ganglia 监控 windows

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝视频审核要多久 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/02 01:00



后来发现一个开源的软件host sflow,可以和ganglia紧密结合安装简单


Host sFlow is a free, open source, sFlow agent implementation. The Host sFlow agent reports on the performance of physical and virtual servers and currently supports LinuxFreeBSD and Windows servers as well as the Citrix XenServerXCP (Xen Cloud Platform) and KVM/libvirt virtualization platforms.

Why use Host sFlow instead of gmond to monitor servers?

  • Lightweight Eliminating collector functionality reduces the size and complexity of the Host sFlow agent. The reduced overhead is particularly important when monitoring resource constrained environments like hypervisors.
  • Portable The Host sFlow agent has minimal software dependencies and is easily ported to different platforms, including a native Windows implementation.
  • Efficient The sFlow protocol efficiently packs all the standard Ganglia metrics in a single UDP datagram. Gmond requires over 32 datagrams to send the same information.
  • Standard The standard metrics exported by Host sFlow agents allows performance monitoring tools to share data, eliminating the need for wasteful duplication of agents. 
  • Metrics The standard set of sFlow metrics includes the core Ganglia metrics as well as additional disk I/O, swap, interrupt and virtual machine statistics. 

选择windows版本,安装就可以了(安装的时候不要选择dns,直接写你gmetad ip就可以了)

/* sFlow channel */udp_recv_channel {  port = 6343}

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