(8)链表 《java数据结构与算法》一书第五章读书笔记。

来源:互联网 发布:琴行软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 18:52


链节点(【date + next】)
每个Link对象中 都包含一个对下一个链节点引用的字段(Next)
class Link{
  public data iData;
  public double ddate;
  public Link next;     //自引用
class Link{
  public OtherObj obj;
  public Link next;     //自引用
单链表 双端链表 有序链表 双向链表  有迭代器的链表
插入、查找、删除 指定节点 
**双端链表《不同于 双向链表》
就像对第一个链节点的引用一样。第一个节点 有first和last两个引用。
平均起来 查找  删除和在指定链节点后面插入 都需要搜索 需要O(N)此比较。
但是链表 不需要移动任何的元素。与数组相比增加效率是很明闲的。

另外的有事 就是 链表多少就可以用多少内存。
在链表中还没要求数据有序存储,然而对于 某些应用来说,在链表中保持数据有序是有用的。
具有这个特性:在链表中保持数据是有序的。 就叫有序链表。数据按照关键字值有序排列。
有序链表 优于有序数组的地方是 插入的速度。(因为元素不需要移动)另外可有扩展到全部


此时数组就排好序了。这种排序比 插入排序 效率更高些。这种方式进行的复制次数少些。

《1》linkList单链表代码// linkList.java// demonstrates linked list// to run this program: C>java LinkListApp////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class Link   {   public int iData;              // data item   public double dData;           // data item   public Link next;              // next link in list// -------------------------------------------------------------   public Link(int id, double dd) // constructor      {      iData = id;                 // initialize data      dData = dd;                 // ('next' is automatically      }                           //  set to null)// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void displayLink()      // display ourself      {      System.out.print("{" + iData + ", " + dData + "} ");      }   }  // end class Link////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class LinkList   {   private Link first;            // ref to first link on list                                    //总是指向链表的 第一个节点对象                                  //插入新节点时,first也改变了。// -------------------------------------------------------------   public LinkList()              // constructor      {      first = null;               // no links on list yet      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public boolean isEmpty()       // true if list is empty      {      return (first==null);      }// -------------------------------------------------------------                                  // insert at start of list   public void insertFirst(int id, double dd)      {                           // make new link      Link newLink = new Link(id, dd);      newLink.next = first;       // newLink --> old first      first = newLink;            // first --> newLink      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public Link deleteFirst()      // delete first item      {                           // (assumes list not empty)      Link temp = first;          // save reference to link      first = first.next;         // delete it: first-->old next      return temp;                // return deleted link      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void displayList()      {      System.out.print("List (first-->last): ");      Link current = first;       // start at beginning of list      while(current != null)      // until end of list,         {         current.displayLink();   // print data         current = current.next;  // move to next link         }      System.out.println("");      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   }  // end class LinkList////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class LinkListApp   {   public static void main(String[] args)      {      LinkList theList = new LinkList();  // make new list      theList.insertFirst(22, 2.99);      // insert four items      theList.insertFirst(44, 4.99);      theList.insertFirst(66, 6.99);      theList.insertFirst(88, 8.99);      theList.displayList();              // display list      while( !theList.isEmpty() )         // until it's empty,         {         Link aLink = theList.deleteFirst();   // delete link         System.out.print("Deleted ");         // display it         aLink.displayLink();         System.out.println("");         }      theList.displayList();              // display list      }  // end main()   }  // end class LinkListApp////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////###################################################################《2》单链表 插入、查找、删除 指定节点// linkList2.java// demonstrates linked list// to run this program: C>java LinkList2App////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class Link   {   public int iData;              // data item (key)   public double dData;           // data item   public Link next;              // next link in list// -------------------------------------------------------------   public Link(int id, double dd) // constructor      {      iData = id;      dData = dd;      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void displayLink()      // display ourself      {      System.out.print("{" + iData + ", " + dData + "} ");      }   }  // end class Link////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class LinkList   {   private Link first;            // ref to first link on list// -------------------------------------------------------------   public LinkList()              // constructor      {      first = null;               // no links on list yet      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void insertFirst(int id, double dd)      {                           // make new link      Link newLink = new Link(id, dd);      newLink.next = first;       // it points to old first link      first = newLink;            // now first points to this      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public Link find(int key)      // find link with given key      {                           // (assumes non-empty list)      Link current = first;              // start at 'first'      while(current.iData != key)        // while no match,         {         if(current.next == null)        // if end of list,            return null;                 // didn't find it         else                            // not end of list,            current = current.next;      // go to next link         }      return current;                    // found it      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public Link delete(int key)    // delete link with given key      {                           // (assumes non-empty list)      Link current = first;              // search for link      Link previous = first;      while(current.iData != key)         {         if(current.next == null)            return null;                 // didn't find it         else            {            previous = current;          // go to next link            current = current.next;            }         }                               // found it      if(current == first)               // if first link,         first = first.next;             //    change first      else                               // otherwise,         previous.next = current.next;   //    bypass it      return current;      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void displayList()      // display the list      {      System.out.print("List (first-->last): ");      Link current = first;       // start at beginning of list      while(current != null)      // until end of list,         {         current.displayLink();   // print data         current = current.next;  // move to next link         }      System.out.println("");      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   }  // end class LinkList////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class LinkList2App   {   public static void main(String[] args)      {      LinkList theList = new LinkList();  // make list      theList.insertFirst(22, 2.99);      // insert 4 items      theList.insertFirst(44, 4.99);      theList.insertFirst(66, 6.99);      theList.insertFirst(88, 8.99);      theList.displayList();              // display list      Link f = theList.find(44);          // find item      if( f != null)         System.out.println("Found link with key " + f.iData);      else         System.out.println("Can't find link");      Link d = theList.delete(66);        // delete item      if( d != null )         System.out.println("Deleted link with key " + d.iData);      else         System.out.println("Can't delete link");      theList.displayList();              // display list      }  // end main()   }  // end class LinkList2App////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#############################################################《3》 双端队列// firstLastList.java// demonstrates list with first and last references// to run this program: C>java FirstLastApp////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class Link   {   public long dData;                 // data item   public Link next;                  // next link in list// -------------------------------------------------------------   public Link(long d)                // constructor      { dData = d; }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void displayLink()          // display this link      { System.out.print(dData + " "); }// -------------------------------------------------------------   }  // end class Link////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class FirstLastList   {   private Link first;               // ref to first link   private Link last;                // ref to last link// -------------------------------------------------------------   public FirstLastList()            // constructor      {      first = null;                  // no links on list yet      last = null;      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public boolean isEmpty()          // true if no links      { return first==null; }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void insertFirst(long dd)  // insert at front of list      {      Link newLink = new Link(dd);   // make new link      if( isEmpty() )                // if empty list,         last = newLink;             // newLink <-- last      newLink.next = first;          // newLink --> old first      first = newLink;               // first --> newLink      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void insertLast(long dd)   // insert at end of list      {      Link newLink = new Link(dd);   // make new link      if( isEmpty() )                // if empty list,         first = newLink;            // first --> newLink      else         last.next = newLink;        // old last --> newLink      last = newLink;                // newLink <-- last      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public long deleteFirst()         // delete first link      {                              // (assumes non-empty list)      long temp = first.dData;      if(first.next == null)         // if only one item         last = null;                // null <-- last      first = first.next;            // first --> old next      return temp;      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void displayList()      {      System.out.print("List (first-->last): ");      Link current = first;          // start at beginning      while(current != null)         // until end of list,         {         current.displayLink();      // print data         current = current.next;     // move to next link         }      System.out.println("");      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   }  // end class FirstLastList////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class FirstLastApp   {   public static void main(String[] args)      {                              // make a new list      FirstLastList theList = new FirstLastList();      theList.insertFirst(22);       // insert at front      theList.insertFirst(44);      theList.insertFirst(66);      theList.insertLast(11);        // insert at rear      theList.insertLast(33);      theList.insertLast(55);      theList.displayList();         // display the list      theList.deleteFirst();         // delete first two items      theList.deleteFirst();      theList.displayList();         // display again      }  // end main()   }  // end class FirstLastApp////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#########################################################################《4》基于链表实现的栈// linkStack.java// demonstrates a stack implemented as a list// to run this program: C>java LinkStackApp////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class Link   {   public long dData;             // data item   public Link next;              // next link in list// -------------------------------------------------------------   public Link(long dd)           // constructor      { dData = dd; }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void displayLink()      // display ourself      { System.out.print(dData + " "); }   }  // end class Link////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class LinkList   {   private Link first;            // ref to first item on list// -------------------------------------------------------------   public LinkList()              // constructor      { first = null; }           // no items on list yet// -------------------------------------------------------------   public boolean isEmpty()       // true if list is empty      { return (first==null); }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void insertFirst(long dd) // insert at start of list      {                           // make new link      Link newLink = new Link(dd);      newLink.next = first;       // newLink --> old first      first = newLink;            // first --> newLink      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public long deleteFirst()      // delete first item      {                           // (assumes list not empty)      Link temp = first;          // save reference to link      first = first.next;         // delete it: first-->old next      return temp.dData;          // return deleted link      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void displayList()      {      Link current = first;       // start at beginning of list      while(current != null)      // until end of list,         {         current.displayLink();   // print data         current = current.next;  // move to next link         }      System.out.println("");      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   }  // end class LinkList////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class LinkStack   {   private LinkList theList;//--------------------------------------------------------------   public LinkStack()             // constructor      {      theList = new LinkList();      }//--------------------------------------------------------------   public void push(long j)     // put item on top of stack      {      theList.insertFirst(j);      }//--------------------------------------------------------------   public long pop()            // take item from top of stack      {      return theList.deleteFirst();      }//--------------------------------------------------------------   public boolean isEmpty()       // true if stack is empty      {      return ( theList.isEmpty() );      }//--------------------------------------------------------------   public void displayStack()      {      System.out.print("Stack (top-->bottom): ");      theList.displayList();      }//--------------------------------------------------------------   }  // end class LinkStack////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class LinkStackApp   {   public static void main(String[] args)      {      LinkStack theStack = new LinkStack(); // make stack      theStack.push(20);                    // push items      theStack.push(40);      theStack.displayStack();              // display stack      theStack.push(60);                    // push items      theStack.push(80);      theStack.displayStack();              // display stack      theStack.pop();                       // pop items      theStack.pop();      theStack.displayStack();              // display stack      }  // end main()   }  // end class LinkStackApp////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////################################################################################《5》基于链表实现的队列// linkQueue.java// demonstrates queue implemented as double-ended list// to run this program: C>java LinkQueueApp////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class Link   {   public long dData;                // data item   public Link next;                 // next link in list// -------------------------------------------------------------   public Link(long d)               // constructor      { dData = d; }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void displayLink()         // display this link      { System.out.print(dData + " "); }// -------------------------------------------------------------   }  // end class Link////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class FirstLastList   {   private Link first;               // ref to first item   private Link last;                // ref to last item// -------------------------------------------------------------   public FirstLastList()            // constructor      {      first = null;                  // no items on list yet      last = null;      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public boolean isEmpty()          // true if no links      { return first==null; }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void insertLast(long dd) // insert at end of list      {      Link newLink = new Link(dd);   // make new link      if( isEmpty() )                // if empty list,         first = newLink;            // first --> newLink      else         last.next = newLink;        // old last --> newLink      last = newLink;                // newLink <-- last      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public long deleteFirst()         // delete first link      {                              // (assumes non-empty list)      long temp = first.dData;      if(first.next == null)         // if only one item         last = null;                // null <-- last      first = first.next;            // first --> old next      return temp;      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void displayList()      {      Link current = first;          // start at beginning      while(current != null)         // until end of list,         {         current.displayLink();      // print data         current = current.next;     // move to next link         }      System.out.println("");      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   }  // end class FirstLastList////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class LinkQueue   {   private FirstLastList theList;//--------------------------------------------------------------   public LinkQueue()                // constructor      { theList = new FirstLastList(); }  // make a 2-ended list//--------------------------------------------------------------   public boolean isEmpty()          // true if queue is empty      { return theList.isEmpty(); }//--------------------------------------------------------------   public void insert(long j)        // insert, rear of queue      { theList.insertLast(j); }//--------------------------------------------------------------   public long remove()              // remove, front of queue      {  return theList.deleteFirst();  }//--------------------------------------------------------------   public void displayQueue()      {      System.out.print("Queue (front-->rear): ");      theList.displayList();      }//--------------------------------------------------------------   }  // end class LinkQueue////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class LinkQueueApp   {   public static void main(String[] args)      {      LinkQueue theQueue = new LinkQueue();      theQueue.insert(20);                 // insert items      theQueue.insert(40);      theQueue.displayQueue();             // display queue      theQueue.insert(60);                 // insert items      theQueue.insert(80);      theQueue.displayQueue();             // display queue      theQueue.remove();                   // remove items      theQueue.remove();      theQueue.displayQueue();             // display queue      }  // end main()   }  // end class LinkQueueApp////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////################################################################################《6》有序队列// sortedList.java// demonstrates sorted list// to run this program: C>java SortedListApp////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class Link   {   public long dData;                  // data item   public Link next;                   // next link in list// -------------------------------------------------------------   public Link(long dd)                // constructor      { dData = dd; }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void displayLink()           // display this link      { System.out.print(dData + " "); }   }  // end class Link////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class SortedList   {   private Link first;                 // ref to first item// -------------------------------------------------------------   public SortedList()                 // constructor      { first = null; }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public boolean isEmpty()            // true if no links      { return (first==null); }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void insert(long key)        // insert, in order      {      Link newLink = new Link(key);    // make new link      Link previous = null;            // start at first 重要!!!!!      Link current = first;            // 重要!!!!!!                                       // until end of list,      while(current != null && key > current.dData)         {                             // or key > current,         previous = current;         current = current.next;       // go to next item         }      if(previous==null)               // at beginning of list         first = newLink;              // first --> newLink      else                             // not at beginning         previous.next = newLink;      // old prev --> newLink      newLink.next = current;          // newLink --> old currnt      }  // end insert()// -------------------------------------------------------------   public Link remove()           // return & delete first link      {                           // (assumes non-empty list)      Link temp = first;               // save first      first = first.next;              // delete first      return temp;                     // return value      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void displayList()      {      System.out.print("List (first-->last): ");      Link current = first;       // start at beginning of list      while(current != null)      // until end of list,         {         current.displayLink();   // print data         current = current.next;  // move to next link         }      System.out.println("");      }   }  // end class SortedList////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class SortedListApp   {   public static void main(String[] args)      {                            // create new list      SortedList theSortedList = new SortedList();      theSortedList.insert(20);    // insert 2 items      theSortedList.insert(40);      theSortedList.displayList(); // display list      theSortedList.insert(10);    // insert 3 more items      theSortedList.insert(30);      theSortedList.insert(50);      theSortedList.displayList(); // display list      theSortedList.remove();      // remove an item      theSortedList.displayList(); // display list      }  // end main()   }  // end class SortedListApp////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////########################################################《7》表插入排序// listInsertionSort.java// demonstrates sorted list used for sorting// to run this program: C>java ListInsertionSortApp////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class Link   {   public long dData;                  // data item   public Link next;                   // next link in list// -------------------------------------------------------------   public Link(long dd)                // constructor      { dData = dd; }// -------------------------------------------------------------   }  // end class Link////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class SortedList   {   private Link first;            // ref to first item on list// -------------------------------------------------------------   public SortedList()            // constructor (no args)      { first = null; }                    // initialize list// -------------------------------------------------------------   public SortedList(Link[] linkArr)  // constructor (array      {                               // as argument)      first = null;                        // initialize list      for(int j=0; j<linkArr.length; j++)  // copy array         insert( linkArr[j] );             // to list      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void insert(Link k)     // insert (in order)      {      Link previous = null;            // start at first      Link current = first;                                       // until end of list,      while(current != null && k.dData > current.dData)         {                             // or key > current,         previous = current;         current = current.next;       // go to next item         }      if(previous==null)               // at beginning of list         first = k;                    // first --> k      else                             // not at beginning         previous.next = k;            // old prev --> k      k.next = current;                // k --> old currnt      }  // end insert()// -------------------------------------------------------------   public Link remove()           // return & delete first link      {                           // (assumes non-empty list)      Link temp = first;               // save first      first = first.next;              // delete first      return temp;                     // return value      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   }  // end class SortedList////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class ListInsertionSortApp   {   public static void main(String[] args)      {      int size = 10;                                 // create array of links      Link[] linkArray = new Link[size];      for(int j=0; j<size; j++)  // fill array with links         {                            // random number         int n = (int)(java.lang.Math.random()*99);         Link newLink = new Link(n);  // make link         linkArray[j] = newLink;      // put in array         }                                 // display array contents      System.out.print("Unsorted array: ");      for(int j=0; j<size; j++)         System.out.print( linkArray[j].dData + " " );      System.out.println("");                                 // create new list      SortedList theSortedList = new SortedList(linkArray);      for(int j=0; j<size; j++)  // links from list to array         linkArray[j] = theSortedList.remove();                                 // display array contents      System.out.print("Sorted Array:   ");      for(int j=0; j<size; j++)         System.out.print(linkArray[j].dData + " ");      System.out.println("");      }  // end main()   }  // end class ListInsertionSortApp////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////########################################################《8》双向链表// doublyLinked.java// demonstrates doubly-linked list// to run this program: C>java DoublyLinkedApp////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class Link   {   public long dData;                 // data item   public Link next;                  // next link in list   public Link previous;              // previous link in list// -------------------------------------------------------------   public Link(long d)                // constructor      { dData = d; }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void displayLink()          // display this link      { System.out.print(dData + " "); }// -------------------------------------------------------------   }  // end class Link////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class DoublyLinkedList   {   private Link first;               // ref to first item   private Link last;                // ref to last item// -------------------------------------------------------------   public DoublyLinkedList()         // constructor      {      first = null;                  // no items on list yet      last = null;      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public boolean isEmpty()          // true if no links      { return first==null; }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void insertFirst(long dd)  // insert at front of list      {      Link newLink = new Link(dd);   // make new link      if( isEmpty() )                // if empty list,         last = newLink;             // newLink <-- last      else         first.previous = newLink;   // newLink <-- old first      newLink.next = first;          // newLink --> old first      first = newLink;               // first --> newLink      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void insertLast(long dd)   // insert at end of list      {      Link newLink = new Link(dd);   // make new link      if( isEmpty() )                // if empty list,         first = newLink;            // first --> newLink      else         {         last.next = newLink;        // old last --> newLink         newLink.previous = last;    // old last <-- newLink         }      last = newLink;                // newLink <-- last      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public Link deleteFirst()         // delete first link      {                              // (assumes non-empty list)      Link temp = first;      if(first.next == null)         // if only one item         last = null;                // null <-- last      else         first.next.previous = null; // null <-- old next      first = first.next;            // first --> old next      return temp;      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public Link deleteLast()          // delete last link      {                              // (assumes non-empty list)      Link temp = last;      if(first.next == null)         // if only one item         first = null;               // first --> null      else         last.previous.next = null;  // old previous --> null      last = last.previous;          // old previous <-- last      return temp;      }// -------------------------------------------------------------                                     // insert dd just after key   public boolean insertAfter(long key, long dd)      {                              // (assumes non-empty list)      Link current = first;          // start at beginning      while(current.dData != key)    // until match is found,         {         current = current.next;     // move to next link         if(current == null)            return false;            // didn't find it         }      Link newLink = new Link(dd);   // make new link      if(current==last)              // if last link,         {         newLink.next = null;        // newLink --> null         last = newLink;             // newLink <-- last         }      else                           // not last link,         {         newLink.next = current.next; // newLink --> old next                                      // newLink <-- old next         current.next.previous = newLink;         }      newLink.previous = current;    // old current <-- newLink      current.next = newLink;        // old current --> newLink      return true;                   // found it, did insertion      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public Link deleteKey(long key)   // delete item w/ given key      {                              // (assumes non-empty list)      Link current = first;          // start at beginning      while(current.dData != key)    // until match is found,         {         current = current.next;     // move to next link         if(current == null)            return null;             // didn't find it         }      if(current==first)             // found it; first item?         first = current.next;       // first --> old next      else                           // not first                                     // old previous --> old next         current.previous.next = current.next;      if(current==last)              // last item?         last = current.previous;    // old previous <-- last      else                           // not last                                     // old previous <-- old next         current.next.previous = current.previous;      return current;                // return value      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void displayForward()      {      System.out.print("List (first-->last): ");      Link current = first;          // start at beginning      while(current != null)         // until end of list,         {         current.displayLink();      // display data         current = current.next;     // move to next link         }      System.out.println("");      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void displayBackward()      {      System.out.print("List (last-->first): ");      Link current = last;           // start at end      while(current != null)         // until start of list,         {         current.displayLink();      // display data         current = current.previous; // move to previous link         }      System.out.println("");      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   }  // end class DoublyLinkedList////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class DoublyLinkedApp   {   public static void main(String[] args)      {                             // make a new list      DoublyLinkedList theList = new DoublyLinkedList();      theList.insertFirst(22);      // insert at front      theList.insertFirst(44);      theList.insertFirst(66);      theList.insertLast(11);       // insert at rear      theList.insertLast(33);      theList.insertLast(55);      theList.displayForward();     // display list forward      theList.displayBackward();    // display list backward      theList.deleteFirst();        // delete first item      theList.deleteLast();         // delete last item      theList.deleteKey(11);        // delete item with key 11      theList.displayForward();     // display list forward      theList.insertAfter(22, 77);  // insert 77 after 22      theList.insertAfter(33, 88);  // insert 88 after 33      theList.displayForward();     // display list forward      }  // end main()   }  // end class DoublyLinkedApp////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////########################################################《9》迭代器// interIterator.java// demonstrates iterators on a linked listListIterator// to run this program: C>java InterIterAppimport java.io.*;                 // for I/O////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class Link   {   public long dData;             // data item   public Link next;              // next link in list// -------------------------------------------------------------   public Link(long dd)           // constructor      { dData = dd; }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void displayLink()      // display ourself      { System.out.print(dData + " "); }   }  // end class Link////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class LinkList   {   private Link first;            // ref to first item on list// -------------------------------------------------------------   public LinkList()              // constructor      { first = null; }           // no items on list yet// -------------------------------------------------------------   public Link getFirst()         // get value of first      { return first; }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void setFirst(Link f)   // set first to new link      { first = f; }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public boolean isEmpty()       // true if list is empty      { return first==null; }// -------------------------------------------------------------   public ListIterator getIterator()  // return iterator      {      return new ListIterator(this);  // initialized with      }                               //    this list// -------------------------------------------------------------   public void displayList()      {      Link current = first;       // start at beginning of list      while(current != null)      // until end of list,         {         current.displayLink();   // print data         current = current.next;  // move to next link         }      System.out.println("");      }// -------------------------------------------------------------   }  // end class LinkList////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class ListIterator   {   private Link current;          // current link   private Link previous;         // previous link   private LinkList ourList;      // our linked list//--------------------------------------------------------------   public ListIterator(LinkList list) // constructor      {      ourList = list;      reset();      }//--------------------------------------------------------------   public void reset()            // start at 'first'      {      current = ourList.getFirst();      previous = null;      }//--------------------------------------------------------------   public boolean atEnd()         // true if last link      { return (current.next==null); }//--------------------------------------------------------------   public void nextLink()         // go to next link      {      previous = current;      current = current.next;      }//--------------------------------------------------------------   public Link getCurrent()       // get current link      { return current; }//--------------------------------------------------------------   public void insertAfter(long dd)     // insert after      {                                 // current link      Link newLink = new Link(dd);      if( ourList.isEmpty() )     // empty list         {         ourList.setFirst(newLink);         current = newLink;         }      else                        // not empty         {         newLink.next = current.next;         current.next = newLink;         nextLink();              // point to new link         }      }//--------------------------------------------------------------   public void insertBefore(long dd)    // insert before      {                                 // current link      Link newLink = new Link(dd);      if(previous == null)        // beginning of list         {                        // (or empty list)         newLink.next = ourList.getFirst();         ourList.setFirst(newLink);         reset();         }      else                        // not beginning         {         newLink.next = previous.next;         previous.next = newLink;         current = newLink;         }      }//--------------------------------------------------------------   public long deleteCurrent()    // delete item at current      {      long value = current.dData;      if(previous == null)        // beginning of list         {         ourList.setFirst(current.next);         reset();         }      else                        // not beginning         {         previous.next = current.next;         if( atEnd() )            reset();         else            current = current.next;         }      return value;      }//--------------------------------------------------------------   }  // end class ListIterator////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class InterIterApp   {   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException      {      LinkList theList = new LinkList();           // new list      ListIterator iter1 = theList.getIterator();  // new iter      long value;      iter1.insertAfter(20);             // insert items      iter1.insertAfter(40);      iter1.insertAfter(80);      iter1.insertBefore(60);      while(true)         {         System.out.print("Enter first letter of show, reset, ");         System.out.print("next, get, before, after, delete: ");         System.out.flush();         int choice = getChar();         // get user's option         switch(choice)            {            case 's':                    // show list               if( !theList.isEmpty() )                  theList.displayList();               else                  System.out.println("List is empty");               break;            case 'r':                    // reset (to first)               iter1.reset();               break;            case 'n':                    // advance to next item               if( !theList.isEmpty() && !iter1.atEnd() )                  iter1.nextLink();               else                  System.out.println("Can't go to next link");               break;            case 'g':                    // get current item               if( !theList.isEmpty() )                  {                  value = iter1.getCurrent().dData;                  System.out.println("Returned " + value);                  }               else                  System.out.println("List is empty");               break;            case 'b':                    // insert before current               System.out.print("Enter value to insert: ");               System.out.flush();               value = getInt();               iter1.insertBefore(value);               break;            case 'a':                    // insert after current               System.out.print("Enter value to insert: ");               System.out.flush();               value = getInt();               iter1.insertAfter(value);               break;            case 'd':                    // delete current item               if( !theList.isEmpty() )                  {                  value = iter1.deleteCurrent();                  System.out.println("Deleted " + value);                  }               else                  System.out.println("Can't delete");               break;            default:               System.out.println("Invalid entry");            }  // end switch         }  // end while      }  // end main()//--------------------------------------------------------------   public static String getString() throws IOException      {      InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(System.in);      BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);      String s = br.readLine();      return s;      }//-------------------------------------------------------------   public static char getChar() throws IOException      {      String s = getString();      return s.charAt(0);      }//-------------------------------------------------------------   public static int getInt() throws IOException      {      String s = getString();      return Integer.parseInt(s);      }//-------------------------------------------------------------   }  // end class InterIterApp

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