
来源:互联网 发布:三网合一建站系统源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 10:04


intSDL_Init(Uint32 flags){    return SDL_InitSubSystem(flags);}


#define SDL_InitSubSystem SDL_InitSubSystem_REAL


intSDL_InitSubSystem(Uint32 flags){

if (!SDL_MainIsReady) {        SDL_SetError("Application didn't initialize properly, did you include SDL_main.h in the file containing your main() function?");        return -1;    }
那么这个SDL_MainIsReady 到底是什么东西?看看这个宏定义

/* The initialized subsystems */#ifdef SDL_MAIN_NEEDEDstatic SDL_bool SDL_MainIsReady = SDL_FALSE;#elsestatic SDL_bool SDL_MainIsReady = SDL_TRUE;#endif


    /* Clear the error message */    SDL_ClearError();

#if SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER_WINDOWSif ((flags & (SDL_INIT_HAPTIC|SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK))) {if (SDL_HelperWindowCreate() < 0) {return -1;}}#endif


/* * Creates a HelperWindow used for DirectInput events. */intSDL_HelperWindowCreate(void){    HINSTANCE hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL);    WNDCLASS wce;    /* Make sure window isn't created twice. */    if (SDL_HelperWindow != NULL) {        return 0;    }    /* Create the class. */    SDL_zero(wce);    wce.lpfnWndProc = DefWindowProc;    wce.lpszClassName = (LPCWSTR) SDL_HelperWindowClassName;    wce.hInstance = hInstance;    /* Register the class. */    SDL_HelperWindowClass = RegisterClass(&wce);    if (SDL_HelperWindowClass == 0 && GetLastError() != ERROR_CLASS_ALREADY_EXISTS) {        return WIN_SetError("Unable to create Helper Window Class");    }    /* Create the window. */    SDL_HelperWindow = CreateWindowEx(0, SDL_HelperWindowClassName,                                      SDL_HelperWindowName,                                      WS_OVERLAPPED, CW_USEDEFAULT,                                      CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT,                                      CW_USEDEFAULT, HWND_MESSAGE, NULL,                                      hInstance, NULL);    if (SDL_HelperWindow == NULL) {        UnregisterClass(SDL_HelperWindowClassName, hInstance);        return WIN_SetError("Unable to create Helper Window");    }    return 0;}




#if !SDL_TIMERS_DISABLED    SDL_TicksInit();#endif


voidSDL_TicksInit(void){    if (ticks_started) {        return;    }    ticks_started = SDL_TRUE;    /* Set first ticks value */#ifdef USE_GETTICKCOUNT    start = GetTickCount();#else    /* QueryPerformanceCounter has had problems in the past, but lots of games       use it, so we'll rely on it here.     */    if (QueryPerformanceFrequency(&hires_ticks_per_second) == TRUE) {        hires_timer_available = TRUE;        QueryPerformanceCounter(&hires_start_ticks);    } else {        hires_timer_available = FALSE;#ifdef __WINRT__        start = 0;            /* the timer failed to start! */#else        timeSetPeriod(1);     /* use 1 ms timer precision */        start = timeGetTime();        SDL_AddHintCallback(SDL_HINT_TIMER_RESOLUTION,                            SDL_TimerResolutionChanged, NULL);#endif /* __WINRT__ */    }#endif /* USE_GETTICKCOUNT */}

继续下面的代码 , 根据给定的标志再加一定的标志

    if ((flags & SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER)) {        /* game controller implies joystick */        flags |= SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK;    }    if ((flags & (SDL_INIT_VIDEO|SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK))) {        /* video or joystick implies events */        flags |= SDL_INIT_EVENTS;    }

继续,看注释  初始化事件系统

    /* Initialize the event subsystem */    if ((flags & SDL_INIT_EVENTS)) {#if !SDL_EVENTS_DISABLED        if (SDL_PrivateShouldInitSubsystem(SDL_INIT_EVENTS)) {            if (SDL_StartEventLoop() < 0) {                return (-1);            }            SDL_QuitInit();        }        SDL_PrivateSubsystemRefCountIncr(SDL_INIT_EVENTS);#else        return SDL_SetError("SDL not built with events support");#endif    }

    /* Initialize the timer subsystem */    if ((flags & SDL_INIT_TIMER)){#if !SDL_TIMERS_DISABLED        if (SDL_PrivateShouldInitSubsystem(SDL_INIT_TIMER)) {            if (SDL_TimerInit() < 0) {                return (-1);            }        }        SDL_PrivateSubsystemRefCountIncr(SDL_INIT_TIMER);#else        return SDL_SetError("SDL not built with timer support");#endif    }



    /* Initialize the video subsystem */    if ((flags & SDL_INIT_VIDEO)){#if !SDL_VIDEO_DISABLED        if (SDL_PrivateShouldInitSubsystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO)) {            if (SDL_VideoInit(NULL) < 0) {                return (-1);            }        }        SDL_PrivateSubsystemRefCountIncr(SDL_INIT_VIDEO);#else        return SDL_SetError("SDL not built with video support");#endif    }


/* * Initialize the video and event subsystems -- determine native pixel format */intSDL_VideoInit(const char *driver_name){    SDL_VideoDevice *video;    const char *hint;    int index;    int i;    SDL_bool allow_screensaver;    /* Check to make sure we don't overwrite '_this' */    if (_this != NULL) {        SDL_VideoQuit();    }#if !SDL_TIMERS_DISABLED    SDL_TicksInit();#endif    /* Start the event loop */    if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_EVENTS) < 0 ||        SDL_KeyboardInit() < 0 ||        SDL_MouseInit() < 0 ||        SDL_TouchInit() < 0) {        return -1;    }    /* Select the proper video driver */    index = 0;    video = NULL;    if (driver_name == NULL) {        driver_name = SDL_getenv("SDL_VIDEODRIVER");    }    if (driver_name != NULL) {        for (i = 0; bootstrap[i]; ++i) {            if (SDL_strncasecmp(bootstrap[i]->name, driver_name, SDL_strlen(driver_name)) == 0) {                if (bootstrap[i]->available()) {                    video = bootstrap[i]->create(index);                    break;                }            }        }    } else {        for (i = 0; bootstrap[i]; ++i) {            if (bootstrap[i]->available()) {                video = bootstrap[i]->create(index);                if (video != NULL) {                    break;                }            }        }    }    if (video == NULL) {        if (driver_name) {            return SDL_SetError("%s not available", driver_name);        }        return SDL_SetError("No available video device");    }    _this = video;    _this->name = bootstrap[i]->name;    _this->next_object_id = 1;    /* Set some very sane GL defaults */    _this->gl_config.driver_loaded = 0;    _this->gl_config.dll_handle = NULL;    SDL_GL_ResetAttributes();    _this->current_glwin_tls = SDL_TLSCreate();    _this->current_glctx_tls = SDL_TLSCreate();    /* Initialize the video subsystem */    if (_this->VideoInit(_this) < 0) {        SDL_VideoQuit();        return -1;    }    /* Make sure some displays were added */    if (_this->num_displays == 0) {        SDL_VideoQuit();        return SDL_SetError("The video driver did not add any displays");    }    /* Add the renderer framebuffer emulation if desired */    if (ShouldUseTextureFramebuffer()) {        _this->CreateWindowFramebuffer = SDL_CreateWindowTexture;        _this->UpdateWindowFramebuffer = SDL_UpdateWindowTexture;        _this->DestroyWindowFramebuffer = SDL_DestroyWindowTexture;    }    /* Disable the screen saver by default. This is a change from <= 2.0.1,       but most things using SDL are games or media players; you wouldn't       want a screensaver to trigger if you're playing exclusively with a       joystick, or passively watching a movie. Things that use SDL but       function more like a normal desktop app should explicitly reenable the       screensaver. */    hint = SDL_GetHint(SDL_HINT_VIDEO_ALLOW_SCREENSAVER);    if (hint) {        allow_screensaver = SDL_atoi(hint) ? SDL_TRUE : SDL_FALSE;    } else {        allow_screensaver = SDL_FALSE;    }    if (!allow_screensaver) {        SDL_DisableScreenSaver();    }    /* If we don't use a screen keyboard, turn on text input by default,       otherwise programs that expect to get text events without enabling       UNICODE input won't get any events.       Actually, come to think of it, you needed to call SDL_EnableUNICODE(1)       in SDL 1.2 before you got text input events.  Hmm...     */    if (!SDL_HasScreenKeyboardSupport()) {        SDL_StartTextInput();    }    /* We're ready to go! */    return 0;}

    /* Initialize the joystick subsystem */    if ((flags & SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK)){#if !SDL_JOYSTICK_DISABLED        if (SDL_PrivateShouldInitSubsystem(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK)) {           if (SDL_JoystickInit() < 0) {               return (-1);           }        }        SDL_PrivateSubsystemRefCountIncr(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK);#else        return SDL_SetError("SDL not built with joystick support");#endif    }    if ((flags & SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER)){#if !SDL_JOYSTICK_DISABLED        if (SDL_PrivateShouldInitSubsystem(SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER)) {            if (SDL_GameControllerInit() < 0) {                return (-1);            }        }        SDL_PrivateSubsystemRefCountIncr(SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER);#else        return SDL_SetError("SDL not built with joystick support");#endif    }    /* Initialize the haptic subsystem */    if ((flags & SDL_INIT_HAPTIC)){#if !SDL_HAPTIC_DISABLED        if (SDL_PrivateShouldInitSubsystem(SDL_INIT_HAPTIC)) {            if (SDL_HapticInit() < 0) {                return (-1);            }        }        SDL_PrivateSubsystemRefCountIncr(SDL_INIT_HAPTIC);#else        return SDL_SetError("SDL not built with haptic (force feedback) support");#endif    }    return (0);}


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