
来源:互联网 发布:linux svn ignore 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 07:41



基本思路大家都知道的,就是call rand7()两次然后进行拒绝采样,因此大部分人第一下想到的算法如下:

int rand10() {  int row, col, idx;  do {    row = rand7();    col = rand7();    idx = col + (row-1)*7;//选择第row行第col列的数字,每行7个数字  } while (idx > 40);  return 1 + (idx-1)%10;}


int rand10Imp() {  int a, b, idx;  while (true) {    a = rand7();    b = rand7();    idx = b + (a-1)*7;    if (idx <= 40)      return 1 + (idx-1)%10;    a = idx-40;    b = rand7();    // get uniform dist from 1 - 63    idx = b + (a-1)*7;    if (idx <= 60)      return 1 + (idx-1)%10;    a = idx-60;    b = rand7();    // get uniform dist from 1-21    idx = b + (a-1)*7;    if (idx <= 20)      return 1 + (idx-1)%10;  }}



E(# calls to rand7) = 2 * (40/49) +                       4 * (9/49) * (40/49) +                       6 * (9/49)2 * (40/49) +                       ...                      ∞                    = ∑ 2k * (9/49)k-1 * (40/49)                      k=1                    = (80/49) / (1 - 9/49)2                    = 2.45


E(# calls to rand7) = 2 * (40/49) +                       3 * (9/49) * (60/63) +                       4 * (9/49) * (3/63) * (20/21) +                       (9/49) * (3/63) * (1/21) *                       [ 6 * (40/49) +                         7 * (9/49) * (60/63) +                        8 * (9/49) * (3/63) * (20/21) ] +                      ((9/49) * (3/63) * (1/21))2 *                       [ 10 * (40/49) +                         11 * (9/49) * (60/63) +                        12 * (9/49) * (3/63) * (20/21) ] +                      ...                    = 2.2123


int randM(int n, int m) {   int res = 0;   int count = 1;   int tmp = n - 1;   while (tmp < m) {     tmp = tmp * n + n - 1;//首先判断出m可以由几位的n进制数组成     count++;   }   int times = (tmp / m) * m;       do {     res = count > 1 ? (res % m) : 0;     int offset = res? 1 : 0;     for (int i = 0; i < count - offset; ++i) {       res = res * n + randN() - 1;     }   } while (res >= times);    return 1 + res % m;}




// An efficient program to randomly select k items from a stream of items #include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <time.h> // A utility function to print an arrayvoid printArray(int stream[], int n){    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)        printf("%d ", stream[i]);    printf("\n");} // A function to randomly select k items from stream[0..n-1].void selectKItems(int stream[], int n, int k){    int i;  // index for elements in stream[]     // reservoir[] is the output array. Initialize it with    // first k elements from stream[]    int reservoir[k];    for (i = 0; i < k; i++)        reservoir[i] = stream[i];     // Use a different seed value so that we don't get    // same result each time we run this program    srand(time(NULL));     // Iterate from the (k+1)th element to nth element    for (; i < n; i++)    {        // Pick a random index from 0 to i.        int j = rand() % (i+1);         // If the randomly  picked index is smaller than k, then replace        // the element present at the index with new element from stream        if (j < k)          reservoir[j] = stream[i];    }     printf("Following are k randomly selected items \n");    printArray(reservoir, k);} // Driver program to test above function.int main(){    int stream[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12};    int n = sizeof(stream)/sizeof(stream[0]);    int k = 5;    selectKItems(stream, n, k);    return 0;}



buffer的总概率为K/j * j/(j+1)*  (j+1)/(j+2)...N-1/N = K/N,注意我们这里的j是大于K的


K/(K+1) * (K+1)/(K+2)...N-1/N = K/N




// C Program to shuffle a given array #include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <time.h> // A utility function to swap to integersvoid swap (int *a, int *b){    int temp = *a;    *a = *b;    *b = temp;} // A utility function to print an arrayvoid printArray (int arr[], int n){    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)        printf("%d ", arr[i]);    printf("\n");} // A function to generate a random permutation of arr[]void randomize ( int arr[], int n ){    // Use a different seed value so that we don't get same    // result each time we run this program    srand ( time(NULL) );     // Start from the last element and swap one by one. We don't    // need to run for the first element that's why i > 0    for (int i = n-1; i > 0; i--)    {        // Pick a random index from 0 to i        int j = rand() % (i+1);         // Swap arr[i] with the element at random index        swap(&arr[i], &arr[j]);    }} // Driver program to test above function.int main(){    int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};    int n = sizeof(arr)/ sizeof(arr[0]);    randomize (arr, n);    printArray(arr, n);     return 0;}





四、已知有一个随机函数rand_0_and_1_with_p(),它能以概率p产生0,以概率1 - p产生1,只使用该函数,设计一新的随机函数,要求以等概率产生10

我们知道,运行rand_0_and_1_with_p()函数一次,那么P(0) = p, P(1) = 1 - p。那么如果运行两次的话,P(0 and 1) = p(1 - p),P(1 and 0) = p(1 - p)


int rand_0_and_1_with_equal_prob() {    while (1) {      int tmp1 = rand_0_and_1_with_p();      int tmp2 = rand_0_and_1_with_p();      if (tmp1 == 1 && tmp2 == 0) {        return 1;      } else if (tmp1 == 0 && tmp2 == 1) {        return 0;      }    } }

将上述问题扩展一下,已知有一个随机函数rand_0_and_1_with_p(),它能以概率p产生0,以概率1 - p产生1,只使用该函数,设计一新的随机函数,要求以等概率1/n产生1n之间的随机数,就是(1/2)^logN=1/N,因此得到下面的程序

int rand_1_to_n_with_equal_prob(int n) {   int k = 0;   while (n) {     k++;     n >>= 1;   }   do {     int res = 0;     for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) {       res |= rand_0_and_1_with_equal_prob()<< i;     }   } while (res >= n);   return res + 1; }

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