CreateBitmapIndirect 函数创建位图失败

来源:互联网 发布:网络侦探练哪些 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 16:50

CBitmap::CreateBitmapIndirect 函数创建位图成功却在CDC::SelectObject 选择位图时却失败,原因是CreateBitmapIndirect不能创建彩色位图,只能创建单色位图,虽然CreateBitmapIndirect创建彩色位图时也能返回成功,但用CDC::SelectObject 的时候失败。

MSDN只有在CreateBitmapIndirect 有说明:

While the CreateBitmapIndirect function can be used to create color bitmaps, for performance reasons applications should use CreateBitmapIndirect to create monochrome bitmaps and CreateCompatibleBitmap to create color bitmaps. Whenever a color bitmap from CreateBitmapIndirect is selected into a device context, the system must ensure that the bitmap matches the format of the device context it is being selected into. Because CreateCompatibleBitmap takes a device context, it returns a bitmap that has the same format as the specified device context. Thus, subsequent calls to SelectObject are faster with a color bitmap from CreateCompatibleBitmap than with a color bitmap returned from CreateBitmapIndirect.


要创建彩色位图应用 CreateCompatibleBitmap 函数

关于CreateBitmapIndirect  BITMAP参数的bmBits 创建成功后返回0的问题



BYTE bitbuffer[16]; 
DWORD ret3 = m_aBmp.GetBitmapBits(16, (LPVOID)bitbuffer);//检查bitbuffer中内容,的确是原来的位数据 

BITMAP bmWidthBytes  计算方法

typedef    struct    tagBITMAP    {                    LONG    bmType;                //必需为0              LONG    bmWidth;              //位图的宽度(以像素为单位)              LONG    bmHeight;            //位图的高度(以像素为单位)                  /*指定每条光栅所占字节数。此值必须取偶数,                 因为图形设备接口(GDI)默认为一个位图的位值组成一个2字节的整数数组。*/              LONG    bmWidthBytes;                    WORD    bmPlanes;            //    位图调色板颜色数                  WORD    bmBitsPixel;      //    一个点在每个调色板上接近的颜色位数                  LPVOID    bmBits;            //   指向存储像素阵列的数组          }    BITMAP;

bmWidthBytes : 一行像素所占的字节数,一行像素的存储必须按word对齐,所以该值必须为2的倍数。

单色图像 bmWidthBytes =bmWidth/8+(bmWidth/8)%2

256(8位)色图像 bmWidthBytes=bmWidth+bmWidth%2;

16色图像 bmWidthBytes=bmWidth/2+(bmWidth/2)%2;



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