cocos2dx 3.2 利用clippingNode把图片裁剪成圆形,接口可直接使用

来源:互联网 发布:大宗商品数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 01:26




 /** Creates and initializes a clipping node with an other node as its stencil.     The stencil node will be retained.     */    static ClippingNode* create(Node *stencil);
    /** The alpha threshold.     The content is drawn only where the stencil have pixel with alpha greater than the alphaThreshold.     Should be a float between 0 and 1.     This default to 1 (so alpha test is disabled).     */    GLfloat getAlphaThreshold() const;    void setAlphaThreshold(GLfloat alphaThreshold);
/** Inverted. If this is set to true,     the stencil is inverted, so the content is drawn where the stencil is NOT drawn.     This default to false.     */    bool isInverted() const;    void setInverted(bool inverted);

CirCularNode 圆形图片类

另一种方法就是下面代码所示,就不麻烦美术了,能省几KB就省几KB吧。我们自己画个圆形出来。只写了一个接口,需要的可以扩展,依照注释 看一下吧。
#ifndef __CirCularNode__#define __CirCularNode__#include <stdio.h>#include "cocos2d.h"#include "extensions/cocos-ext.h"class CirCularNode:public cocos2d::ClippingNode{public:    CirCularNode();    virtual ~CirCularNode();    /**     *  创建一个圆形clippingNode     *     *  @param radius 创建的圆形半径     *     *  @return 返回一个剪切node     */    static CirCularNode* create(float radius);        /**     *  创建一个圆形的clippingNode     *     *  @param radius 创建的圆形半径     *  @param sprite 需要切呈圆形的精灵     *     *  @return 返回一个剪切node     */    static CirCularNode* create(float radius, cocos2d::Node* pNode);        virtual bool init(float radius);        CC_PROPERTY(cocos2d::Node*, m_clipNode, ClipNode);};#endif 
#include "CirCularNode.h"USING_NS_CC;CirCularNode::CirCularNode():m_clipNode(nullptr){    }CirCularNode::~CirCularNode(){    CC_SAFE_RELEASE_NULL(m_clipNode);}CirCularNode* CirCularNode::create(float radius){    auto pClipNode = new CirCularNode();    if (pClipNode && pClipNode->init(radius))    {        pClipNode->autorelease();    }    else    {        delete pClipNode;        pClipNode = nullptr;    }    return pClipNode;}bool CirCularNode::init(float radius){    if (!ClippingNode::init())    {        CCLOG("CirCularNode parent init failed!");        return false;    }    //使用drawNode画圆形    auto circleNode = DrawNode::create();//顶点坐标个数,在需要画大圆的时候,这个值就要相应变大一点    const int maxTrangle = 360;//顶点数组    Vec2 circleVec2[maxTrangle];//计算圆上面的各个点的坐标    for (int i = 0; i < maxTrangle; i ++)    {        float x = cosf( i * (M_PI/180.f)) * radius;        float y = sinf( i * (M_PI/180.f)) * radius;        circleVec2[i] = Vec2(x, y);    }//颜色    auto circleColor = Color4F(0, 1, 0, 1);    circleNode->drawPolygon(circleVec2, maxTrangle, circleColor, 1, circleColor);//设置clippingNode的模板类setStencil(circleNode);    return true;}CirCularNode* CirCularNode::create(float radius, Node* pNode){    auto clipNode = CirCularNode::create(radius);    if (clipNode)    {        clipNode->setClipNode(pNode);    }    return clipNode;}void CirCularNode::setClipNode(Node* pNode){    CC_SAFE_RELEASE_NULL(m_clipNode);    m_clipNode = pNode;    CC_SAFE_RETAIN(m_clipNode);        addChild(pNode);}Node* CirCularNode::getClipNode(){    return m_clipNode;}


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