
来源:互联网 发布:网络和ip地址计算 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 23:34


P.S 以下内容以《数据结构与算法分析(C++版)》Clifford A.Shaffer为教材参考




#ifndef ACCTLIST_H_#define ACCTLIST_H_#include<iostream>#include<string>template<class Elem>class List{public:virtual void clear() = 0;virtual bool insert(const Elem&) = 0;virtual bool append(const Elem&) = 0;virtual bool remove(Elem&) = 0;virtual void setStart() = 0;virtual void setEnd() = 0;virtual void prev() = 0;virtual void next() = 0;virtual int leftLength() const = 0;virtual int rightLength() const = 0;virtual bool setPos(int pos) = 0;virtual bool getValue(Elem&) const = 0;virtual void print() const = 0;};#endif



#ifndef LIST_ARRAY_H_#define LIST_ARRAY_H_#include<iostream>#include"acctlist.h"#include"stack_array.h"using namespace std;template<class Elem>class AList : public List<Elem>{private:int maxSize;int listSize;int fence;Elem* listArray;public:AList(int size ){maxSize = size;listSize = fence = 0;listArray = new Elem[maxSize];}~AList(){delete [] listArray;}void clear(){delete [] listArray;listSize = fence = 0;listArray = new Elem[maxSize];}bool insert(const Elem & item){if(listSize == maxSize)    return false;    for(int i = listSize; i > fence; i--)    listArray[i] = listArray[i-1];    listArray[fence] = item;    listSize++;    return true;}bool append(const Elem&item){if(listSize == maxSize)return false;listArray[listSize++] = item;return true;}int rightLength() const{return listSize - fence;}int leftLength() const{return fence;}bool remove(Elem&it){if(rightLength() == 0) return false;it = listArray[fence];//save the item you removefor(int i = fence; i<listSize - 1; i++)listArray[i] = listArray[i+1];listSize--;return true;}void setStart(){fence = 0;}void setEnd(){fence = listSize;}void prev(){if(fence != 0)fence--;}void next(){if(fence < listSize)fence++;}bool setPos(int pos){if( (pos >= 0) && (pos <= listSize))fence = pos;return (pos >= 0) && (pos <= listSize);}bool getValue(Elem & it) const{if(rightLength() == 0) return false;elseit = listArray[fence];return true;}bool reverse() const{if(listSize == 0)return false;AStack<Elem> tempArray(listSize);for(int i = 0;i < listSize;i++){tempArray.push(listArray[i]);}for(int i = 0;i < listSize;i++){tempArray.pop(listArray[i]);}return true;}void print() const{int temp = 0;cout<<" < ";while(temp<fence)cout<<listArray[temp++] <<" ";cout<<" | ";while(temp<listSize)cout<<listArray[temp++] <<" ";cout<<" >\n LISTSIZE IS  "<<listSize<<endl;cout<<fence<<endl;}}; #endif 


#include<iostream>//数组的顺序表测试 #include"list_array.h"using namespace std;enum{clear,insert,append,rightLength,leftLength,Remove1,setStart,setEnd,next,prev,setpos,reverse};int main(){AList<int>  AL(10);int op;int temp = 0;cout<<"Please enter the op code:";cin >> op;while( op != 12 ){switch(op){case clear:AL.clear(); break;case insert:cout<<"Please enter the number you want to insert:";cin>>temp;AL.insert(temp);AL.print();cout<<endl;break;case append:cout<<"Please enter the number you want to append:";    cin>>temp;    AL.append(temp);    AL.print();    cout<<endl;    break;    case rightLength:cout<<"the rightlength is "<<AL.rightLength(); cout<<endl; break; case leftLength:cout<<"the leftlength is "<<AL.leftLength();    cout<<endl;    break;    case Remove1:cout<<"enter the number you want to remove:";AL.remove(temp);AL.print();cout<<endl;break;case setStart:AL.setStart();              cout<<"Now fence at the start";              AL.print();   cout<<endl;  break;  case setEnd:AL.setEnd();            cout<<"Now fence at the end";            AL.print();cout<<endl;            break;            case;  cout<<"fence at the next";  AL.print();  cout<<endl;  break;  case prev:AL.prev();  cout<<"fence at the prev";  AL.print();  cout<<endl;  break;  case setpos:cout<<"Please enter the setPos:";cin>>temp;AL.setPos(temp);AL.print();cout<<endl;break;    case reverse:cout<<"Now reverse the list"<<endl;     AL.reverse();     AL.print();     cout<<endl;     break;    }cout<<"Please enter the op code:";cin >> op;}cout<<"thanks for using the system";return 0;}



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