
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝大学在哪里进 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/07 14:11




































回想一下,对于一元函数我们是怎样通过牛顿迭代法求解零点的? 假设现在要求方程的解,





































#include <string.h>#include <fstream>#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h> #include "matrix.h"#define Type double#define Vector vector using namespace std; /** 定义数据集结构体 */struct Data{    Vector<Type> x;    Type y;}; /** 预处理数据给data */void PreProcessData(Vector<Data>& data, string path){    string filename = path;    ifstream file(filename.c_str());    char s[1024];    if(file.is_open())    {        while(file.getline(s, 1024))        {            Data tmp;            Type x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7;            sscanf(s,"%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &x1, &x2, &x3, &x4, &x5, &x6, &x7);            tmp.x.push_back(1);            tmp.x.push_back(x2);            tmp.x.push_back(x3);            tmp.x.push_back(x4);            tmp.x.push_back(x5);            tmp.x.push_back(x6);            tmp.y = x7;            data.push_back(tmp);        }    }} void Init(Vector<Data> &data, Vector<Type> &w){    w.clear();    data.clear();    PreProcessData(data, "TrainData.txt");    for(int i = 0; i < data[0].x.size(); i++)        w.push_back(0);} Type WX(const Vector<Type>& w, const Data& data){    Type ans = 0;    for(int i = 0; i < w.size(); i++)        ans += w[i] * data.x[i];    return ans;} Type Sigmoid(const Vector<Type>& w, const Data& data){    Type x = WX(w, data);    Type ans = exp(x) / (1 + exp(x));    return ans;} void PreMatrix(Matrix<Type> &H, Matrix<Type> &U, const Vector<Data> &data, Vector<Type> &w){    int ROWS = data[0].x.size();    int COLS = data.size();    Matrix<Type> A(COLS, COLS), P(ROWS, COLS), Q(COLS, 1), X(COLS, ROWS);    for(int i = 0; i < COLS; i++)    {        Type t = Sigmoid(w, data[i]);        A.put(i, i, t *(1 - t));        Q.put(i, 0, data[i].y - t);    }    for(int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++)    {        for(int j = 0; j < COLS; j++)            P.put(i, j, data[j].x[i]);    }    X = P.getTranspose();     /** 计算矩阵U和矩阵H的值 */    U = P * Q;    H = X.getTranspose() * A * X;} Vector<Type> Matrix2Vector(Matrix<Type> &M){    Vector<Type> X;    X.clear();    int ROWS = M.getRows();    for(int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++)        X.push_back(M.get(i, 0));    return X;} Matrix<Type> Vector2Matrix(Vector<Type> &X){    int ROWS = X.size();    Matrix<Type> matrix(ROWS, 1);    for(int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++)        matrix.put(i, 0, X[i]);    return matrix;} /** Cholesky分解得到矩阵L和矩阵D */void Cholesky(Matrix<Type> &H, Matrix<Type> &L, Matrix<Type> &D){    Type t = 0;    int n = H.getRows();    for(int k = 0; k < n; k++)    {        for(int i = 0; i < k; i++)        {            t = H.get(i, i) * H.get(k, i) * H.get(k, i);            H.put(k, k, H.get(k, k) - t);        }        for(int j = k + 1; j < n; j++)        {            for(int i = 0; i < k; i++)            {                t = H.get(j, i) * H.get(i, i) * H.get(k, i);                H.put(j, k, H.get(j, k) - t);            }            t = H.get(j, k) / H.get(k, k);            H.put(j, k, t);        }    }    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)    {        D.put(i, i, H.get(i, i));        L.put(i, i, 1);        for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)            L.put(i, j, H.get(i, j));    }} /** 回带求出线性方程组的解 */void Solve(Matrix<Type> &H, Vector<Type> &X){    int ROWS = H.getRows();    int COLS = H.getColumns();    Matrix<Type> L(ROWS, COLS), D(ROWS, COLS);    Cholesky(H, L, D);     int n = ROWS;    for(int k = 0; k < n; k++)    {        for(int i = 0; i < k; i++)            X[k] -= X[i] * L.get(k, i);        X[k] /= L.get(k, k);    }    L = D * L.getTranspose();    for(int k = n - 1; k >= 0; k--)    {        for(int i = k + 1; i < n; i++)            X[k] -= X[i] * L.get(k, i);        X[k] /= L.get(k, k);    }} /** 打印迭代步骤 */void Display(int cnt, Type error, Vector<Type> w){    cout<<"第"<<cnt<<"次迭代前后的目标差为: "<<error<<endl;    cout<<"参数w为: ";    for(int i = 0; i < w.size(); i++)        cout<<w[i]<<" ";    cout<<endl;    cout<<endl;} Type StopFlag(Vector<Type> w1, Vector<Type> w2){    Type ans = 0;    int size = w1.size();    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)        ans += 0.5 * (w1[i] - w2[i]) * (w1[i] - w2[i]);    return ans;} /** 牛顿迭代步骤 */void NewtonIter(Vector<Data> &data, Vector<Type> &w){    int cnt = 0;    Type delta = 0.0001;    int ROWS = data[0].x.size();    int COLS = data.size();     while(1)    {        Matrix<Type> H(ROWS, ROWS), U(ROWS, 1), W(ROWS, 1);        PreMatrix(H, U, data, w);        Vector<Type> X = Matrix2Vector(U);        Solve(H, X);        Matrix<Type> x = Vector2Matrix(X);        W = Vector2Matrix(w);        W += x;        Vector<Type> _w = Matrix2Vector(W);        Type error = StopFlag(_w, w);        w = _w;        cnt++;        Display(cnt, error, w);        if(error < delta) break;    }} /** 训练数据得到w数组,构造分类器 */void TrainData(Vector<Data> &data, Vector<Type> &w){    Init(data, w);    NewtonIter(data, w);} /** 根据构造好的分类器对数据进行分类 */void Separator(Vector<Type> w){    vector<Data> data;    PreProcessData(data, "TestData.txt");    cout<<"预测分类结果:"<<endl;    for(int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++)    {        Type p0 = 0;        Type p1 = 0;        Type x = WX(w, data[i]);        p1 = exp(x) / (1 + exp(x));        p0 = 1 - p1;        cout<<"实例: ";        for(int j = 0; j < data[i].x.size(); j++)            cout<<data[i].x[j]<<" ";        cout<<"所属类别为:";        if(p1 >= p0) cout<<1<<endl;        else cout<<0<<endl;    }} int main(){    Vector<Type> w;    Vector<Data> data;    TrainData(data, w);    Separator(w);    return 0;}






/*****************************************************************************//* Name: matrix.h                                                            *//* Uses: Class for matrix math functions.                                    *//* Date: 4/19/2011                                                           *//* Author: Andrew Que <http://www.DrQue.net/>                                *//* Revisions:                                                                *//*   0.1 - 2011/04/19 - QUE - Creation.                                      *//*   0.5 - 2011/04/24 - QUE - Most functions are complete.                   *//*   0.8 - 2011/05/01 - QUE -                                                *//*     = Bug fixes.                                                          *//*     + Dot product.                                                        *//*   1.0 - 2011/11/26 - QUE - Release.                                       *//*                                                                           *//* Notes:                                                                    *//*   This unit implements some very basic matrix functions, which include:   *//*    + Addition/subtraction                                                 *//*    + Transpose                                                            *//*    + Row echelon reduction                                                *//*    + Determinant                                                          *//*    + Dot product                                                          *//*    + Matrix product                                                       *//*    + Scalar product                                                       *//*    + Inversion                                                            *//*    + LU factorization/decomposition                                       *//*     There isn't much for optimization in this unit as it was designed as  *//*   more of a learning experience.                                          *//*                                                                           *//* License:                                                                  *//*   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    *//*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *//*   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or       *//*   (at your option) any later version.                                     *//*                                                                           *//*   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *//*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *//*   MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the           *//*   GNU General Public License for more details.                            *//*                                                                           *//*   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *//*   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   *//*                                                                           *//*                     (C) Copyright 2011 by Andrew Que                      *//*                           http://www.DrQue.net/                           *//*****************************************************************************/#ifndef _MATRIX_H_#define _MATRIX_H_ #include <iostream>#include <cassert>#include <climits>#include <vector> // Class forward for identity matrix.template< class TYPE > class IdentityMatrix; //=============================================================================// Matrix template class//   Contains a set of matrix manipulation functions.  The template is designed// so that the values of the matrix can be of any type that allows basic// arithmetic.//=============================================================================template< class TYPE = int >  class Matrix  {    protected:      // Matrix data.      unsigned rows;      unsigned columns;       // Storage for matrix data.      std::vector< std::vector< TYPE > > matrix;       // Order sub-index for rows.      //   Use: matrix[ order[ row ] ][ column ].      unsigned * order;       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Return the number of leading zeros in the given row.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      unsigned getLeadingZeros      (        // Row to count        unsigned row      ) const      {        TYPE const ZERO = static_cast< TYPE >( 0 );        unsigned column = 0;        while ( ZERO == matrix[ row ][ column ] )          ++column;         return column;      }       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Reorder the matrix so the rows with the most zeros are at      // the end, and those with the least at the beginning.      //      // NOTE: The matrix data itself is not manipulated, just the      // 'order' sub-indexes.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      void reorder()      {        unsigned * zeros = new unsigned[ rows ];         for ( unsigned row = 0; row < rows; ++row )        {          order[ row ] = row;          zeros[ row ] = getLeadingZeros( row );        }         for ( unsigned row = 0; row < (rows-1); ++row )        {          unsigned swapRow = row;          for ( unsigned subRow = row + 1; subRow < rows; ++subRow )          {            if ( zeros[ order[ subRow ] ] < zeros[ order[ swapRow ] ] )              swapRow = subRow;          }           unsigned hold    = order[ row ];          order[ row ]     = order[ swapRow ];          order[ swapRow ] = hold;        }         delete zeros;      }       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Divide a row by given value.  An elementary row operation.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      void divideRow      (        // Row to divide.        unsigned row,         // Divisor.        TYPE const & divisor      )      {        for ( unsigned column = 0; column < columns; ++column )          matrix[ row ][ column ] /= divisor;      }       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Modify a row by adding a scaled row. An elementary row      // operation.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      void rowOperation      (        unsigned row,        unsigned addRow,        TYPE const & scale      )      {        for ( unsigned column = 0; column < columns; ++column )          matrix[ row ][ column ] += matrix[ addRow ][ column ] * scale;      }       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Allocate memory for matrix data.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      void allocate      (        unsigned rowNumber,        unsigned columnNumber      )      {        // Allocate order integers.        order = new unsigned[ rowNumber ];         // Setup matrix sizes.        matrix.resize( rowNumber );        for ( unsigned row = 0; row < rowNumber; ++row )          matrix[ row ].resize( columnNumber );      }       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Free memory used for matrix data.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      void deallocate      (        unsigned rowNumber,        unsigned columnNumber      )      {        // Free memory used for storing order (if there is any).        if ( 0 != rowNumber )          delete[] order;      }     public:      // Used for matrix concatenation.      typedef enum      {        TO_RIGHT,        TO_BOTTOM      } Position;       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Return the number of rows in this matrix.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      unsigned getRows() const      {        return rows;      }       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Return the number of columns in this matrix.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      unsigned getColumns() const      {        return columns;      }       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Get an element of the matrix.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      TYPE get      (        unsigned row,   // Which row.        unsigned column // Which column.      ) const      {        assert( row < rows );        assert( column < columns );         return matrix[ row ][ column ];      }       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Proform LU decomposition.      // This will create matrices L and U such that A=LxU      //-------------------------------------------------------------      void LU_Decomposition      (        Matrix & upper,        Matrix & lower      ) const      {        assert( rows == columns );         TYPE const ZERO = static_cast< TYPE >( 0 );         upper = *this;        lower = *this;         for ( unsigned row = 0; row < rows; ++row )          for ( unsigned column = 0; column < columns; ++column )            lower.matrix[ row ][ column ] = ZERO;         for ( unsigned row = 0; row < rows; ++row )        {          TYPE value = upper.matrix[ row ][ row ];          if ( ZERO != value )          {            upper.divideRow( row, value );            lower.matrix[ row ][ row ] = value;          }           for ( unsigned subRow = row + 1; subRow < rows; ++subRow )          {            TYPE value = upper.matrix[ subRow ][ row ];            upper.rowOperation( subRow, row, -value );            lower.matrix[ subRow ][ row ] = value;          }        }      }       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Set an element in the matrix.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      void put      (        unsigned row,        unsigned column,        TYPE const & value      )      {        assert( row < rows );        assert( column < columns );         matrix[ row ][ column ] = value;      }       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Return part of the matrix.      // NOTE: The end points are the last elements copied.  They can      // be equal to the first element when wanting just a single row      // or column.  However, the span of the total matrix is      // ( 0, rows - 1, 0, columns - 1 ).      //-------------------------------------------------------------      Matrix getSubMatrix      (        unsigned startRow,        unsigned endRow,        unsigned startColumn,        unsigned endColumn,        unsigned const * newOrder = NULL      )      {        Matrix subMatrix( endRow - startRow + 1, endColumn - startColumn + 1 );         for ( unsigned row = startRow; row <= endRow; ++row )        {          unsigned subRow;          if ( NULL == newOrder )            subRow = row;          else            subRow = newOrder[ row ];           for ( unsigned column = startColumn; column <= endColumn; ++column )            subMatrix.matrix[ row - startRow ][ column - startColumn ] =              matrix[ subRow ][ column ];        }         return subMatrix;      }       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Return a single column from the matrix.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      Matrix getColumn      (        unsigned column      )      {        return getSubMatrix( 0, rows - 1, column, column );      }       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Return a single row from the matrix.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      Matrix getRow      (        unsigned row      )      {        return getSubMatrix( row, row, 0, columns - 1 );      }       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Place matrix in reduced row echelon form.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      void reducedRowEcholon()      {        TYPE const ZERO = static_cast< TYPE >( 0 );         // For each row...        for ( unsigned rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rows; ++rowIndex )        {          // Reorder the rows.          reorder();           unsigned row = order[ rowIndex ];           // Divide row down so first term is 1.          unsigned column = getLeadingZeros( row );          TYPE divisor = matrix[ row ][ column ];          if ( ZERO != divisor )          {            divideRow( row, divisor );             // Subtract this row from all subsequent rows.            for ( unsigned subRowIndex = ( rowIndex + 1 ); subRowIndex < rows; ++subRowIndex )            {              unsigned subRow = order[ subRowIndex ];              if ( ZERO != matrix[ subRow ][ column ] )                rowOperation                (                  subRow,                  row,                  -matrix[ subRow ][ column ]                );            }          }         }         // Back substitute all lower rows.        for ( unsigned rowIndex = ( rows - 1 ); rowIndex > 0; --rowIndex )        {          unsigned row = order[ rowIndex ];          unsigned column = getLeadingZeros( row );          for ( unsigned subRowIndex = 0; subRowIndex < rowIndex; ++subRowIndex )          {            unsigned subRow = order[ subRowIndex ];            rowOperation            (              subRow,              row,              -matrix[ subRow ][ column ]            );          }        }       } // reducedRowEcholon       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Return the determinant of the matrix.      // Recursive function.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      TYPE determinant() const      {        TYPE result = static_cast< TYPE >( 0 );         // Must have a square matrix to even bother.        assert( rows == columns );         if ( rows > 2 )        {          int sign = 1;          for ( unsigned column = 0; column < columns; ++column )          {            TYPE subDeterminant;             Matrix subMatrix = Matrix( *this, 0, column );             subDeterminant  = subMatrix.determinant();            subDeterminant *= matrix[ 0 ][ column ];             if ( sign > 0 )              result += subDeterminant;            else              result -= subDeterminant;             sign = -sign;          }        }        else        {          result = ( matrix[ 0 ][ 0 ] * matrix[ 1 ][ 1 ] )                 - ( matrix[ 0 ][ 1 ] * matrix[ 1 ][ 0 ] );        }         return result;       } // determinant       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Calculate a dot product between this and an other matrix.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      TYPE dotProduct      (        Matrix const & otherMatrix      ) const      {        // Dimentions of each matrix must be the same.        assert( rows == otherMatrix.rows );        assert( columns == otherMatrix.columns );         TYPE result = static_cast< TYPE >( 0 );        for ( unsigned row = 0; row < rows; ++row )          for ( unsigned column = 0; column < columns; ++column )          {            result +=              matrix[ row ][ column ]              * otherMatrix.matrix[ row ][ column ];          }         return result;       } // dotProduct       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Return the transpose of the matrix.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      Matrix const getTranspose() const      {        Matrix result( columns, rows );         // Transpose the matrix by filling the result's rows will        // these columns, and vica versa.        for ( unsigned row = 0; row < rows; ++row )          for ( unsigned column = 0; column < columns; ++column )            result.matrix[ column ][ row ] = matrix[ row ][ column ];         return result;       } // transpose       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Transpose the matrix.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      void transpose()      {        *this = getTranspose();      }       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Return inverse matrix.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      Matrix const getInverse() const      {        // Concatenate the identity matrix onto this matrix.        Matrix inverseMatrix          (            *this,            IdentityMatrix< TYPE >( rows, columns ),            TO_RIGHT          );         // Row reduce this matrix.  This will result in the identity        // matrix on the left, and the inverse matrix on the right.        inverseMatrix.reducedRowEcholon();         // Copy the inverse matrix data back to this matrix.        Matrix result        (          inverseMatrix.getSubMatrix          (            0,            rows - 1,            columns,            columns + columns - 1,            inverseMatrix.order          )        );         return result;       } // invert        //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Invert this matrix.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      void invert()      {        *this = getInverse();       } // invert       //=======================================================================      // Operators.      //=======================================================================       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Add by an other matrix.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      Matrix const operator +      (        Matrix const & otherMatrix      ) const      {        assert( otherMatrix.rows == rows );        assert( otherMatrix.columns == columns );         Matrix result( rows, columns );         for ( unsigned row = 0; row < rows; ++row )          for ( unsigned column = 0; column < columns; ++column )            result.matrix[ row ][ column ] =              matrix[ row ][ column ]              + otherMatrix.matrix[ row ][ column ];         return result;      }       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Add self by an other matrix.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      Matrix const & operator +=      (        Matrix const & otherMatrix      )      {        *this = *this + otherMatrix;        return *this;      }       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Subtract by an other matrix.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      Matrix const operator -      (        Matrix const & otherMatrix      ) const      {        assert( otherMatrix.rows == rows );        assert( otherMatrix.columns == columns );         Matrix result( rows, columns );         for ( unsigned row = 0; row < rows; ++row )          for ( unsigned column = 0; column < columns; ++column )            result.matrix[ row ][ column ] =              matrix[ row ][ column ]              - otherMatrix.matrix[ row ][ column ];         return result;      }       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Subtract self by an other matrix.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      Matrix const & operator -=      (        Matrix const & otherMatrix      )      {        *this = *this - otherMatrix;        return *this;      }       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Matrix multiplication.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      Matrix const operator *      (        Matrix const & otherMatrix      ) const      {        TYPE const ZERO = static_cast< TYPE >( 0 );         assert( otherMatrix.rows == columns );         Matrix result( rows, otherMatrix.columns );         for ( unsigned row = 0; row < rows; ++row )          for ( unsigned column = 0; column < otherMatrix.columns; ++column )          {            result.matrix[ row ][ column ] = ZERO;             for ( unsigned index = 0; index < columns; ++index )              result.matrix[ row ][ column ] +=                matrix[ row ][ index ]                * otherMatrix.matrix[ index ][ column ];          }         return result;      }       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Multiply self by matrix.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      Matrix const & operator *=      (        Matrix const & otherMatrix      )      {        *this = *this * otherMatrix;        return *this;      }       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Multiply by scalar constant.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      Matrix const operator *      (        TYPE const & scalar      ) const      {        Matrix result( rows, columns );         for ( unsigned row = 0; row < rows; ++row )          for ( unsigned column = 0; column < columns; ++column )            result.matrix[ row ][ column ] = matrix[ row ][ column ] * scalar;         return result;      }       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Multiply self by scalar constant.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      Matrix const & operator *=      (        TYPE const & scalar      )      {        *this = *this * scalar;        return *this;      }       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Copy matrix.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      Matrix & operator =      (        Matrix const & otherMatrix      )      {        if ( this == &otherMatrix )          return *this;         // Release memory currently in use.        deallocate( rows, columns );         rows    = otherMatrix.rows;        columns = otherMatrix.columns;        allocate( rows, columns );         for ( unsigned row = 0; row < rows; ++row )          for ( unsigned column = 0; column < columns; ++column )            matrix[ row ][ column ] =            otherMatrix.matrix[ row ][ column ];         return *this;      }       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Copy matrix data from array.      // Although matrix data is two dimensional, this copy function      // assumes the previous row is immediately followed by the next      // row's data.      //      // Example for 3x2 matrix:      //     int const data[ 3 * 2 ] =      //     {      //       1, 2, 3,      //       4, 5, 6      //     };      //    Matrix< int > matrix( 3, 2 );      //    matrix = data;      //-------------------------------------------------------------      Matrix & operator =      (        TYPE const * data      )      {        unsigned index = 0;         for ( unsigned row = 0; row < rows; ++row )          for ( unsigned column = 0; column < columns; ++column )            matrix[ row ][ column ] = data[ index++ ];         return *this;      }       //-----------------------------------------------------------------------      // Return true if this matrix is the same of parameter.      //-----------------------------------------------------------------------      bool operator ==      (        Matrix const & value      ) const      {        bool isEqual = true;        for ( unsigned row = 0; row < rows; ++row )          for ( unsigned column = 0; column < columns; ++column )            if ( matrix[ row ][ column ] != value.matrix[ row ][ column ] )              isEqual = false;         return isEqual;      }       //-----------------------------------------------------------------------      // Return true if this matrix is NOT the same of parameter.      //-----------------------------------------------------------------------      bool operator !=      (        Matrix const & value      ) const      {        return !( *this == value );      }       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Constructor for empty matrix.      // Only useful if matrix is being assigned (i.e. copied) from      // somewhere else sometime after construction.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      Matrix()      :        rows( 0 ),        columns( 0 )      {        allocate( 0, 0 );      }       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Constructor using rows and columns.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      Matrix      (        unsigned rowsParameter,        unsigned columnsParameter      )      :        rows( rowsParameter ),        columns( columnsParameter )      {        TYPE const ZERO = static_cast< TYPE >( 0 );         // Allocate memory for new matrix.        allocate( rows, columns );         // Fill matrix with zero.        for ( unsigned row = 0; row < rows; ++row )        {          order[ row ] = row;           for ( unsigned column = 0; column < columns; ++column )            matrix[ row ][ column ] = ZERO;        }      }       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // This constructor will allow the creation of a matrix based off      // an other matrix.  It can copy the matrix entirely, or omitted a      // row/column.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      Matrix      (        Matrix const & copyMatrix,        unsigned omittedRow    = INT_MAX,        unsigned omittedColumn = INT_MAX      )      {        // Start with the number of rows/columns from matrix to be copied.        rows    = copyMatrix.getRows();        columns = copyMatrix.getColumns();         // If a row is omitted, then there is one less row.        if ( INT_MAX != omittedRow  )          rows--;         // If a column is omitted, then there is one less column.        if ( INT_MAX != omittedColumn )          columns--;         // Allocate memory for new matrix.        allocate( rows, columns );         unsigned rowIndex = 0;        for ( unsigned row = 0; row < rows; ++row )        {          // If this row is to be skipped...          if ( rowIndex == omittedRow )            rowIndex++;           // Set default order.          order[ row ] = row;           unsigned columnIndex = 0;          for ( unsigned column = 0; column < columns; ++column )          {            // If this column is to be skipped...            if ( columnIndex == omittedColumn )              columnIndex++;             matrix[ row ][ column ] = copyMatrix.matrix[ rowIndex ][ columnIndex ];             columnIndex++;          }           ++rowIndex;        }       }       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Constructor to concatenate two matrices.  Concatenation      // can be done to the right, or to the bottom.      //   A = [B | C]      //-------------------------------------------------------------      Matrix      (        Matrix const & copyMatrixA,        Matrix const & copyMatrixB,        Position position = TO_RIGHT      )      {        unsigned rowOffset    = 0;        unsigned columnOffset = 0;         if ( TO_RIGHT == position )          columnOffset = copyMatrixA.columns;        else          rowOffset = copyMatrixA.rows;         rows    = copyMatrixA.rows    + rowOffset;        columns = copyMatrixA.columns + columnOffset;         // Allocate memory for new matrix.        allocate( rows, columns );         for ( unsigned row = 0; row < copyMatrixA.rows; ++row )          for ( unsigned column = 0; column < copyMatrixA.columns; ++column )            matrix[ row ][ column ] = copyMatrixA.matrix[ row ][ column ];         for ( unsigned row = 0; row < copyMatrixB.rows; ++row )          for ( unsigned column = 0; column < copyMatrixB.columns; ++column )            matrix[ row + rowOffset ][ column + columnOffset ] =              copyMatrixB.matrix[ row ][ column ];      }       //-------------------------------------------------------------      // Destructor.      //-------------------------------------------------------------      ~Matrix()      {        // Release memory.        deallocate( rows, columns );      }   }; //=============================================================================// Class for identity matrix.//=============================================================================template< class TYPE >  class IdentityMatrix : public Matrix< TYPE >  {    public:      IdentityMatrix      (        unsigned rowsParameter,        unsigned columnsParameter      )      :        Matrix< TYPE >( rowsParameter, columnsParameter )      {        TYPE const ZERO = static_cast< TYPE >( 0 );        TYPE const ONE  = static_cast< TYPE >( 1 );         for ( unsigned row = 0; row < Matrix< TYPE >::rows; ++row )        {          for ( unsigned column = 0; column < Matrix< TYPE >::columns; ++column )            if ( row == column )              Matrix< TYPE >::matrix[ row ][ column ] = ONE;            else              Matrix< TYPE >::matrix[ row ][ column ] = ZERO;        }      }  }; //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------// Stream operator used to convert matrix class to a string.//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------template< class TYPE >  std::ostream & operator<<  (    // Stream data to place string.    std::ostream & stream,     // A matrix.    Matrix< TYPE > const & matrix  )  {    for ( unsigned row = 0; row < matrix.getRows(); ++row )    {      for ( unsigned column = 0; column < matrix.getColumns(); ++column )        stream << "\t" << matrix.get( row , column );       stream << std::endl;    }     return stream;  } #endif // _MATRIX_H_


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