
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝企业店铺发票规则 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 05:34








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\title{Homework 2}

\author{Tao Fu}




\section*{Problem 1}

$x(\alpha) \sim N(x(0)+\alpha R,P(0)+\alpha Q)$. When $\alpha = 10$, $x(10) \sim N(3,0.2)$. Therefore $.P(2.9 < x < 3.0)= 0.0875$.


\section*{Problem 2}



\includegraphics[width=9cm ]{figure2}

\caption{relation between$\beta$ and trajectory center}



From the figure, we can get $R^{'}$:


\frac {R^{'}+b} {R^{'}-b} & = \frac {r\Delta\theta_2} {r\Delta\theta_1}\\

=> \quad R^{'} & = \frac {b(\Delta\theta_1 + \Delta\theta_2)} {\Delta\theta_2 - \Delta\theta_1};


Therefore, $tan(\beta) = \frac {a}{R^{'}} = \frac {a(\Delta\theta_2 - \Delta\theta_1)}{b(\Delta\theta_1 + \Delta\theta_2)}=\frac {au}{b}$.\\



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