
来源:互联网 发布:darma 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 15:28

1. 事务



import sqlite3db_filename = 'todo.db'def show_projects(conn):    cursor = conn.cursor()    cursor.execute('select name, description from project')    for name, desc in cursor.fetchall():        print '  ', name    returnwith sqlite3.connect(db_filename) as conn1:    print 'Befor changes:'    show_projects(conn1)     # Insert in one cursor    cursor1 = conn1.cursor()    cursor1.execute("""    insert into project(name, description, deadling)    values('virtualenvwrapper', 'Virtualenv Extension', '2011-01-01')    """)     print '\nAfter changes in conn1:'    show_projects(conn1)     # Select from another connection, without committing first    print '\nBefor commit:'    with sqlite3.connect(db_filenames) as conn2:        shwo_project(conn2)     # Commit then select from another connection    conn1.commit()    print '\nAfter commit:'    with sqlite3.connect(db_filename) as conn3:        show_projects(conn3)
$ python transaction_commit.pyBefor changes:   pymotwAfter changes in conn1:   pymotw   virtualenvwrapperBefor commit:   pymotwAfter commit:   pymotw   virtualenvwrapper


import sqlite3db_filename = 'todo.db'def show_projects(conn):    cursor = conn.cursor()    cursor.execute('select name, description from project')    for name, desc in cursor.fetchall():        print '    ', name    returnwith sqlite3.connect(db_filename) as conn:    print 'Before changes:'    show_projects(conn)    try:        # Insert        cursor = conn.cursor()        cursor.execute("""delete from project        where name = 'virtualenvwrapper'        """)        # Show the settings        print '\nAfter delete:'        show_projects(conn)        # Pretend the processing caused an error        raise RuntimeError('simulated error')    except Exception, err:        # Discard the changes        print 'ERROR:', err        conn.rollback()    else:        #Save the changes        conn.commit()    # Show the results    print '\nAfter rollback:'    show_projects(conn)
$ python Before changes:     pymotw     virtualenvwrapperAfter delete:     pymotwERROR: simulated errorAfter rollback:     pymotw     virtualenvwrapper

2. 隔离级别

sqlit3支持3种加锁模式,也称为隔离级别(isolation level),这会控制使用任何技术避免连接之间不兼容的变更。打开一个连接时可以传入一个字符串作为isolation_level参数来设置隔离级别,所以不同的连接可以使用不同的隔离级别值。
下面展示了使用同一数据库的不同连接时,不同的隔离级别对 于线程中事件的顺序会有什么影响。这里创建了4个线程。两个线程会更新现有的行,将变更写入数据库。另外两个线程尝试从task表读取所有的行。
import loggingimport sqlite3import sysimport threadingimport timelogging.basicConfig(    level = logging.DEBUG,    format = '%(asctime)s (%(threadName)-10s) %(message)s',    )db_filename = 'todo.db'isolation_level = sys.argv[1]def writer():    #my_name = threading.currentThread().name    with sqlite3.connect(db_filename,            isolation_level = isolation_level) as conn:        cursor = conn.cursor()        cursor.execute('update task set priority = priority + 1')        logging.debug('waiting to synchronize')        ready.wait() # synchronize threads        logging.debug('PAUSINE')        time.sleep(1)        conn.commit()        logging.debug('CHANGES COMMITTED')    returndef reader():    #my_name = threading.currentThread().name    with sqlite3.connect(db_filename,            isolation_level = isolation_level) as conn:        cursor = conn.cursor()        logging.debug('waiting to synchronize')        ready.wait() # synchronize threads        logging.debug('wait over')        cursor.execute('select * from task')        logging.debug('SELECT EXECUTED')        results = cursor.fetchall()        logging.debug('result fetched')    returnif __name__ == '__main__':    ready = threading.Event()    threads = [            threading.Thread(name='Reader 1', target = reader),            threading.Thread(name='Reader 2', target = reader),            threading.Thread(name='Writer 1', target = writer),            threading.Thread(name='Writer 2', target = writer),            ]    [ t.start() for t in threads ]    time.sleep(1)    logging.debug('setting ready')    ready.set()    [ t.join() for t in threads ]


$ python DEFERRED2015-01-08 23:17:29,144 (Reader 1  ) waiting to synchronize2015-01-08 23:17:29,144 (Reader 2  ) waiting to synchronize2015-01-08 23:17:29,145 (Writer 1  ) waiting to synchronize2015-01-08 23:17:30,146 (MainThread) setting ready2015-01-08 23:17:30,147 (Reader 1  ) wait over2015-01-08 23:17:30,147 (Reader 1  ) SELECT EXECUTED2015-01-08 23:17:30,147 (Reader 1  ) result fetched2015-01-08 23:17:30,147 (Reader 2  ) wait over2015-01-08 23:17:30,148 (Reader 2  ) SELECT EXECUTED2015-01-08 23:17:30,148 (Reader 2  ) result fetched2015-01-08 23:17:30,148 (Writer 1  ) PAUSINE2015-01-08 23:17:31,155 (Writer 1  ) CHANGES COMMITTED2015-01-08 23:17:31,178 (Writer 2  ) waiting to synchronize2015-01-08 23:17:31,178 (Writer 2  ) PAUSINE2015-01-08 23:17:32,183 (Writer 2  ) CHANGES COMMITTED


$ python IMMEDIATE2015-01-08 23:41:21,768 (Reader 2  ) waiting to synchronize2015-01-08 23:41:21,769 (Writer 1  ) waiting to synchronize2015-01-08 23:41:21,769 (Reader 1  ) waiting to synchronize2015-01-08 23:41:22,769 (MainThread) setting ready2015-01-08 23:41:22,769 (Reader 2  ) wait over2015-01-08 23:41:22,770 (Reader 2  ) SELECT EXECUTED2015-01-08 23:41:22,770 (Reader 2  ) result fetched2015-01-08 23:41:22,770 (Writer 1  ) PAUSINE2015-01-08 23:41:22,770 (Reader 1  ) wait over2015-01-08 23:41:22,770 (Reader 1  ) SELECT EXECUTED2015-01-08 23:41:22,771 (Reader 1  ) result fetched2015-01-08 23:41:23,776 (Writer 1  ) CHANGES COMMITTED2015-01-08 23:41:23,801 (Writer 2  ) waiting to synchronize2015-01-08 23:41:23,801 (Writer 2  ) PAUSINE2015-01-08 23:41:24,807 (Writer 2  ) CHANGES COMMITTED


$ python EXCLUSIVE2015-01-09 02:52:04,412 (Reader 1  ) waiting to synchronize2015-01-09 02:52:04,412 (Reader 2  ) waiting to synchronize2015-01-09 02:52:04,413 (Writer 1  ) waiting to synchronize2015-01-09 02:52:05,415 (MainThread) setting ready2015-01-09 02:52:05,415 (Reader 1  ) wait over2015-01-09 02:52:05,415 (Reader 2  ) wait over2015-01-09 02:52:05,415 (Writer 1  ) PAUSINE2015-01-09 02:52:06,423 (Writer 1  ) CHANGES COMMITTED2015-01-09 02:52:06,446 (Reader 1  ) SELECT EXECUTED2015-01-09 02:52:06,446 (Reader 1  ) result fetched2015-01-09 02:52:06,446 (Reader 2  ) SELECT EXECUTED2015-01-09 02:52:06,446 (Reader 2  ) result fetched2015-01-09 02:52:06,447 (Writer 2  ) waiting to synchronize2015-01-09 02:52:06,447 (Writer 2  ) PAUSINE2015-01-09 02:52:07,453 (Writer 2  ) CHANGES COMMITTED


$ python None2015-01-10 07:11:58,890 (Reader 1  ) waiting to synchronize2015-01-10 07:11:58,891 (Reader 2  ) waiting to synchronize2015-01-10 07:11:58,907 (Writer 1  ) waiting to synchronize2015-01-10 07:11:58,913 (Writer 2  ) waiting to synchronize2015-01-10 07:11:59,893 (MainThread) setting ready2015-01-10 07:11:59,893 (Reader 1  ) wait over2015-01-10 07:11:59,894 (Reader 1  ) SELECT EXECUTED2015-01-10 07:11:59,894 (Reader 1  ) result fetched2015-01-10 07:11:59,893 (Reader 2  ) wait over2015-01-10 07:11:59,895 (Reader 2  ) SELECT EXECUTED2015-01-10 07:11:59,895 (Reader 2  ) result fetched2015-01-10 07:11:59,895 (Writer 1  ) PAUSINE2015-01-10 07:11:59,895 (Writer 2  ) PAUSINE

3. 内存中数据库


4. 导出数据库类型

内存数据库的内容可以使用Connection的iterdump()方法保存。iterdump()方法返回迭代器生成一系列字符串,这些 字符串将共同构造相应的SQL指令来重新创建数据库的状态。
import sqlite3schema_filename = 'todo_schema.sql'with sqlite3.connect(':memory:') as conn:    conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row    print 'Creating schema'    with open(schema_filename, 'rt') as f:        schema =    conn.executescript(schema)    print "Inserting initial data"    conn.execute("""    insert  into project (name, description, deadline)    values('pymotw','Python Module of the Week', '2015-01-10')    """)    data = [    ('write about select', 'done', '2015-01-11', 'pymotw'),    ('write about random', 'waiting', '2015-01-12', 'pymotw'),    ('write about sqlite3', 'active', '2015-01-10', 'pymotw'),    ]    conn.executemany("""    insert into task (details, status, deadline, project)    values (?, ?, ?, ?)    """, data)    print 'Dumping:'    for text in conn.iterdump():        print text

Creating schemaInserting initial dataDumping:BEGIN TRANSACTION;CREATE TABLE project(        name text primary key,        description text,        deadline date        );INSERT INTO "project" VALUES('pymotw','Python Module of the Week','2015-01-10');CREATE TABLE task(        id integer primary key autoincrement not null,        priority integer default 1,        details text,        status text,        deadline date,        completed_on date,        project text not null references project(name)        );INSERT INTO "task" VALUES(1,1,'write about select','done','2015-01-11',NULL,'pymotw');INSERT INTO "task" VALUES(2,1,'write about random','waiting','2015-01-12',NULL,'pymotw');INSERT INTO "task" VALUES(3,1,'write about sqlite3','active','2015-01-10',NULL,'pymotw');DELETE FROM "sqlite_sequence";INSERT INTO "sqlite_sequence" VALUES('task',3);COMMIT;
create table project(        name text primary key,        description text,        deadline date        );create table task(        id integer primary key autoincrement not null,        priority integer default 1,        details text,        status text,        deadline date,        completed_on date,        project text not null references project(name)        );

5. SQL中使用Python函数

import sqlite3db_filename = 'todo.db'def encrypt(s):    print 'Encrypting %r' % s    return s.encode('rot-13')def decrypt(s):    print 'Decrypting %r' % s    return s.encode('rot-13')with sqlite3.connect(db_filename) as conn:    conn.create_function('encrypt',1, encrypt)    conn.create_function('decrypt', 1, decrypt)    cursor = conn.cursor()    # Raw values    print 'Original values:'    query = 'select id, details from task'    cursor.execute(query)    for row in cursor.fetchall():        print row    print '\nEncrypting...'    query = 'update task set details = encrypt(details)'    cursor.execute(query)    for row in cursor.fetchall():        print row    print '\nDecrypting in query...'    query = 'select id, decrypt(details) from task'    cursor.execute(query)    for row in cursor.fetchall():        print row
$ python Original values:(1, u'write about select')(2, u'write about random')(3, u'write about sqlite3')(4, u'finish revieing markup')(5, u'revise chapter intros')(6, u'subtitle')Encrypting...Encrypting u'write about select'Encrypting u'write about random'Encrypting u'write about sqlite3'Encrypting u'finish revieing markup'Encrypting u'revise chapter intros'Encrypting u'subtitle'Decrypting in query...Decrypting u'jevgr nobhg fryrpg'Decrypting u'jevgr nobhg enaqbz'Decrypting u'jevgr nobhg fdyvgr3'Decrypting u'svavfu erivrvat znexhc'Decrypting u'erivfr puncgre vagebf'Decrypting u'fhogvgyr'(1, u'write about select')(2, u'write about random')(3, u'write about sqlite3')(4, u'finish revieing markup')(5, u'revise chapter intros')(6, u'subtitle')

6. 定制聚类

import sqlite3import collectionsdb_filename = 'todo.db'class Mode(object):    def __init__(self):        self.counter = collections.Counter()    def step(self,value):        print 'step(%r)' % value        self.counter[value] += 1    def finalize(self):        result, count = self.counter.most_common(1)[0]        print 'finalize() -> %r (%d times)' % (result, count)        return resultwith sqlite3.connect(db_filename) as conn:    conn.create_aggregate('mode', 1, Mode)    cursor = conn.cursor()    cursor.execute("""            select mode(deadline) from task where project = 'pymotw'            """)    row = cursor.fetchone()    print 'mode(deadline) is:', row[0]
$python create_aggregate.pystep(u'2014-12-05')step(u'2015-01-01')step(u'2015-02-01')step(u'2014-10-02')step(u'2014-11-02')step(u'2014-11-02')finalize() -> u'2014-11-02' (2 times)mode(deadline) is: 2014-11-02

7. 定制排序

对比(collation)是一个比较函数,在SQL查询的order by部分使用。对于SQLite无法在内部排序的数据类型,可以使用它来定制比对来比较。例如,我们需要一个定制比对来保存custom_type.py中的pickle对象排序。
import sqlite3try:    import cPickle as pickleexcept:    import pickledb_filename = 'todo.db'def adapter_func(obj):    return pickle.dumps(obj)def converter_func(data):    return pickle.loads(data)class MyObj(object):    def  __init__(self, arg):        self.arg = arg    def __str__(self):        return 'MyObj(%r)' % self.arg    def __cmp__(self, other):        return cmp(self.arg, other.arg)# Register the functions for mainpulating the type.sqlite3.register_adapter(MyObj, adapter_func)sqlite3.register_converter("MyObj", converter_func)def collation_func(a, b):    a_obj = converter_func(a)    b_obj = converter_func(b)    print 'collation_func(%s, %s)' % (a_obj, b_obj)    return cmp(a_obj, b_obj)with sqlite3.connect(db_filename,        detect_types = sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES,        ) as conn:    # Define the collation    conn.create_collation('unpickle', collation_func)    # Clear the table and insert new values    conn.execute('delete from obj')    conn.executemany('insert into obj (data) values (?)',    [(MyObj(x),) for x in xrange(5,0,-1)],)    # Query the database for the objects just saved    print 'Querying:'    cursor = conn.cursor()    cursor.execute("""    select id, data from obj order by data collate unpickle    """)    for obj_id, obj in cursor.fetchall():        print obj_id, obj
$python Querying:collation_func(MyObj(2), MyObj(1))collation_func(MyObj(4), MyObj(3))collation_func(MyObj(3), MyObj(1))collation_func(MyObj(3), MyObj(2))collation_func(MyObj(5), MyObj(1))collation_func(MyObj(5), MyObj(2))collation_func(MyObj(5), MyObj(3))collation_func(MyObj(5), MyObj(4))7 MyObj(1)6 MyObj(2)5 MyObj(3)4 MyObj(4)3 MyObj(5)

8. 线程和连接共享

import sqlite3import sysimport threadingimport timedb_filename = 'todo.db'isolation_level = None # autocommit modedef reader(conn):    my_name = threading.currentThread().name    print 'Starting thread'    try:        cursor = conn.cursor()        cursor.execute('select * from task')        results = cursor.fetchall()        print 'results fetched'    except Exception, err:        print 'ERROR:', err    returnif __name__ == '__main__':    with sqlite3.connect(db_filename, isolation_level=isolation_level,) as conn:        t = threading.Thread(name='Reader 1', target = reader, args=(conn,),)        t.start()        t.join()
Starting threadERROR: SQLite objects created in a thread can only be used in that same thread.The object was created in thread id 140473086383872 and this is thread id 140473051047680


与其他更大的关系数据库相比,尽管SQLite没有用户访问控制,但是确实提供了一种机制来限制访问。每个连接可以安装一个授权函数(authorizer function),运行时可以根据所需的原则来批准或拒绝访问列。这个授权函数会在解析SQL语句时调用,将传入5个参数。第一个参数是动作码,指示所完成的操作类型(读、写、删除等等)。其余的参数则取决于动作码。对于SQLITE_READ操作,这4个参数分别是表名、列名、SQL语句访问出现的位置(主查询、触发器等等)和None。
import sqlite3db_filename = 'todo.db'def authorizer_func(action, table, column, sql_location, ignore):    print '\nauthorizer_func(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' % \            (action, table, column, sql_location, ignore)    response = sqlite3.SQLITE_OK  # be permissive by default    if action == sqlite3.SQLITE_SELECT:        print 'requesting permission to run a select statement'        response = sqlite3.SQLITE_OK    elif action == sqlite3.SQLITE_READ:        print 'requesting access to column %s.%s from %s' % \                (table, column, sql_location)        if column == 'details':            print '   ignoring details column'            response = sqlite3.SQLITE_IGNORE        elif column == 'priority':            print '    preventing access to priority column'            response = sqlite3.SQLITE_DENY    return  responsewith sqlite3.connect(db_filename) as conn:    conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row    conn.set_authorizer(authorizer_func)    print 'Using SQLITE_IGNORE to mask a column value:'    cursor = conn.cursor()    cursor.execute(" select id, details from task where project='pymotw' ")    for row in cursor.fetchall():        print row['id'], row['details']    print '\nUsing SQLITE_DENY to deny access to a column:'    cursor.execute("""    select id, priority from task where project='pymotw'    """)    for row in cursor.fetchall():        print row['id'], row['priority']
$python Using SQLITE_IGNORE to mask a column value:authorizer_func(21, None, None, None, None)requesting permission to run a select statementauthorizer_func(20, task, id, main, None)requesting access to column from mainauthorizer_func(20, task, details, main, None)requesting access to column task.details from main   ignoring details columnauthorizer_func(20, task, project, main, None)requesting access to column task.project from main1 None2 None3 None4 None5 None6 NoneUsing SQLITE_DENY to deny access to a column:authorizer_func(21, None, None, None, None)requesting permission to run a select statementauthorizer_func(20, task, id, main, None)requesting access to column from mainauthorizer_func(20, task, priority, main, None)requesting access to column task.priority from main    preventing access to priority columnTraceback (most recent call last):  File "", line 37, in <module>    """)sqlite3.DatabaseError: access to task.priority is prohibited

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