IOS事件传递之hitTest:withEvent - IOS开发...

来源:互联网 发布:php curl get 数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 20:38


一、系统是怎么找到第一响应者的?  --只通过UIView及其子类查找

0 调用根视图的hitTtest:withEvent,其的执行过程如下:

  • Ie calls pointInside:withEvent:of self
  • If the return is NO,  hitTest:withEvent:  returns  nil . the end of the story.
  • If the return is YES, it sends  hitTest:withEvent:  messages to its subviews. it starts from the top-level subview, and continues to other views until a subview returns a non- nil  object, or all subviews receive the message.
  • If a subview returns a non- nil  object in the first time, the first  hitTest:withEvent:  returns that object. the end of the story.
  • If no subview returns a non- nil  object, the first  hitTest:withEvent:  returns  self

参考: 这里

二 、触摸事件是如何传递的?


1)父视图中有布局重叠的且都可响应用户操作的对象,如:ScrollView and Button,如果Button在ScrollView下面,正常情况下Button是不会成为第一响应者的,如果想让Button可以响应在其布局内的触摸事件,可以在Button和ScrollView的父View中重写hitTest:withEvent方法

- (UIView *)hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {  CGPoint hitPoint = [_testButton convertPoint:point fromView:self];  if ([_testButton pointInside:hitPoint withEvent:event])     return _testButton;  return [super hitTest:point withEvent:event];}//_testButton是指定响应对象的 弱 引用

参考: 这里



-(id)hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {    id hitView = [super hitTest:point withEvent:event];    if (hitView == self) return nil;    else return hitView;}

参考: 这里

3) userInteractionEnabled = NO的作用:使当前的hitTest:withEvent返回nil,其它的类似属性还有:Hidden=YES,alpha<0.01,(UIControl中Enabled=NO??),事件发生的点在子View的几何范围内,却超过了父View的几何范围( clipsToBounds=NO时可出现此种情况 )


1. 官方文档

2. hitTest:withEvent

3. hitTest:withEvent方法流程

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