0xf)      lcd_SetPoint(x+1, y, *(pTrans+(pixels&0xf)));    if (!--xsize)      return;    x+=2;    pixels = *(++p);    goto WriteTBit0;  } else {    /*      without palette    */    if (GUI_Context.DrawMode & LCD_DRAWMODE_TRANS) {      if ((Diff&1) ==0)        goto WriteDDPTBit0;      goto WriteDDPTBit1;    } else {      if ((Diff&1) ==0)        goto WriteDDPBit0;      goto WriteDDPBit1;    }  /*          Write without transparency  */  WriteDDPBit0:    lcd_SetPoint(x+0, y, (pixels>>4));    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteDDPBit1:    lcd_SetPoint(x+1, y, (pixels&0xf));    if (!--xsize)      return;    x+=2;    pixels = *(++p);    goto WriteDDPBit0;  /*          Write with transparency  */  WriteDDPTBit0:    if (pixels>>4)      lcd_SetPoint(x+0, y, (pixels>>4));    if (!--xsize)      return;  WriteDDPTBit1:    if (pixels&0xf)      lcd_SetPoint(x+1, y, (pixels&0xf));    if (!--xsize)      return;    x+=2;    pixels = *(++p);    goto WriteDDPTBit0;  }}void DrawBitLine8BPP(int x, int y, U8 const*p, int xsize, const LCD_PIXELINDEX*pTrans) {  LCD_PIXELINDEX pixel;  if ((GUI_Context.DrawMode & LCD_DRAWMODE_TRANS)==0) {    if (pTrans) {      for (;xsize > 0; xsize--,x++,p++) {        pixel = *p;        lcd_SetPoint(x, y, *(pTrans+pixel));      }    } else {      for (;xsize > 0; xsize--,x++,p++) {        lcd_SetPoint(x, y, *p);      }    }  } else {   /* Handle transparent bitmap */    if (pTrans) {      for (; xsize > 0; xsize--, x++, p++) {        pixel = *p;        if (pixel) {          lcd_SetPoint(x+0, y, *(pTrans+pixel));        }      }    } else {      for (; xsize > 0; xsize--, x++, p++) {        pixel = *p;        if (pixel) {          lcd_SetPoint(x+0, y, pixel);        }      }    }  }}void DrawBitLine16BPP(int x, int y, U16 const*p, int xsize){  LCD_PIXELINDEX Index;  if ((GUI_Context.DrawMode & LCD_DRAWMODE_TRANS)==0)  {    for (;xsize > 0; xsize--,x++,p++)    {      lcd_SetPoint(x, y, *p);    }  }  else  {   /* Handle transparent bitmap */    for (; xsize > 0; xsize--, x++, p++)    {      Index = *p;      if (Index)      {        lcd_SetPoint(x+0, y, Index);      }    }  }}



#ifndef __LCDCONFIG_H__#define __LCDCONFIG_H__#include "stm32f10x_gpio.h"#include <LCD_ConfDefaults.h>#include <LCD.h>#include "GUI_Private.h"void lcd_SetPoint(u16 StartX,u16 StartY,u16 Color);void GUI_Line(u16 x0,u16 y0,u16 x1,u16 y1,u16);void LCD_Init_realize(void);void DrawBitLine1BPP(int x, int y, u8 const*p, int Diff, int xsize, const LCD_PIXELINDEX*pTrans);void  DrawBitLine2BPP(int x, int y, U8 const*p, int Diff, int xsize, const LCD_PIXELINDEX*pTrans);void  DrawBitLine4BPP(int x, int y, U8 const*p, int Diff, int xsize, const LCD_PIXELINDEX*pTrans);void DrawBitLine8BPP(int x, int y, U8 const*p, int xsize, const LCD_PIXELINDEX*pTrans);void DrawBitLine16BPP(int x, int y, U16 const*p, int xsize);#endif


#ifndef LCDCONF_H#define LCDCONF_H#define LCD_XSIZE          (400)#define LCD_YSIZE          (240)#define LCD_CONTROLLER     (9320)#define LCD_BITSPERPIXEL   (16)#define LCD_FIXEDPALETTE   (565)#define LCD_SWAP_RB        (1)//#define LCD_SWAP_XY        (1)#define LCD_INIT_CONTROLLER()  LCD_Init_realize()#endif /* LCDCONF_H */


#ifndef GUICONF_H#define GUICONF_H#define GUI_OS                    (1)  /* Compile with multitasking support */#define GUI_SUPPORT_TOUCH         (0)  /* Support a touch screen (req. win-manager) */#define GUI_SUPPORT_UNICODE       (1)  /* Support mixed ASCII/UNICODE strings */#define GUI_DEFAULT_FONT          &GUI_Font6x8#define GUI_ALLOC_SIZE            8000  /* Size of dynamic memory ... For WM and memory devices*//***********************************************************************         Configuration of available packages*/#define GUI_WINSUPPORT            1  /* Window manager package available */#define GUI_SUPPORT_MEMDEV        1  /* Memory devices available */#define GUI_SUPPORT_AA            1  /* Anti aliasing available */#endif  /* Avoid multiple inclusion */


#include <stddef.h>#include "LCD_Private.h"      /* private modul definitions & config */#include "GUI_Private.h"#include "GUIDebug.h"#include "lcddriver.h"#if (LCD_CONTROLLER == 9320)/***********************************************************************       Exported functions************************************************************************//***********************************************************************       LCD_L0_SetPixelIndex*/void LCD_L0_SetPixelIndex(int x, int y, int PixelIndex) {  lcd_SetPoint(x,y,PixelIndex);}/***********************************************************************       LCD_L0_GetPixelIndex*/unsigned int LCD_L0_GetPixelIndex(int x, int y) {return 1;}/***********************************************************************       LCD_L0_XorPixel*/void LCD_L0_XorPixel(int x, int y) {  return;}/***********************************************************************       LCD_L0_DrawHLine*/void LCD_L0_DrawHLine(int x0, int y,  int x1) {  GUI_Line(x0,y,x1,y,LCD_COLORINDEX);}/***********************************************************************       LCD_L0_DrawVLine*/void LCD_L0_DrawVLine(int x, int y0,  int y1) {  GUI_Line(x,y0,x,y1,LCD_COLORINDEX);}/***********************************************************************       LCD_L0_FillRect*/void LCD_L0_FillRect(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) {#if !LCD_SWAP_XY  for (; y0 <= y1; y0++) {    LCD_L0_DrawHLine(x0,y0, x1);  }#else  for (; x0 <= x1; x0++) {    LCD_L0_DrawVLine(x0,y0, y1);  }#endif}/***********************************************************************       LCD_L0_DrawBitmap*/void LCD_L0_DrawBitmap(int x0, int y0,                       int xsize, int ysize,                       int BitsPerPixel,                        int BytesPerLine,                       const U8 GUI_UNI_PTR * pData, int Diff,                       const LCD_PIXELINDEX* pTrans){int i;switch (BitsPerPixel){case 1:for (i=0; i<ysize; i++){DrawBitLine1BPP(x0, i+y0, pData, Diff, xsize, pTrans);pData += BytesPerLine;}break;case 2:for (i=0; i<ysize; i++){DrawBitLine2BPP(x0, i+y0, pData, Diff, xsize, pTrans);pData += BytesPerLine;}break;case 4:for (i=0; i<ysize; i++){DrawBitLine4BPP(x0, i+y0, pData, Diff, xsize, pTrans);pData += BytesPerLine;}break;case 8:for (i=0; i<ysize; i++){DrawBitLine8BPP(x0, i+y0, pData, xsize, pTrans);pData += BytesPerLine;}break;case 16:for (i=0; i<ysize; i++){DrawBitLine16BPP(x0, i+y0, (U16*)pData, xsize);pData += BytesPerLine;}break;}}/***********************************************************************       LCD_L0_SetOrg*/void LCD_L0_SetOrg(int x, int y) {  GUI_USE_PARA(x);  GUI_USE_PARA(y);}/***********************************************************************       LCD_On / LCD_Off*/void LCD_On (void) {}void LCD_Off(void) {}/***********************************************************************       LCD_L0_Init*/int LCD_L0_Init(void) {  LCD_Init_realize();  return 0;}/***********************************************************************       LCD_L0_SetLUTEntry*/void LCD_L0_SetLUTEntry(U8 Pos, LCD_COLOR Color) {  GUI_USE_PARA(Pos);  GUI_USE_PARA(Color);}/***********************************************************************       LCD_L0_GetDevFunc*/void * LCD_L0_GetDevFunc(int Index) {  GUI_USE_PARA(Index);  return NULL;}#elsevoid LCDNull_c(void);void LCDNull_c(void) {} /* avoid empty object files */#endif /* (LCD_CONTROLLER == -2) */


#include <GUI.h>

  GUI_Init();                //初始化GUI  GUI_DispString("welcome");




void USART1_IRQHandler(void){unsigned int i;unsigned char msg[50];OS_CPU_SR  cpu_sr;OS_ENTER_CRITICAL();OSIntNesting++;OS_EXIT_CRITICAL();if(USART_GetITStatus(USART1, USART_IT_RXNE) != RESET){if(RxCounter1>20)RxCounter1=1;// Read one byte from the receive data register msg[RxCounter1++]= USART_ReceiveData(USART1);SendChar(msg[RxCounter1-1]);GUI_DispChar(msg[RxCounter1-1]); //将接收到的字符输出到屏幕上if(msg[RxCounter1-1]=='\r')      //如果接收到回车,就添加一个换行GUI_DispChar('\n');if(msg[RxCounter1-1]=='L'){msg[0]='L'; RxCounter1=1;}else if(msg[RxCounter1-1]=='F'){for(i=0; i< RxCounter1; i++){TxBuffer1[i]=msg[i];}TxBuffer1[RxCounter1]=0;RxCounter1=0;//OSSemPost(Com1_SEM);   OSMboxPost(Com1_MBOX,(void *)&msg);                    }}if(USART_GetITStatus(USART1, USART_IT_TXE) != RESET)                     // { USART_ITConfig(USART1, USART_IT_TXE, DISABLE);}OSIntExit();}



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