
来源:互联网 发布:mysql 字符串转日期 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 08:29

今天读了些James Bach的文章,发现thinking in testing and keep thinking as tester 也是他的精髓,所以为不谋而合而开心,记之以求共勉!且摘录《微软的软件测试之道》杀虫剂困境一段如下:

富有经验的测试工程师会告诉你,没有任何一种单一的测试方法能够有效地揭示出所有种类的缺陷或,和对软件的能力做出完整的评估;这种困境被称为杀虫剂困境。杀虫剂困境这个术语源自 Beizer第一定律:“任何你用以防止或发现缺陷的方法都会留下一些残余的、更为微妙的缺陷,而对于这些缺陷而言,前面那些方法会统统失效。”本质上,没有任何一种单一的技术或手段对于软件测试来说能够百试百灵。所以,增加测试方法的多样性,以及考虑从更多的视角来审视软件的话,我们就更有可能发现更多的潜在问题的同时,也提高了测试工作的有效性。

 Any experienced tester will tell you that no single approach to testing is effective in exposing all types of defects or completely evaluating the capabilities of software; this dilemma is known as the pesticide paradox. The pesticide paradoxis derived from Beizer's First Law: "Every method you use to prevent orfind bugs leaves a residue of subtler bugs against which those methods areineffectual." Essentially, there is no single technique or approach thatis completely  effective in softwaretesting, so by increasing the diversity of methods used in testing andconsidering different perspectives, we are more likely to be successful in bothexposing potential issues as well as increasing the effectiveness of outtesting.

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