来源:互联网 发布:二手跳蚤市场淘宝 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 11:05
//----------------------------------------------// Performing an LDAP Synchronous Search.//// Be aware that you must set the command prompt screen buffer // height to 350 and the width to 90.//-------------------------------------------------------------#include <windows.h>#include <winldap.h>#include <winber.h>#include <rpc.h>#include <rpcdce.h>#include <stdio.h>//-----------------------------------------------------------// This subroutine must have validated credentials (name and// password) passed to it.//-----------------------------------------------------------int MyLDAPSearch(PCHAR pUserName, PCHAR pPassword){    //---------------------------------------------------------    // Initialize a session. LDAP_PORT is the default port, 389.    //---------------------------------------------------------    PCHAR hostName = "fabrikam.com";    LDAP* pLdapConnection = NULL;        pLdapConnection = ldap_init(hostName, LDAP_PORT);        if (pLdapConnection == NULL)    {        printf("ldap_init failed with 0x%x.\n",LdapGetLastError());        ldap_unbind(pLdapConnection);        return -1;    }    else        printf("ldap_init succeeded \n");            //-------------------------------------------------------    // Set session options.    //-------------------------------------------------------    ULONG version = LDAP_VERSION3;    ULONG numReturns = 10;    ULONG lRtn = 0;        // Set the version to 3.0 (default is 2.0).    lRtn = ldap_set_option(                    pLdapConnection,           // Session handle                    LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, // Option                    (void*) &version);         // Option value    if(lRtn == LDAP_SUCCESS)        printf("ldap version set to 3.0 \n");    else    {        printf("SetOption Error:%0lX\n", lRtn);        ldap_unbind(pLdapConnection);        return -1;    }    // Set the limit on the number of entries returned to 10.    lRtn = ldap_set_option(                    pLdapConnection,       // Session handle                    LDAP_OPT_SIZELIMIT,    // Option                    (void*) &numReturns);  // Option value    if(lRtn == LDAP_SUCCESS)        printf("Max return entries set to 10 \n");    else    {        printf("SetOption Error:%0lX\n", lRtn);        ldap_unbind(pLdapConnection);        return -1;    }            //--------------------------------------------------------    // Connect to the server.    //--------------------------------------------------------        lRtn = ldap_connect(pLdapConnection, NULL);        if(lRtn == LDAP_SUCCESS)        printf("ldap_connect succeeded \n");    else    {        printf("ldap_connect failed with 0x%lx.\n",lRtn);        ldap_unbind(pLdapConnection);        return -1;    }            //--------------------------------------------------------    // Bind with credentials.    //--------------------------------------------------------    PCHAR pMyDN = "DC=fabrikam,DC=com";    SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY secIdent;     secIdent.User = (unsigned char*)pUserName;    secIdent.UserLength = strlen(pUserName);    secIdent.Password = (unsigned char*)pPassword;    secIdent.PasswordLength = strlen(pPassword);    secIdent.Domain = (unsigned char*)hostName;    secIdent.DomainLength = strlen(hostName);    secIdent.Flags = SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_ANSI;        lRtn = ldap_bind_s(                pLdapConnection,      // Session Handle                pMyDN,                // Domain DN                (PCHAR)&secIdent,     // Credential structure                LDAP_AUTH_NEGOTIATE); // Auth mode    if(lRtn == LDAP_SUCCESS)    {        printf("ldap_bind_s succeeded \n");        secIdent.Password = NULL; // Remove password pointer        pPassword = NULL;         // Remove password pointer    }    else    {        printf("ldap_bind_s failed with 0x%lx.\n",lRtn);        ldap_unbind(pLdapConnection);        return -1;    }      //----------------------------------------------------------    // Perform a synchronous search of fabrikam.com for     // all user objects that have a "person" category.    //----------------------------------------------------------    ULONG errorCode = LDAP_SUCCESS;    LDAPMessage* pSearchResult;    PCHAR pMyFilter = "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user))";    PCHAR pMyAttributes[6];    pMyAttributes[0] = "cn";    pMyAttributes[1] = "company";    pMyAttributes[2] = "department";    pMyAttributes[3] = "telephoneNumber";    pMyAttributes[4] = "memberOf";    pMyAttributes[5] = NULL;        errorCode = ldap_search_s(                    pLdapConnection,    // Session handle                    pMyDN,              // DN to start search                    LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, // Scope                    pMyFilter,          // Filter                    pMyAttributes,      // Retrieve list of attributes                    0,                  // Get both attributes and values                    &pSearchResult);    // [out] Search results        if (errorCode != LDAP_SUCCESS)    {        printf("ldap_search_s failed with 0x%0lx \n",errorCode);        ldap_unbind_s(pLdapConnection);        if(pSearchResult != NULL)            ldap_msgfree(pSearchResult);        return -1;    }    else        printf("ldap_search succeeded \n");        //----------------------------------------------------------    // Get the number of entries returned.    //----------------------------------------------------------    ULONG numberOfEntries;        numberOfEntries = ldap_count_entries(                        pLdapConnection,    // Session handle                        pSearchResult);     // Search result        if(numberOfEntries == NULL)    {        printf("ldap_count_entries failed with 0x%0lx \n",errorCode);        ldap_unbind_s(pLdapConnection);        if(pSearchResult != NULL)            ldap_msgfree(pSearchResult);        return -1;    }    else        printf("ldap_count_entries succeeded \n");        printf("The number of entries is: %d \n", numberOfEntries);            //----------------------------------------------------------    // Loop through the search entries, get, and output the    // requested list of attributes and values.    //----------------------------------------------------------    LDAPMessage* pEntry = NULL;    PCHAR pEntryDN = NULL;    ULONG iCnt = 0;    char* sMsg;    BerElement* pBer = NULL;    PCHAR pAttribute = NULL;    PCHAR* ppValue = NULL;    ULONG iValue = 0;        for( iCnt=0; iCnt < numberOfEntries; iCnt++ )    {        // Get the first/next entry.        if( !iCnt )            pEntry = ldap_first_entry(pLdapConnection, pSearchResult);        else            pEntry = ldap_next_entry(pLdapConnection, pEntry);                // Output a status message.        sMsg = (!iCnt ? "ldap_first_entry" : "ldap_next_entry");        if( pEntry == NULL )        {            printf("%s failed with 0x%0lx \n", sMsg, LdapGetLastError());            ldap_unbind_s(pLdapConnection);            ldap_msgfree(pSearchResult);            return -1;        }        else            printf("%s succeeded\n",sMsg);                // Output the entry number.        printf("ENTRY NUMBER %i \n", iCnt);                        // Get the first attribute name.        pAttribute = ldap_first_attribute(                      pLdapConnection,   // Session handle                      pEntry,            // Current entry                      &pBer);            // [out] Current BerElement                // Output the attribute names for the current object        // and output values.        while(pAttribute != NULL)        {            // Output the attribute name.            printf("     ATTR: %s",pAttribute);                        // Get the string values.            ppValue = ldap_get_values(                          pLdapConnection,  // Session Handle                          pEntry,           // Current entry                          pAttribute);      // Current attribute            // Print status if no values are returned (NULL ptr)            if(ppValue == NULL)            {                printf(": [NO ATTRIBUTE VALUE RETURNED]");            }            // Output the attribute values            else            {                iValue = ldap_count_values(ppValue);                if(!iValue)                {                    printf(": [BAD VALUE LIST]");                }                else                {                    // Output the first attribute value                    printf(": %s", *ppValue);                    // Output more values if available                    ULONG z;                    for(z=1; z<iValue; z++)                    {                        printf(", %s", ppValue[z]);                    }                }            }             // Free memory.            if(ppValue != NULL)                  ldap_value_free(ppValue);            ppValue = NULL;            ldap_memfree(pAttribute);                        // Get next attribute name.            pAttribute = ldap_next_attribute(                            pLdapConnection,   // Session Handle                            pEntry,            // Current entry                            pBer);             // Current BerElement            printf("\n");        }                if( pBer != NULL )            ber_free(pBer,0);        pBer = NULL;    }        //----------------------------------------------------------    // Normal cleanup and exit.    //----------------------------------------------------------    ldap_unbind(pLdapConnection);    ldap_msgfree(pSearchResult);    ldap_value_free(ppValue);    return 0;    }
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