LRU Cache

来源:互联网 发布:mac版office激活 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 10:06

Design and implement a data structure for Least Recently Used (LRU) cache. It should support the following operations: get and set.

get(key) - Get the value (will always be positive) of the key if the key exists in the cache, otherwise return -1.
set(key, value) - Set or insert the value if the key is not already present. When the cache reached its capacity, it should invalidate the least recently used item before inserting a new item.


这道题本来做的时候也没有搞得很明白, 到狗的onsite的时候写code的时候就不行了

当时问的时候我立马就说出了可以用linked list + hashmap来做, 然后面试官的followup就是如果要求O(1)的时间应该怎么操作, 我当时也答出来了, 用doubly linked list+hashmap, 但是写code的时候写得问题多多, 只查出来一些null pointer exception, 最囧的是对于map的操作只做了删除而没有做插入, 这一关做的不好

现在重访这道题, leetcode也做了一些变化, 原来的code没法通过现在的test case了, 应该是时间上有了更高的要求。 这道题相比于regex expression match的两个难题, 考得更多的应该是你写的时候能不能做到bug-free, 而本身的算法难度则不是很大


public class LRUCache {    public class Node{        public int key;        public int val;        public Node prev;        public Node next;        public Node(int k, int v){            key = k;            val = v;            prev = null;            next = null;        }    }    private int capacity = 0;    private Node head = null;    private Node tail = null;    private Map<Integer,Node> map = null;         public LRUCache(int capacity) {        this.capacity = capacity;        head = null;        tail = null;        map = new HashMap<Integer, Node>();    }         public int get(int key) {        Node found = map.get(key);        if(found == null){            return -1;        }else{            // need to reorder            set(key, found.val);            return found.val;        }    }        // the following three methods are just manipulation on the doubly linked list    public void addNode(Node node){        if(head == null){ // both the head and tail are null            head = node;            tail = node;        }else{    = head;            head.prev = node;            head = node;        }    }         public void evictTail(){        if(tail == null)    return; // this is a bad case!                if(head == tail){ // just one node in the linked list            head = null;            tail = null;        }else{            tail = tail.prev;   = null;        }    }        public void reorder(Node node, Node found){        // add the node and then remove found        addNode(node);        // note that now found cannot be the head; if it is the tail, there is at least a node before it.        if(found == tail){            tail = tail.prev;   = null;        }else{            Node prev = found.prev; // cannot be null            Node next =;   = next;            if(next != null)    next.prev = prev;        }    }         public void set(int key, int value) {        Node found = map.get(key);        if(found == null){ // add the node to the linked list, may need to evict            int num = map.keySet().size();            if(num < capacity){ // no need to evict, simply add                Node node = new Node(key,value);                map.put(key,node);                addNode(node);            }else{ // evict the tail                map.remove(tail.key);                evictTail();                Node node = new Node(key,value);                map.put(key,node);                addNode(node);            }        }else{ // just reorder            // found is not null            Node node = new Node(key,value);            reorder(node, found);            map.put(key,node);        }    }}

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