
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝模板设计师 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 14:44





module.exports.init = function(webdriverInstance, options) {    return new WebdriverCSS(webdriverInstance, options);};


var WebdriverCSS = function(webdriverInstance, options) {    options = options || {};    if(!webdriverInstance) {        throw new Error('A WebdriverIO instance is needed to initialise WebdriverCSS');    }    ...}


注意下面代码中的this.instance实际为Webdriverio的实例。因此下面代码通过WebdriverIO中的addCommand方法向WebdriverIO的指令集中添加了四条指令:[***saveViewportScreenshot***, saveDocumentScreenshot, webdrivercss, sync]和其对应的操作。下面我们先看webdrivercss的工作流程里面都做了什么。


var WebdriverCSS = function(webdriverInstance, options) {    ...    this.instance = webdriverInstance;    ...    this.instance.addCommand('saveViewportScreenshot', viewportScreenshot.bind(this)); // 这里通过WebdriverIO的API    this.instance.addCommand('saveDocumentScreenshot', documentScreenshot.bind(this));    this.instance.addCommand('webdrivercss', workflow.bind(this));    this.instance.addCommand('sync', syncImages.bind(this));    return this;}



workflow.js:7 ~ workflow.js:38

module.exports = function(pagename, args) {    /*!     * make sure that callback contains chainit callback     */    var cb = arguments[arguments.length - 1];    this.needToSync = true;    /*istanbul ignore next*/    if (typeof args === 'function') {        args = {};    }    if (!(args instanceof Array)) {        args = [args];    }    /**     * parameter type check     */    /*istanbul ignore next*/    if (typeof pagename === 'function') {        throw new Error('A pagename is required');    }    /*istanbul ignore next*/    if (typeof args[0].name !== 'string') {        throw new Error('You need to specify a name for your visual regression component');    }    var queuedShots = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(args)),        currentArgs = args.shift();    ...}

这里要着重讲解一下workflow.js的当前上下文以及他封装的context。由于上面贴出过的代码段中有这种写法this.instance.addCommand('webdrivercss', workflow.bind(this));,因此此时workflow.js的上下文为Webddrivercss的实例对象,包含以下配置的属性及其原型链

webdrivercss.js:43 ~ webdrivercss.js:71

var WebdriverCSS = function(webdriverInstance, options) {    ...    this.screenshotRoot = options.screenshotRoot || 'webdrivercss';    this.failedComparisonsRoot = options.failedComparisonsRoot || (this.screenshotRoot + '/diff');    this.misMatchTolerance = options.misMatchTolerance || 0.05;    this.screenWidth = options.screenWidth || [];    this.warning = [];    this.resultObject = {};    this.instance = webdriverInstance;    this.updateBaseline = (typeof options.updateBaseline === 'boolean') ? options.updateBaseline : false;    /**     * sync options     */    this.key = options.key;    this.applitools = {        apiKey: options.key,        saveNewTests: true, // currently will always happen.        saveFailedTests: this.updateBaseline,        batchId: _generateUUID()    };    this.host = 'https://eyessdk.applitools.com';    this.headers = {        'Accept': 'application/json',        'Content-Type': 'application/json'    };    this.reqTimeout = 5 * 60 * 1000;    this.user = options.user;    this.api  = options.api;    this.usesApplitools = typeof this.applitools.apiKey === 'string' && !this.api;    this.saveImages = options.saveImages || !this.usesApplitools;    ...}


workflow.js:40 ~ workflow.js:72

module.exports = function(pagename, args) {    ...    var context = {        self: this,        /**         * default attributes         */        misMatchTolerance:      this.misMatchTolerance,        screenshotRoot:         this.screenshotRoot,        failedComparisonsRoot:  this.failedComparisonsRoot,        instance:       this.instance, // 这里需要注意,后面会用到很多        pagename:       pagename,        applitools:     {            apiKey: this.applitools.apiKey,            appName: pagename,            saveNewTests: this.applitools.saveNewTests,            saveFailedTests: this.applitools.saveFailedTests,            batchId: this.applitools.batchId // Group all sessions for this instance together.        },        currentArgs:    currentArgs,        queuedShots:    queuedShots,        baselinePath:   this.screenshotRoot + '/' + pagename + '.' + currentArgs.name + '.baseline.png',        regressionPath: this.screenshotRoot + '/' + pagename + '.' + currentArgs.name + '.regression.png',        diffPath:       this.failedComparisonsRoot + '/' + pagename + '.' + currentArgs.name + '.diff.png',        screenshot:     this.screenshotRoot + '/' + pagename + '.png',        isComparable:   false,        warnings:       [],        newScreenSize:  0,        pageInfo:       null,        updateBaseline: (typeof currentArgs.updateBaseline === 'boolean') ? currentArgs.updateBaseline : this.updateBaseline,        screenWidth:    currentArgs.screenWidth || [].concat(this.screenWidth), // create a copy of the origin default screenWidth        cb:             cb    };    ...}

- startSession.js
- setScreenWidth.js
- makeScreenshot.js
- renameFiles.js
- getPageInfo.js
- cropImage.js
- compareImages.js
- saveImageDiff.js
- asyncCallback.js


workflow.js:81 ~ workflow.js:128

module.exports = function(pagename, args) {    ...    async.waterfall([        /**         * initialize session         */        require('./startSession.js').bind(context),        /**         * if multiple screen width are given resize browser dimension         */        require('./setScreenWidth.js').bind(context),        /**         * make screenshot via [GET] /session/:sessionId/screenshot         */        require('./makeScreenshot.js').bind(context),        /**         * check if files with id already exists         */        require('./renameFiles.js').bind(context),        /**         * get page informations         */        require('./getPageInfo.js').bind(context),        /**         * crop image according to user arguments and its position on screen and save it         */        require('./cropImage.js').bind(context),        /**         * compare images         */        require('./compareImages.js').bind(context),        /**         * save image diff         */        require('./saveImageDiff.js').bind(context)    ],        /**         * run workflow again or execute callback function         */        require('./asyncCallback.js').bind(context)    );}




makeScreenshot.js:7 ~ makeScreenshot.js:44

module.exports = function(done) { // async.waterfall中每一层级传递的回调函数    /**     * take actual screenshot in given screensize just once     */    if(this.self.takeScreenshot === false) { // context.self(Webdrivercss实例).takeScreenshot,保证截图一次        return done();    }    this.self.takeScreenshot = false;     /**     * gather all elements to hide     */    var hiddenElements = [];    this.queuedShots.forEach(function(args) { // Webdrivercss中的第二个配置参数如:[{ name: 'header', elem: '#header' }, { name: 'hero', elem: '//*[@id="hero"]/div[2]' }]        if(typeof args.hide === 'string') {            hiddenElements.push(args.hide);        }        if(args.hide instanceof Array) {            hiddenElements = hiddenElements.concat(args.hide);        }    });    /**     * hide elements     */    if(hiddenElements.length) { // 将Webdrivercss中的第二个配置参数中标注的元素的visibility设置为hidden。这里是为了忽略这些元素        this.instance.selectorExecute(hiddenElements, function() {            for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {                for(var j = 0; j < arguments[i].length; ++j) {                    arguments[i][j].style.visibility = 'hidden';                }            }        }, function(){});    }    ...}


makeScreenshot.js:49 ~ makeScreenshot.js:64

module.exports = function(done) {    ...    // 这里相当于调用了Webdriverio实例的pause方法    // this.screenshot === context.screenshot (就是screenshotRoot + '/' + pagename + '.png')    this.instance.pause(100).saveDocumentScreenshot(this.screenshot, done);    /**     * make hidden elements visible again     */    if(hiddenElements.length) { // 将刚才忽略的元素的显示属性在设置回来        this.instance.selectorExecute(hiddenElements, function() {            for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {                for(var j = 0; j < arguments[i].length; ++j) {                    arguments[i][j].style.visibility = 'visible';                }            }        }, function(){});    }}


documentScreenshot.js:30 ~ documentScreenshot.js:75

module.exports = function documentScreenshot(fileName) { // 接受一个文件名作为参数    var ErrorHandler = this.instance.ErrorHandler; // 缓存一个Webdriverio的ErrorHandler    /*!     * make sure that callback contains chainit callback     */    var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; // 取到回调函数done,下方存在:callback === done    /*!     * parameter check     */    if (typeof fileName !== 'string') { // 如果文件名不是String通过done函数回调错误信息,并结束整个waterfall流程        return callback(new ErrorHandler.CommandError('number or type of arguments don\'t agree with saveScreenshot command'));    }    var self = this.instance,        response = {            execute: [],            screenshot: []        },        tmpDir = __dirname + '/../.tmp',        cropImages = [],        currentXPos = 0,        currentYPos = 0,        screenshot = null,        scrollFn = function(w, h) { // 屏幕滚动函数,就不说其原理了,看注释也知道IE6、7不行            /**             * IE8 or older             */            if(document.all && !document.addEventListener) {                /**                 * this still might not work                 * seems that IE8 scroll back to 0,0 before taking screenshots                 */                document.body.style.marginTop = '-' + h + 'px';                document.body.style.marginLeft = '-' + w + 'px';                return;            }            document.body.style.webkitTransform = 'translate(-' + w + 'px, -' + h + 'px)';            document.body.style.mozTransform = 'translate(-' + w + 'px, -' + h + 'px)';            document.body.style.msTransform = 'translate(-' + w + 'px, -' + h + 'px)';            document.body.style.oTransform = 'translate(-' + w + 'px, -' + h + 'px)';            document.body.style.transform = 'translate(-' + w + 'px, -' + h + 'px)';        };    ...}


module.exports = function documentScreenshot(fileName) {    ...    async.waterfall([        /*!         * create tmp directory to cache viewport shots         */        function(cb) {            fs.exists(tmpDir, function(exists) {                return exists ? cb() : fs.mkdir(tmpDir, 0755, cb);            });        },        /*!         * prepare page scan         */        function() {            var cb = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; // 获取async每一级的callback函数            // 通过Webdriverio.execute()执行js代码来保证截图时不会出现滚动条,以及全屏滚动            // 注意cb接受的是execute回调传入的两个参数(err, ret),err即运行js时的错误,若发生则整个Webdrivercss工作结束            // ret为一个含有value属性的对象,value的值是所执行js的返回值,下例中的ret即为:            /*  {             *      value: {             *          screenWidth: Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0),             *          screenHeight: Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0),             *          documentWidth: document.documentElement.scrollWidth,             *          documentHeight: document.documentElement.scrollHeight             *      }             *  }             */            self.execute(function() {                 /**                 * remove scrollbars                 */                document.body.style.overflow = "hidden";                /**                 * scroll back to start scanning                 */                window.scrollTo(0, 0);                /**                 * get viewport width/height and total width/height                 */                return {                    screenWidth: Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0),                    screenHeight: Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0),                    documentWidth: document.documentElement.scrollWidth,                    documentHeight: document.documentElement.scrollHeight                };            }, cb);        },        /*!         * take viewport shots and cache them into tmp dir         */        function(res, cb) {            // res为上一部分cb传给这里的ret参数,即:            /*  {             *      value: {             *          screenWidth: Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0),             *          screenHeight: Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0),             *          documentWidth: document.documentElement.scrollWidth,             *          documentHeight: document.documentElement.scrollHeight             *      }             *  }             */            // 这里将执行js后的document和screen大小缓存在response.executes数组中            response.execute.push(res);            /*!             * run scan             */            async.whilst( // 循环执行直到第一个参数返回false                /*!                 * while expression                 */                function(callback) { // 循环判断函数:判断当前X是否到达页面最右侧                    return (currentXPos < (response.execute[0].value.documentWidth / response.execute[0].value.screenWidth));                },                /*!                 * loop function                 */                function(finishedScreenshot) { // finishedScreenshot等同于上面的循环判断函数                    response.screenshot = [];                    async.waterfall([                        /*!                         * take screenshot of viewport                         */                        self.screenshot.bind(self), // 给Webdriverio.screenshot()绑定之前的context上下文并执行                        /*!                         * cache image into tmp dir                         */                        function(res, cb) {                            // 这里的res等同于这种写法得到得到res:Webdriverio.screenshot(function(res){}),                            // 因此res为所接图像的base64编码                            var file = tmpDir + '/' + currentXPos + '-' + currentYPos + '.png';                            gm(new Buffer(res.value, 'base64')).crop(response.execute[0].value.screenWidth, response.execute[0].value.screenHeight, 0, 0).write(file, cb);                            response.screenshot.push(res);                            if (!cropImages[currentXPos]) {                                cropImages[currentXPos] = [];                            }                            cropImages[currentXPos][currentYPos] = file;                            currentYPos++;                            if (currentYPos > Math.floor(response.execute[0].value.documentHeight / response.execute[0].value.screenHeight)) {                                currentYPos = 0;                                currentXPos++;                            }                        },                        /*!                         * scroll to next area                         */                        function() {                            self.execute(scrollFn,                                currentXPos * response.execute[0].value.screenWidth,                                currentYPos * response.execute[0].value.screenHeight,                                function(val, res) {                                    response.execute.push(res);                                }                            ).pause(100).call(arguments[arguments.length - 1]);                        }                    ], finishedScreenshot);                },                cb            );        },        /*!         * concats all shots         */        function(cb) {            var subImg = 0;            async.eachSeries(cropImages, function(x, cb) {                var col = gm(x.shift());                col.append.apply(col, x);                if (!screenshot) {                    screenshot = col;                    col.write(fileName, cb);                } else {                    col.write(tmpDir + '/' + (++subImg) + '.png', function() {                        gm(fileName).append(tmpDir + '/' + subImg + '.png', true).write(fileName, cb);                    });                }            }, cb);        },        /*!         * crop screenshot regarding page size         */        function() {            gm(fileName).crop(response.execute[0].value.documentWidth, response.execute[0].value.documentHeight, 0, 0).write(fileName, arguments[arguments.length - 1]);        },        /*!         * remove tmp dir         */        function() {            rimraf(tmpDir, arguments[arguments.length - 1]);        },        /*!         * scroll back to start position         */        function(cb) {            self.execute(scrollFn, 0, 0, cb);        },        /**         * enable scrollbars again         */        function(res, cb) {            response.execute.push(res);            self.execute(function() {                document.body.style.overflow = "visible";            }, cb);        }    ], function(err) {        callback(err, null, response);    });}



Webdriverio.screenshot()是基于JsonWireProtocol协议(WebDriver Wire Protocol)实现的一个功能


/** * * Take a screenshot of the current viewport. To get the screenshot of the whole page * use the action command `saveScreenshot` * * @returns {String} screenshot   The screenshot as a base64 encoded PNG. * @callbackParameter error, response * * @see  https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/JsonWireProtocol#/session/:sessionId/screenshot * @type protocol * */module.exports = function screenshot () {    this.requestHandler.create(        '/session/:sessionId/screenshot',        arguments[arguments.length - 1]    );};






package org.openqa.selenium.server.commands;import java.awt.Rectangle;import java.awt.Robot;import java.awt.Toolkit;import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;import java.io.IOException;import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;import java.util.logging.Level;import java.util.logging.Logger;import javax.imageio.ImageIO;import org.openqa.selenium.internal.Base64Encoder;import org.openqa.selenium.server.RobotRetriever;public class CaptureScreenshotToStringCommand{  public static final String ID = "captureScreenshotToString";  private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(CaptureScreenshotToStringCommand.class    .getName());  public String execute()  {    try    {      return "OK," + captureAndEncodeSystemScreenshot();    } catch (Exception e) {      log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Problem capturing a screenshot to string", e);      return "ERROR: Problem capturing a screenshot to string: " + e.getMessage();    }  }  public String captureAndEncodeSystemScreenshot()    throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException, IOException  {    Robot robot = RobotRetriever.getRobot();    Rectangle captureSize = new Rectangle(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize());    BufferedImage bufferedImage = robot.createScreenCapture(captureSize);    ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();    ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, "png", outStream);    return new Base64Encoder().encode(outStream.toByteArray()); // 这里返回了Base64编码,印证了之前得到返回值  }}


package org.openqa.selenium.server;import java.awt.Robot;import java.util.concurrent.Callable;import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask;import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;import java.util.logging.Logger;public class RobotRetriever{  private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(RobotRetriever.class.getName());  private static Robot robot;  public static synchronized Robot getRobot()    throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException  {    if (robot != null) {      return robot;    }    FutureTask robotRetriever = new FutureTask(new Retriever(null));    log.info("Creating Robot");    Thread retrieverThread = new Thread(robotRetriever, "robotRetriever");    retrieverThread.start();    robot = (Robot)robotRetriever.get(10L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);    return robot;  }  private static class Retriever    implements Callable<Robot>  {    public Robot call()      throws Exception    {      return new Robot();    }  }}


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