Find the second largest element in a Binary Search Tree

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝假台湾回流紫砂壶 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 12:10

find the right most element. If this is a right node with no children, return its parent. if this is not, return the largest element of its left child.

Node findSceondLargest(Node root) {
  // If tree is null or is single node only, return null (no second largest)
  if (root==null || (root.left==null && root.right==null)) return null;
  Node parent = null, child = root;
  // find the right most child
  while (child.right!=null) {
      parent = child;
      child = child.right;
   // if the right most child has no left child, then it's parent is second largest
   if (child.left==null) return parent;
   // otherwise, return left child's rightmost child as second largest
   child = child.left;
   while (child.right!=null) child = child.right;
   return child;

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