
来源:互联网 发布:9377剑雨江湖进阶数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 23:00


int main(int argc, const char *argv[]){    int doc_counts[] = { 4, 69, 666, 9090 };    unsigned i;    const char *small_doc_tpl = "{\"test_doc_index\":%d}";    const char *large_doc_tpl =        "{"        "\"test_doc_index\":%d,"        "\"field1\": \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\","        "\"field2\": \"bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\","        "\"field3\": \"cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc"        "cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc"        "cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc"        "cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc"        "cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc"        "cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc"        "cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc\""        "}";    if (argc > 1)        strcpy(testfilepath, argv[1]);    printf("Using test database at %s\n", testfilepath);        test_bitfield_fns();    test_open_file_error();    fprintf(stderr, "OK \n");    test_dump_empty_db();    fprintf(stderr, " OK\n");    test_save_doc();    fprintf(stderr, " OK\n");    for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(doc_counts) / sizeof(int)); ++i) {        test_save_docs(doc_counts[i], small_doc_tpl);        fprintf(stderr, " OK\n");        test_save_docs(doc_counts[i], large_doc_tpl);        fprintf(stderr, " OK\n");    }    test_local_docs();    fprintf(stderr, " OK\n");    test_compressed_doc_body();    fprintf(stderr, " OK\n");    test_changes_no_dups();    fprintf(stderr, " OK\n");    mb5086();    fprintf(stderr, " OK\n");    unlink(testfilepath);    test_huge_revseq();    fprintf(stderr, " OK\n");    unlink(testfilepath);        TestCollateJSON();    TestCouchIndexer();    // make sure os.c didn't accidentally call close(0):    assert(lseek(0, 0, SEEK_CUR) >= 0 || errno != EBADF);    return 0;}



static void test_bitfield_fns(void){    assert(sizeof(cs_off_t) == 8);    assert(sizeof(raw_08) == 1);    assert(sizeof(raw_16) == 2);    assert(sizeof(raw_32) == 4);    assert(sizeof(raw_40) == 5);    assert(sizeof(raw_48) == 6);    struct {        raw_08 a;        raw_48 b;        raw_16 c;        raw_40 d;        raw_32 e;        raw_08 f;    } packed;    assert(sizeof(packed) == 19);        raw_kv_length kv;    assert(sizeof(kv) == 5);    kv = encode_kv_length(1234, 123456);    uint32_t klen, vlen;    decode_kv_length(&kv, &klen, &vlen);    assert(klen == 1234);    assert(vlen == 123456);        test_raw_08(0);    test_raw_08(UINT8_MAX);    test_raw_16(0);    test_raw_16(12345);    test_raw_16(UINT16_MAX);    test_raw_32(0);    test_raw_32(12345678);    test_raw_32(UINT32_MAX);        uint8_t expected1[8] = {0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x90};    test_raw_40(0x1234567890LL, expected1);    uint8_t expected2[8] = {0x09, 0x87, 0x65, 0x43, 0x21};    test_raw_40(0x0987654321LL, expected2);    uint8_t expected3[8] = {0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x90, 0xAB};    test_raw_48(0x1234567890ABLL, expected3);    uint8_t expected4[8] = {0xBA, 0x98, 0x76, 0x54, 0x32, 0x10};    test_raw_48(0xBA9876543210LL, expected4);}

static void test_open_file_error(void){    fprintf(stderr, "opening nonexistent file errors... ");    fflush(stderr);    unlink(testfilepath);    Db *db;    int errcode = couchstore_open_db(testfilepath, 0, &db);    if(errcode != 0) {        print_os_err();    }    assert(errcode == COUCHSTORE_ERROR_NO_SUCH_FILE);    // make sure os.c didn't accidentally call close(0):    assert(lseek(0, 0, SEEK_CUR) >= 0 || errno != EBADF);}


static void test_dump_empty_db(void){    fprintf(stderr, "dump empty db... ");    fflush(stderr);    unlink(testfilepath);    Db *db;    couchstore_error_t errcode;        try(couchstore_open_db(testfilepath, COUCHSTORE_OPEN_FLAG_CREATE, &db));    try(couchstore_close_db(db));    try(couchstore_open_db(testfilepath, 0, &db));    dump_count(db);    assert(counters.totaldocs == 0);    assert(counters.deleted == 0);    DbInfo info;    assert(couchstore_db_info(db, &info) == COUCHSTORE_SUCCESS);    assert(strcmp(info.filename, testfilepath) == 0);    assert(info.last_sequence == 0);    assert(info.doc_count == 0);    assert(info.deleted_count == 0);    assert(info.space_used == 0);    assert(info.header_position == 0);    couchstore_close_db(db);cleanup:    assert(errcode == 0);}


static void test_save_doc(void){    fprintf(stderr, "save_doc... ");    fflush(stderr);    int errcode = 0;    docset_init(4);    SETDOC(0, "doc1", "{\"test_doc_index\":1}", zerometa);    SETDOC(1, "doc2", "{\"test_doc_index\":2}", zerometa);    SETDOC(2, "doc3", "{\"test_doc_index\":3}", zerometa);    SETDOC(3, "doc4", "{\"test_doc_index\":4}", zerometa);    unlink(testfilepath);    Db *db;    try(couchstore_open_db(testfilepath, COUCHSTORE_OPEN_FLAG_CREATE, &db));    try(couchstore_save_document(db, &[0],                                     &testdocset.infos[0], 0));    try(couchstore_save_document(db, &[1],                                     &testdocset.infos[1], 0));    try(couchstore_save_document(db, &[2],                                     &testdocset.infos[2], 0));    try(couchstore_save_document(db, &[3],                                     &testdocset.infos[3], 0));    try(couchstore_commit(db));    couchstore_close_db(db);    // Check that sequence numbers got filled in    unsigned i;    for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {        assert(testdocset.infos[i].db_seq == i + 1);    }    //Read back    try(couchstore_open_db(testfilepath, 0, &db));    try(couchstore_changes_since(db, 0, 0, docset_check, &testdocset));    assert(testdocset.counters.totaldocs == 4);    assert(testdocset.counters.deleted == 0);    DbInfo info;    assert(couchstore_db_info(db, &info) == COUCHSTORE_SUCCESS);    assert(info.last_sequence == 4);    assert(info.doc_count == 4);    assert(info.deleted_count == 0);    assert(info.header_position == 4096);    couchstore_close_db(db);cleanup:    assert(errcode == 0);}

couchstore_error_t couchstore_save_document(Db *db, const Doc *doc,                                            DocInfo *info, couchstore_save_options options){    return couchstore_save_documents(db, (Doc**)&doc, (DocInfo**)&info, 1, options);}



static void test_save_docs(int count, const char *doc_tpl){    int errcode = 0;    int i;    char *idBuf, *valueBuf;    Doc **docptrs;    DocInfo **nfoptrs;    sized_buf *ids;    uint64_t idtreesize = 0;    uint64_t seqtreesize = 0;    uint64_t docssize = 0;    uint64_t dbfilesize = 0;    uint64_t *sequences = NULL;    fprintf(stderr, "save_docs (doc count %d)... ", count);    fflush(stderr);    docset_init(count);    srandom(0xdeadbeef);  // doc IDs should be consistent across runs    for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {        idBuf = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * 32);        assert(idBuf != NULL);        int idsize = sprintf(idBuf, "doc%d-%lu", i, (unsigned long)random());        valueBuf = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(doc_tpl) + 20));        assert(valueBuf != NULL);        int valsize = sprintf(valueBuf, doc_tpl, i + 1);        setdoc(&[i], &testdocset.infos[i],                idBuf, idsize, valueBuf, valsize, zerometa, sizeof(zerometa));        testdocset.datasize += valsize;    }    docptrs = (Doc **) malloc(sizeof(Doc*) * count);    assert(docptrs != NULL);    for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {        docptrs[i] = &[i];    }    nfoptrs = (DocInfo **) malloc(sizeof(DocInfo*) * count);    assert(nfoptrs != NULL);    for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {        nfoptrs[i] = &testdocset.infos[i];    }    unlink(testfilepath);    Db *db;    try(couchstore_open_db(testfilepath, COUCHSTORE_OPEN_FLAG_CREATE, &db));    assert(strcmp(couchstore_get_db_filename(db), testfilepath) == 0);    try(couchstore_save_documents(db, docptrs, nfoptrs, count, 0));    try(couchstore_commit(db));    couchstore_close_db(db);    try(couchstore_open_db(testfilepath, 0, &db));    // Read back by doc ID:    fprintf(stderr, "get by ID... ");    testdocset.pos = 0;    for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {        DocInfo* out_info;        try(couchstore_docinfo_by_id(db,[i].id.buf,[i].id.size,                                     &out_info));        docset_check(db, out_info, &testdocset);        couchstore_free_docinfo(out_info);    }    // Read back in bulk by doc ID:    fprintf(stderr, "bulk IDs... ");    ids = malloc(count * sizeof(sized_buf));    for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {        ids[i] = docptrs[i]->id;    }    ZERO(testdocset.counters);    try(couchstore_docinfos_by_id(db, ids, count, 0, dociter_check, &testdocset));    assert(testdocset.counters.totaldocs == count);    assert(testdocset.counters.deleted == 0);    // Read back by sequence:    fprintf(stderr, "get by sequence... ");    sequences = malloc(count * sizeof(*sequences));    testdocset.pos = 0;    for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {        DocInfo* out_info;        sequences[i] = testdocset.infos[i].db_seq;        assert(sequences[i] == (uint64_t)i + 1);        try(couchstore_docinfo_by_sequence(db, testdocset.infos[i].db_seq, &out_info));        docset_check(db, out_info, &testdocset);        couchstore_free_docinfo(out_info);    }    // Read back in bulk by sequence:    fprintf(stderr, "bulk sequences... ");    testdocset.pos = 0;    ZERO(testdocset.counters);    try(couchstore_docinfos_by_sequence(db, sequences, count, 0, docset_check, &testdocset));    assert(testdocset.counters.totaldocs == count);    assert(testdocset.counters.deleted == 0);    // Read back using changes_since:    fprintf(stderr, "changes_since... ");    testdocset.pos = 0;    ZERO(testdocset.counters);    try(couchstore_changes_since(db, 0, 0, docset_check, &testdocset));    assert(testdocset.counters.totaldocs == count);    assert(testdocset.counters.deleted == 0);    idtreesize = db->header.by_id_root->subtreesize;    seqtreesize = db->header.by_seq_root->subtreesize;    const raw_by_id_reduce *reduce = (const raw_by_id_reduce*)db->header.by_id_root->reduce_value.buf;    docssize = decode_raw48(reduce->size);    dbfilesize = db->file.pos;    assert(dbfilesize > 0);    assert(idtreesize > 0);    assert(seqtreesize > 0);    assert(docssize > 0);    assert(idtreesize < dbfilesize);    assert(seqtreesize < dbfilesize);    assert(docssize < dbfilesize);    assert(db->header.local_docs_root == NULL);    assert((idtreesize + seqtreesize + docssize) < dbfilesize);    couchstore_close_db(db);cleanup:    free(ids);    free(sequences);    for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {        free(docptrs[i]->id.buf);        free(docptrs[i]->data.buf);    }    free(docptrs);    free(nfoptrs);    assert(errcode == 0);}


static void test_local_docs(void){    fprintf(stderr, "local docs... ");    fflush(stderr);    int errcode = 0;    Db *db;    LocalDoc lDocWrite;    LocalDoc *lDocRead = NULL;    unlink(testfilepath);    try(couchstore_open_db(testfilepath, COUCHSTORE_OPEN_FLAG_CREATE, &db)); = "_local/testlocal"; = 16;    lDocWrite.json.buf = "{\"test\":true}";    lDocWrite.json.size = 13;    lDocWrite.deleted = 0;    couchstore_save_local_document(db, &lDocWrite);    couchstore_commit(db);    couchstore_close_db(db);    couchstore_open_db(testfilepath, 0, &db);    couchstore_open_local_document(db, "_local/testlocal", 16, &lDocRead);    assert(lDocRead);    assert(lDocRead->json.size == 13);    assert(memcmp(lDocRead->json.buf, "{\"test\":true}", 13) == 0);    couchstore_free_local_document(lDocRead);    couchstore_close_db(db);cleanup:    assert(errcode == 0);}


static void test_compressed_doc_body(void){    fprintf(stderr, "compressed bodies... ");    fflush(stderr);    int errcode = 0;    docset_init(2);    SETDOC(0, "doc1", "{\"test_doc_index\":1, \"val\":\"blah blah blah blah blah blah\"}", zerometa);    SETDOC(1, "doc2", "{\"test_doc_index\":2, \"val\":\"blah blah blah blah blah blah\"}", zerometa);    Doc *docptrs [2] =  { &[0],                          &[1]                        };    DocInfo *nfoptrs [2] =  { &testdocset.infos[0],                              &testdocset.infos[1]                            };    testdocset.infos[1].content_meta = COUCH_DOC_IS_COMPRESSED; //Mark doc2 as to be snappied.    unlink(testfilepath);    Db *db;    try(couchstore_open_db(testfilepath, COUCHSTORE_OPEN_FLAG_CREATE, &db));    try(couchstore_save_documents(db, docptrs, nfoptrs, 2,                                      COMPRESS_DOC_BODIES));    try(couchstore_commit(db));    couchstore_close_db(db);    //Read back    try(couchstore_open_db(testfilepath, 0, &db));    try(couchstore_changes_since(db, 0, 0, docset_check, &testdocset));    assert(testdocset.counters.totaldocs == 2);    assert(testdocset.counters.deleted == 0);    couchstore_close_db(db);cleanup:    assert(errcode == 0);}

couchstore_error_t couchstore_save_documents(Db *db,                                             Doc* const docs[],                                             DocInfo *infos[],                                             unsigned numdocs,                                             couchstore_save_options options){    couchstore_error_t errcode = COUCHSTORE_SUCCESS;    unsigned ii;    sized_buf *seqklist, *idklist, *seqvlist, *idvlist;    size_t term_meta_size = 0;    const Doc *curdoc;    uint64_t seq = db->header.update_seq;    fatbuf *fb;    for (ii = 0; ii < numdocs; ii++) {        // Get additional size for terms to be inserted into indexes        // IMPORTANT: This must match the sizes of the fatbuf_get calls in add_doc_to_update_list!        term_meta_size += 6                        + 44 + infos[ii]->id.size + infos[ii]->rev_meta.size                        + 44 + 10 + infos[ii]->rev_meta.size;    }    fb = fatbuf_alloc(term_meta_size +                      numdocs * (sizeof(sized_buf) * 4)); //seq/id key and value lists    if (fb == NULL) {        return COUCHSTORE_ERROR_ALLOC_FAIL;    }    seqklist = fatbuf_get(fb, numdocs * sizeof(sized_buf));    idklist = fatbuf_get(fb, numdocs * sizeof(sized_buf));    seqvlist = fatbuf_get(fb, numdocs * sizeof(sized_buf));    idvlist = fatbuf_get(fb, numdocs * sizeof(sized_buf));    for (ii = 0; ii < numdocs; ii++) {        seq++;        if (docs) {            curdoc = docs[ii];        } else {            curdoc = NULL;        }        errcode = add_doc_to_update_list(db, curdoc, infos[ii], fb,                                         &seqklist[ii], &idklist[ii],                                         &seqvlist[ii], &idvlist[ii],                                         seq, options);        if (errcode != COUCHSTORE_SUCCESS) {            break;        }    }    if (errcode == COUCHSTORE_SUCCESS) {        errcode = update_indexes(db, seqklist, seqvlist,                                 idklist, idvlist, numdocs);    }    fatbuf_free(fb);    if (errcode == COUCHSTORE_SUCCESS) {        // Fill in the assigned sequence numbers for caller's later use:        seq = db->header.update_seq;        for (ii = 0; ii < numdocs; ii++) {            infos[ii]->db_seq = ++seq;        }        db->header.update_seq = seq;    }    return errcode;}


static void test_changes_no_dups(void){    fprintf(stderr, "changes no dupes... ");    fflush(stderr);    int errcode = 0;    int i;    const int numdocs = 10000;    int updatebatch = 1000;    Doc **docptrs;    DocInfo **nfoptrs;    char *docmap;    Db *db;    docset_init(numdocs);    for (i=0; i < numdocs; i++) {        char* id = malloc(100);        char* body = malloc(100);        sprintf(id, "doc%d", i);        sprintf(body, "{\"test_doc_index\":%d}", i);        setdoc(&[i], &testdocset.infos[i],                id, strlen(id),                body, strlen(body),                zerometa, sizeof(zerometa));    }    docptrs = malloc(numdocs * sizeof(Doc*));    nfoptrs = malloc(numdocs * sizeof(DocInfo*));    docmap = malloc(numdocs);    for (i=0; i < numdocs; i++) {        docptrs[i] = &[i];        nfoptrs[i] = &testdocset.infos[i];    }    unlink(testfilepath);    try(couchstore_open_db(testfilepath, COUCHSTORE_OPEN_FLAG_CREATE, &db));    // only save half the docs at first.    try(couchstore_save_documents(db, docptrs, nfoptrs, numdocs/2, 0));    try(couchstore_commit(db));    couchstore_close_db(db);    for (i=0; i < numdocs/2; i++) {        // increment the rev for already added docs        nfoptrs[i]->rev_seq++;    }    srand(10); // make deterministic    // now shuffle so some bulk updates contain previous docs and new docs    shuffle(docptrs, nfoptrs, numdocs);    try(couchstore_open_db(testfilepath, 0, &db));    for (i=0; i < numdocs; i += updatebatch) {        // now do bulk updates and check the changes for dups        try(couchstore_save_documents(db, docptrs + i, nfoptrs + i, updatebatch, 0));        try(couchstore_commit(db));        memset(docmap, 0, numdocs);        try(couchstore_changes_since(db, 0, 0, docmap_check, docmap));    }    DbInfo info;    assert(couchstore_db_info(db, &info) == COUCHSTORE_SUCCESS);    assert(info.last_sequence == (uint64_t)(numdocs + numdocs/2));    assert(info.doc_count == (uint64_t)numdocs);    assert(info.deleted_count == 0);    couchstore_close_db(db);cleanup:    for (i=0; i < numdocs; i++) {        free(docptrs[i]->id.buf);        free(docptrs[i]->data.buf);    }    free(docptrs);    free(nfoptrs);    free(docmap);    assert(errcode == 0);}



static void mb5086(void){    Db *db;    Doc d;    DocInfo i;    couchstore_error_t err;    fprintf(stderr, "regression mb-5086.... ");    fflush(stderr);    setdoc(&d, &i, "hi", 2, "foo", 3, NULL, 0);    err = couchstore_open_db("mb5085.couch", COUCHSTORE_OPEN_FLAG_CREATE, &db);    assert(err == COUCHSTORE_SUCCESS);    assert(couchstore_save_document(db, &d, &i, 0) == COUCHSTORE_SUCCESS);    assert(couchstore_commit(db) == COUCHSTORE_SUCCESS);    assert(couchstore_close_db(db) == COUCHSTORE_SUCCESS);    assert(remove("mb5085.couch") == 0);}


static void test_huge_revseq(void){    Db *db;    Doc d;    DocInfo i;    DocInfo *i2;    couchstore_error_t err;    fprintf(stderr, "huge rev_seq.... ");    fflush(stderr);    setdoc(&d, &i, "hi", 2, "foo", 3, NULL, 0);    i.rev_seq = 5294967296;    err = couchstore_open_db("bigrevseq.couch", COUCHSTORE_OPEN_FLAG_CREATE, &db);    assert(err == COUCHSTORE_SUCCESS);    assert(couchstore_save_document(db, &d, &i, 0) == COUCHSTORE_SUCCESS);    assert(couchstore_commit(db) == COUCHSTORE_SUCCESS);    assert(couchstore_docinfo_by_id(db, "hi", 2, &i2) == COUCHSTORE_SUCCESS);    assert(i2->rev_seq == 5294967296);    couchstore_free_docinfo(i2);    assert(couchstore_close_db(db) == COUCHSTORE_SUCCESS);    assert(remove("bigrevseq.couch") == 0);}



void TestCollateJSON(void){    fprintf(stderr, "JSON collation: ");    TestCollateConvertEscape();    TestCollateScalars();    TestCollateASCII();    TestCollateRaw();    TestCollateArrays();    TestCollateNestedArrays();    TestCollateUnicodeStrings();    fprintf(stderr, "OK\n");}


void TestCouchIndexer(void) {    fprintf(stderr, "Indexer: ");    srandom(42);  // to get a consistent sequence of random numbers    GenerateKVFile(KVPATH, 1000);    srandom(42);  // to get a consistent sequence of random numbers    GenerateBackIndexKVFile(KVBACKPATH, 1000);    IndexKVFile(KVPATH, KVBACKPATH, INDEXPATH, COUCHSTORE_REDUCE_STATS);    ReadIndexFile(INDEXPATH);    unlink(KVPATH);    unlink(INDEXPATH);    fprintf(stderr, "OK\n");}

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