Memcached源码分析 - Memcached源码分析之消息回应(3)

来源:互联网 发布:圣诞布置 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 12:12


《Memcached源码分析 - Memcached源码分析之基于Libevent的网络模型(1)》

《Memcached源码分析 - Memcached源码分析之命令解析(2)》

《Memcached源码分析 - Memcached源码分析之消息回应(3)  》

《Memcached源码分析 - Memcached源码分析之HashTable(4) 》

《Memcached源码分析 - Memcached源码分析之增删改查操作(5) 》

《Memcached源码分析 - Memcached源码分析之LRU算法(6)》 

《Memcached源码分析 - Memcached源码分析之存储机制Slabs(7)》

《Memcached源码分析 - Memcached源码分析之总结篇(8)》


上一章《Memcached源码分析 - Memcached源码分析之命令解析(2)》,我们花了很大的力气去讲解Memcached如何从客户端读取命令,并且解析命令,然后处理命令并且向客户端回应消息。




struct msghdr {     void *msg_name;     socklen_t msg_namelen;     struct iovec *msg_iov;     size_t msg_iovlen;     void *msg_control;     size_t msg_controllen;     int msg_flags;};

#include <sys/uio.h>/* Structure for scatter/gather I/O. */struct iovec {    void *iov_base; /* Pointer to data. */    size_t iov_len; /* Length of data. */};




typedef struct conn conn;struct conn {    //....    /* data for the mwrite state */    //iov主要存储iov的数据结构    //iov数据结构会在conn_new中初始化,初始化的时候,系统会分配400个iovec的结构,最高水位600个    struct iovec *iov;    //iov的长度    int    iovsize;   /* number of elements allocated in iov[] */    //iovused 这个主要记录iov使用了多少    int    iovused;   /* number of elements used in iov[] */    //msglist主要存储msghdr的列表数据结构    //msglist数据结构在conn_new中初始化的时候,系统会分配10个结构    struct msghdr *msglist;    //msglist的长度,初始化为10个,最高水位100,不够用的时候会realloc,每次扩容都会扩容一倍    int    msgsize;   /* number of elements allocated in msglist[] */    //msglist已经使用的长度    int    msgused;   /* number of elements used in msglist[] */    //这个参数主要帮助记录那些msglist已经发送过了,哪些没有发送过。    int    msgcurr;   /* element in msglist[] being transmitted now */    int    msgbytes;  /* number of bytes in current msg */}


conn *conn_new(const int sfd, enum conn_states init_state,const int event_flags, const int read_buffer_size,enum network_transport transport, struct event_base *base) {//...c->rbuf = c->wbuf = 0;c->ilist = 0;c->suffixlist = 0;c->iov = 0;c->msglist = 0;c->hdrbuf = 0;c->rsize = read_buffer_size;c->wsize = DATA_BUFFER_SIZE;c->isize = ITEM_LIST_INITIAL;c->suffixsize = SUFFIX_LIST_INITIAL;c->iovsize = IOV_LIST_INITIAL; //初始化400c->msgsize = MSG_LIST_INITIAL; //初始化10c->hdrsize = 0;c->rbuf = (char *) malloc((size_t) c->rsize);c->wbuf = (char *) malloc((size_t) c->wsize);c->ilist = (item **) malloc(sizeof(item *) * c->isize);c->suffixlist = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char *) * c->suffixsize);c->iov = (struct iovec *) malloc(sizeof(struct iovec) * c->iovsize); //初始化iovc->msglist = (struct msghdr *) malloc(sizeof(struct msghdr) * c->msgsize); //初始化msglist//...}





/* ntokens is overwritten here... shrug.. *///处理GET请求的命令static inline void process_get_command(conn *c, token_t *tokens, size_t ntokens,bool return_cas) {//处理GET命令char *key;size_t nkey;int i = 0;item *it;//&tokens[0] 是操作的方法//&tokens[1] 为key//token_t 存储了value和lengthtoken_t *key_token = &tokens[KEY_TOKEN];char *suffix;assert(c != NULL);do {//如果key的长度不为0while (key_token->length != 0) {key = key_token->value;nkey = key_token->length;//判断key的长度是否超过了最大的长度,memcache key的最大长度为250//这个地方需要非常注意,我们在平常的使用中,还是要注意key的字节长度的if (nkey > KEY_MAX_LENGTH) {//out_string 向外部输出数据out_string(c, "CLIENT_ERROR bad command line format");while (i-- > 0) {item_remove(*(c->ilist + i));}return;}//这边是从Memcached的内存存储快中去取数据it = item_get(key, nkey);if (settings.detail_enabled) {//状态记录,key的记录数的方法stats_prefix_record_get(key, nkey, NULL != it);}//如果获取到了数据if (it) {//c->ilist 存放用于向外部写数据的buf//如果ilist太小,则重新分配一块内存if (i >= c->isize) {item **new_list = realloc(c->ilist,sizeof(item *) * c->isize * 2);if (new_list) {//存放需要向客户端写数据的item的列表的长度c->isize *= 2;//存放需要向客户端写数据的item的列表,这边支持c->ilist = new_list;} else {STATS_LOCK();stats.malloc_fails++;STATS_UNLOCK();item_remove(it);break;}}/* * Construct the response. Each hit adds three elements to the * outgoing data list: *   "VALUE " *   key *   " " + flags + " " + data length + "\r\n" + data (with \r\n) *///初始化返回出去的数据结构if (return_cas) {//......} else {MEMCACHED_COMMAND_GET(c->sfd, ITEM_key(it), it->nkey,it->nbytes, ITEM_get_cas(it));//将需要返回的数据填充到IOV结构中//命令:get userId//返回的结构://VALUE userId 0 5//55555//ENDif (<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">add_iov</span></strong>(c, "VALUE ", 6) != 0|| <strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">add_iov</span></strong>(c, ITEM_key(it), it->nkey) != 0|| <strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">add_iov</span></strong>(c, ITEM_suffix(it),it->nsuffix + it->nbytes) != 0) {item_remove(it);break;}}if (settings.verbose > 1) {int ii;fprintf(stderr, ">%d sending key ", c->sfd);for (ii = 0; ii < it->nkey; ++ii) {fprintf(stderr, "%c", key[ii]);}fprintf(stderr, "\n");}/* item_get() has incremented it->refcount for us */pthread_mutex_lock(&c->thread->stats.mutex);c->thread->stats.slab_stats[it->slabs_clsid].get_hits++;c->thread->stats.get_cmds++;pthread_mutex_unlock(&c->thread->stats.mutex);item_update(it);*(c->ilist + i) = it;i++;} else {pthread_mutex_lock(&c->thread->stats.mutex);c->thread->stats.get_misses++;c->thread->stats.get_cmds++;pthread_mutex_unlock(&c->thread->stats.mutex);MEMCACHED_COMMAND_GET(c->sfd, key, nkey, -1, 0);}key_token++;}/* * If the command string hasn't been fully processed, get the next set * of tokens. *///如果命令行中的命令没有全部被处理,则继续下一个命令//一个命令行中,可以get多个元素if (key_token->value != NULL) {ntokens = tokenize_command(key_token->value, tokens, MAX_TOKENS);key_token = tokens;}} while (key_token->value != NULL);c->icurr = c->ilist;c->ileft = i;if (return_cas) {c->suffixcurr = c->suffixlist;c->suffixleft = i;}if (settings.verbose > 1)fprintf(stderr, ">%d END\n", c->sfd);/* If the loop was terminated because of out-of-memory, it is not reliable to add END\r\n to the buffer, because it might not end in \r\n. So we send SERVER_ERROR instead. *///添加结束标志符号if (key_token->value != NULL || <strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">add_iov</span></strong>(c, "END\r\n", 5) != 0|| (IS_UDP(c->transport) && build_udp_headers(c) != 0)) {out_of_memory(c, "SERVER_ERROR out of memory writing get response");} else {//将状态修改为写,这边读取到item的数据后,又开始需要往客户端写数据了。conn_set_state(c, conn_mwrite);c->msgcurr = 0;}}

add_iov 方法


1. 将Memcached需要发送的数据,分成N多个IOV的块

2. 将IOV块添加到msghdr的结构中去。

static int add_iov(conn *c, const void *buf, int len) {struct msghdr *m;int leftover;bool limit_to_mtu;assert(c != NULL);do {//消息数组 msglist 存储msghdr结构//这边是获取最新的msghdr数据结构指针m = &c->msglist[c->msgused - 1];/* * Limit UDP packets, and the first payloads of TCP replies, to * UDP_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE bytes. */limit_to_mtu = IS_UDP(c->transport) || (1 == c->msgused);/* We may need to start a new msghdr if this one is full. *///如果msghdr结构中的iov满了,则需要使用更新的msghdr数据结构if (m->msg_iovlen == IOV_MAX|| (limit_to_mtu && c->msgbytes >= UDP_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE)) {//添加msghdr,这个方法中回去判断初始化的时候10个msghdr结构是否够用,不够用的话会扩容add_msghdr(c);//指向下一个新的msghdr数据结构m = &c->msglist[c->msgused - 1];}//确认IOV的空间大小,初始化默认是400个,水位600//如果IOV也不够用了,就会去扩容if (ensure_iov_space(c) != 0)return -1;/* If the fragment is too big to fit in the datagram, split it up */if (limit_to_mtu && len + c->msgbytes > UDP_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE) {leftover = len + c->msgbytes - UDP_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE;len -= leftover;} else {leftover = 0;}m = &c->msglist[c->msgused - 1];//m->msg_iov参数指向c->iov这个结构。//具体m->msg_iov如何指向到c->iov这个结构的,需要看一下add_msghdr这个方法//向IOV中填充BUFm->msg_iov[m->msg_iovlen].iov_base = (void *) buf;//buf的长度m->msg_iov[m->msg_iovlen].iov_len = len; //填充长度c->msgbytes += len;c->iovused++;m->msg_iovlen++; //msg_iovlen + 1buf = ((char *) buf) + len;len = leftover;} while (leftover > 0);return 0;}

add_msghdr 方法 msghdr扩容



1. 检查c->msglist列表长度是否够用。

2. 使用最新的c->msglist中的一个msghdr元素,并且将msghdr->msg_iov指向c->iov最新未使用的那个iov的指针地址。

static int add_msghdr(conn *c) {//c->msglist 这个列表用来存储msghdr结构struct msghdr *msg;assert(c != NULL);//如果msglist的长度和已经使用的长度相等的时候,说明msglist已经用完了,需要扩容if (c->msgsize == c->msgused) {//扩容两倍msg = realloc(c->msglist, c->msgsize * 2 * sizeof(struct msghdr));if (!msg) {STATS_LOCK();stats.malloc_fails++;STATS_UNLOCK();return -1;}c->msglist = msg; //将c->msglist指向当前新的列表c->msgsize *= 2; //size也会跟着增加}//msg重新指向未使用的msghdr指针位置msg = c->msglist + c->msgused;/* this wipes msg_iovlen, msg_control, msg_controllen, and msg_flags, the last 3 of which aren't defined on solaris: *///将新的msghdr块初始化设置为0memset(msg, 0, sizeof(struct msghdr));//新的msghdr的msg_iov指向 struct iovec *iov结构msg->msg_iov = &c->iov[c->iovused];if (IS_UDP(c->transport) && c->request_addr_size > 0) {msg->msg_name = &c->request_addr;msg->msg_namelen = c->request_addr_size;}c->msgbytes = 0;c->msgused++;if (IS_UDP(c->transport)) {/* Leave room for the UDP header, which we'll fill in later. */return add_iov(c, NULL, UDP_HEADER_SIZE);}return 0;}

ensure_iov_space 方法 IOV扩容


static int ensure_iov_space(conn *c) {assert(c != NULL);//如果IOV也使用完了....IOV,分配新的IOVif (c->iovused >= c->iovsize) {int i, iovnum;struct iovec *new_iov = (struct iovec *) realloc(c->iov,(c->iovsize * 2) * sizeof(struct iovec));if (!new_iov) {STATS_LOCK();stats.malloc_fails++;STATS_UNLOCK();return -1;}c->iov = new_iov;c->iovsize *= 2; //扩容两倍/* Point all the msghdr structures at the new list. */for (i = 0, iovnum = 0; i < c->msgused; i++) {c->msglist[i].msg_iov = &c->iov[iovnum];iovnum += c->msglist[i].msg_iovlen;}}return 0;}





//drive_machine方法//这个conn_mwrite是向客户端写数据case conn_mwrite:if (IS_UDP(c->transport) && c->msgcurr == 0&& build_udp_headers(c) != 0) {if (settings.verbose > 0)fprintf(stderr, "Failed to build UDP headers\n");conn_set_state(c, conn_closing);break;}//transmit这个方法非常重要,主要向客户端写数据的操作都在这个方法中进行//返回transmit_result枚举类型,用于判断是否写成功,如果失败,则关闭连接switch (transmit(c)) {//如果向客户端发送数据成功case TRANSMIT_COMPLETE:if (c->state == conn_mwrite) {conn_release_items(c);/* XXX:  I don't know why this wasn't the general case */if (c->protocol == binary_prot) {conn_set_state(c, c->write_and_go);} else {//这边是TCP的状态//状态又会切回到conn_new_cmd这个状态//conn_new_cmd主要是继续解析c->rbuf容器中剩余的命令参数conn_set_state(c, conn_new_cmd);}} else if (c->state == conn_write) {if (c->write_and_free) {free(c->write_and_free);c->write_and_free = 0;}conn_set_state(c, c->write_and_go);} else {if (settings.verbose > 0)fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected state %d\n", c->state);conn_set_state(c, conn_closing);}break;

transmit 方法


//这个方法主要向客户端写数据//如果数据没有发送完,则会一直循环conn_mwrite这个状态,直到数据发送完成为止static enum transmit_result transmit(conn *c) {assert(c != NULL);//每次发送之前,都会来校验前一次的数据是否发送完了//如果前一次的msghdr结构体内的数据已经发送完了,则c->msgcurr指针就会往后移动一位,//移动到下一个等待发送的msghdr结构体指针上//c->msgcurr初始值为:0if (c->msgcurr < c->msgused && c->msglist[c->msgcurr].msg_iovlen == 0) {/* Finished writing the current msg; advance to the next. */c->msgcurr++;}//如果c->msgcurr(已发送)小于c->msgused(已使用),则就可以知道还没发送完,则需要继续发送//如果c->msgcurr(已发送)等于c->msgused(已使用),则说明已经发送完了,返回TRANSMIT_COMPLETE状态if (c->msgcurr < c->msgused) {ssize_t res;//从c->msglist取出一个待发送的msghdr结构struct msghdr *m = &c->msglist[c->msgcurr];//向客户端发送数据res = sendmsg(c->sfd, m, 0);//发送成功的情况if (res > 0) {pthread_mutex_lock(&c->thread->stats.mutex);c->thread->stats.bytes_written += res;pthread_mutex_unlock(&c->thread->stats.mutex);/* We've written some of the data. Remove the completed iovec entries from the list of pending writes. *///这边会检查发送了多少while (m->msg_iovlen > 0 && res >= m->msg_iov->iov_len) {res -= m->msg_iov->iov_len;m->msg_iovlen--;m->msg_iov++;}/* Might have written just part of the last iovec entry; adjust it so the next write will do the rest. */if (res > 0) {m->msg_iov->iov_base = (caddr_t) m->msg_iov->iov_base + res;m->msg_iov->iov_len -= res;}return TRANSMIT_INCOMPLETE;}//发送失败的情况if (res == -1 && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK)) {if (!update_event(c, EV_WRITE | EV_PERSIST)) {if (settings.verbose > 0)fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't update event\n");conn_set_state(c, conn_closing);return TRANSMIT_HARD_ERROR;}return TRANSMIT_SOFT_ERROR;}/* if res == 0 or res == -1 and error is not EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK, we have a real error, on which we close the connection */if (settings.verbose > 0)perror("Failed to write, and not due to blocking");if (IS_UDP(c->transport))conn_set_state(c, conn_read);elseconn_set_state(c, conn_closing);return TRANSMIT_HARD_ERROR;} else {return TRANSMIT_COMPLETE;}}

conn_shrink 方法



//重新设置命令handlerstatic void reset_cmd_handler(conn *c) {c->cmd = -1;c->substate = bin_no_state;if (c->item != NULL) {item_remove(c->item);c->item = NULL;}conn_shrink(c); //这个方法是检查c->rbuf容器的大小//如果剩余未解析的命令 > 0的话,继续跳转到conn_parse_cmd解析命令if (c->rbytes > 0) {conn_set_state(c, conn_parse_cmd);} else {//如果命令都解析完成了,则继续等待新的数据到来conn_set_state(c, conn_waiting);}}

//检查rbuf的大小static void conn_shrink(conn *c) {assert(c != NULL);if (IS_UDP(c->transport))return;//如果bufsize大于READ_BUFFER_HIGHWAT(8192)的时候需要重新处理//DATA_BUFFER_SIZE等于2048,所以我们可以看到之前的代码中对rbuf最多只能进行4次recallocif (c->rsize > READ_BUFFER_HIGHWAT && c->rbytes < DATA_BUFFER_SIZE) {char *newbuf;if (c->rcurr != c->rbuf)memmove(c->rbuf, c->rcurr, (size_t) c->rbytes); //内存移动newbuf = (char *) realloc((void *) c->rbuf, DATA_BUFFER_SIZE);if (newbuf) {c->rbuf = newbuf;c->rsize = DATA_BUFFER_SIZE;}/* TODO check other branch... */c->rcurr = c->rbuf;}if (c->isize > ITEM_LIST_HIGHWAT) {item **newbuf = (item**) realloc((void *) c->ilist,ITEM_LIST_INITIAL * sizeof(c->ilist[0]));if (newbuf) {c->ilist = newbuf;c->isize = ITEM_LIST_INITIAL;}/* TODO check error condition? */}//如果大于c->msglist的水位了,则重新reallocif (c->msgsize > MSG_LIST_HIGHWAT) {struct msghdr *newbuf = (struct msghdr *) realloc((void *) c->msglist,MSG_LIST_INITIAL * sizeof(c->msglist[0]));if (newbuf) {c->msglist = newbuf;c->msgsize = MSG_LIST_INITIAL;}/* TODO check error condition? */}//如果大于c->iovsize的水位了,则重新reallocif (c->iovsize > IOV_LIST_HIGHWAT) {struct iovec *newbuf = (struct iovec *) realloc((void *) c->iov,IOV_LIST_INITIAL * sizeof(c->iov[0]));if (newbuf) {c->iov = newbuf;c->iovsize = IOV_LIST_INITIAL;}/* TODO check return value */}}

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