UNIX环境高级编程-第6章- 系统数据文件和信息

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝刷流量会被降权 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 01:36

6.2 口令文件


/* The passwd structure.  */  struct passwd  {    char *pw_name;        /* Username.  */    char *pw_passwd;      /* Password.  */    uid_t pw_uid;             /* User ID.  */    gid_t pw_gid;             /* Group ID.  */    char *pw_gecos;       /* Real name.  */    char *pw_dir;         /* Home directory.  */    char *pw_shell;       /* Shell program.  */  };  getpwuid和getpwnam函数/****  函数功能:获取口令文件信息  返回值:若成功返回指针,出错则返回NULL;  函数原型: *****/  /* Search for an entry with a matching user ID. */  struct passwd *getpwuid (uid_t uid);    /* Search for an entry with a matching username. */  struct passwd *getpwnam (const char *name);  测试例子:#include <pwd.h>  #include <sys/types.h>  #include <unistd.h>  #include "apue.h"  int main(void)  {      struct passwd *ptr;      uid_t ui = getuid();      ptr = getpwuid(ui);      if(NULL == ptr)          perror("error.");      printf("pw_name:%s\n",ptr->pw_name);      printf("pw_uid:%d\n",ptr->pw_uid);      printf("pw_dir:%s\n",ptr->pw_dir);        exit(0);  }  


/****  * 函数功能:查看整个口令文件信息;  * 返回值:若成功则返回指针,若出错或达到文件尾则返回NULL;  * 函数原型:  * */  /* Read an entry from the password-file stream, opening it if necessary. */   struct passwd *getpwent (void);    /* Rewind the password-file stream. */   void setpwent (void);    /* Close the password-file stream. */   void endpwent (void);  


#include <pwd.h>  #include <sys/types.h>  #include <unistd.h>  #include "apue.h"  int main(void)  {      struct passwd *ptr;      setpwent();      ptr = getpwent();      if(NULL == ptr)          perror("error.");      printf("pw_name:%s\n",ptr->pw_name);      printf("pw_uid:%d\n",ptr->pw_uid);      printf("pw_dir:%s\n",ptr->pw_dir);      endpwent();      exit(0);  }  

6.4 组文件



/* The group structure.  */  struct group    {      char *gr_name;      /* Group name.  */      char *gr_passwd;        /* Password.    */      gid_t gr_gid;       /* Group ID.    */      char **gr_mem;      /* Member list. */  //指针数组,每个指针指向一个属于该组的用户名。  };  


/****   函数功能:获取组文件信息  ,GID 和组名,需要提供相应的参数 返回值:若成功返回结构体指针,出错则返回NULL;   函数原型:  *****/    /* Search for an entry with a matching group ID. */   struct group *getgrgid (gid_t gid);    /* Search for an entry with a matching group name. */   struct group *getgrnam (const char *name);  测试程序#include <grp.h>  #include <sys/types.h>  #include <unistd.h>  #include "apue.h"  int main(void)  {      struct group *ptr;      gid_t gi = getgid();      ptr = getgrgid(gi);      if(NULL == ptr)          perror("error.");      printf("gr_name:%s\n",ptr->gr_name);      printf("gr_gid:%d\n",ptr->gr_gid);      printf("gr_pwd:%s\n",ptr->gr_passwd);        exit(0);  }  


/****   * 函数功能:查看整个组文件信息;   * 返回值:若成功则返回指针,若出错或达到文件尾则返回NULL;   * 函数原型:   * */   /* Read an entry from the group-file stream, opening it if necessary. */     struct group *getgrent (void);    /* Rewind the group-file stream. */    void setgrent (void);    /* Close the group-file stream. */   void endgrent (void);  


#include <grp.h>  #include <sys/types.h>  #include <unistd.h>  #include "apue.h"  int main(void)  {      struct group *ptr;      setgrent();      ptr = getgrent();      if(NULL == ptr)          perror("error.");      printf("gr_name:%s\n",ptr->gr_name);      printf("gr_gid:%d\n",ptr->gr_gid);      printf("gr_passwd:%s\n",ptr->gr_passwd);      endgrent();      exit(0);  }  

6.7 其他数据文件


6.10 时间和日期例程  



/* time函数. */  /***  * 函数功能:返回当前时间和日历。  * 返回值:若成功则返回时间值,若出错则返回-1。  * 函数原型:  * **/    #include <time.h>    time_t time(time_t *calptr);   /* 说明:  * 若参数calptr非空,则返回的时间值存储在calptr所指的单元内;  * ***/  


/* tm structure.  */  struct tm  {    int tm_sec;           /* Seconds. [0-60] (1 leap second) */    int tm_min;           /* Minutes. [0-59] */    int tm_hour;          /* Hours.   [0-23] */    int tm_mday;          /* Day.     [1-31] */    int tm_mon;           /* Month.   [0-11] */    int tm_year;          /* Year - 1900.  */    int tm_wday;          /* Day of week. [0-6] */    int tm_yday;          /* Days in year.[0-365] */    int tm_isdst;         /* DST.     [-1/0/1]*/  };  


/* 将日历时间转换为可读日期 */    /* localtime 和 gmtime 函数 */  /**  * 函数功能:将时间秒转换为可读日期;  * 返回值:返回指向tm结构的指针;  * 函数原型:  * Return the `struct tm' representation of *TIMER    in Universal Coordinated Time (aka Greenwich Mean Time).*/    struct tm *gmtime (const time_t *timer);    /* Return the `struct tm' representation    of *TIMER in the local timezone.  */   struct tm *localtime (const time_t *timer);   /**   * 区别:localtime返回的是当地时间;gmtime返回的是国际时间;   * ***/  


/** 将可读时间转换为time_t时间 */  time_t mktime(struct tm *tmptr);  /* 返回值:若成功则返回日历时间,若出错则返回-1 */         以字符串显示时间的函数:asctime和ctime函数 /* 以字符串显示时间的函数 */   /**   * 函数功能:以字符串显示的时间;   * 返回值:指向以NULL结尾的字符串指针;   * 函数原型:   * */  /* Return a string of the form "Day Mon dd hh:mm:ss yyyy\n"    that is the representation of TP in this format.  */   char *asctime (const struct tm *tp);    /* Equivalent to `asctime (localtime (timer))'.  */   char *ctime (const time_t *timer);         以格式化显示时间的函数/* Format TP into buf according to FORMAT.    Write no more than MAXSIZE characters and return the number    of characters written, or 0 if it would exceed MAXSIZE.  */   size_t strftime (char *restrict buf, size_t maxsize,              const char *restrict format,              const struct tm *restrict tp);  /**  * 说明:  * 时间tp以格式format形式存放在大小为maxsize的缓冲数组buf中。  * 返回存在buf中字符数,不包括null字符;  * **/  

测试程序:#include <time.h>  #include <stdio.h>  #include "apue.h"  #include <sys/types.h>  #include <sys/stat.h>  #include <fcntl.h>  #include <utime.h>    int main(void)  {      time_t T;      char *ptr;      struct tm *time1, *time2;      T = time(NULL);      printf("time_t format:%ld\n",T);      time1 = localtime(&T);      ptr = asctime(time1);      printf("localtime format:%s\n",ptr);      time2 = gmtime(&T);      ptr = asctime(time2);      printf("gmtime format:%s\n",ptr);      ptr = ctime(&T);      printf("ctime format:%s\n",ptr);      T = mktime(time1);      printf("mktime format:%ld\n",T);      exit(0);  }  


time_t format:1415101627  

localtime format:Tue Nov  4 19:47:07 2014  


gmtime format:Tue Nov  4 11:47:07 2014  


ctime format:Tue Nov  4 19:47:07 2014  


mktime format:1415101627  



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