Spark Quick Start

来源:互联网 发布:网络炒作公司bjiko 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 14:56

Spark官网提供的Spark快速使用指南。首先,我们通过Spark的交互式shell来介绍API。然后展示如何使用Java,Scala,Python编写应用。完全参考手册请见programming guide
To follow along with this guide, first download a packaged release of Spark from the Spark website. Since we won’t be using HDFS, you can download a package for any version of Hadoop.
跟随这个这个指南,首先下载Spark Website。如果我们不使用HDFS,你可以下载任何版本的Hadoop包。

Interactive Analysis with the Spark Shell


Spark shell提供一个简单的学习API的方法,交互式分析数据的强力工具。Scala或Python都可以。让我们在Spark的目录中运行它:


Spark’s primary abstraction is a distributed collection of items called a Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD). RDDs can be created from Hadoop InputFormats (such as HDFS files) or by transforming other RDDs. Let’s make a new RDD from the text of the README file in the Spark source directory:
Spark的主要抽象数据是一种称为弹性分布数据集(RDD)的分布式的元素集合。RDDs可以从Hadoop InputFormats(例如HDFS文件)创建,或在其它RDDs转化而来。让我们从在Spark目录文件中的README.txt,来创建一个新RDD:

scala> val textFile = sc.textFile("")textFile: spark.RDD[String] = spark.MappedRDD@2ee9b6e3


scala> textFile.count() // Number of items in this RDDres0: Long = 126scala> textFile.first() // First item in this RDDres1: String = # Apache Spark

Transformation.使用filter transformation返回一个新RDD,通过文件中元素的子集。

scala> val linesWithSpark = textFile.filter(line => line.contains("Spark"))linesWithSpark: spark.RDD[String] = spark.FilteredRDD@7dd4af09


scala> textFile.filter(line => line.contains("Spark")).count() // How many lines contain "Spark"?res3: Long = 15

More on RDD Operations

RDD actionstransformations 可以被应用在更复杂的计算。查找words最多的line:

scala> => line.split(" ").size).reduce((a, b) => if (a > b) a else b)res4: Long = 15

第一个方法把一行映射成一个整数值,创建一个新RDD。这个新RDD调用reduce 找到行中最大值。mapreduce是Scala的方法(闭包),也可以使用任何语言的特征或Scala/Java库。例如,我们可以很容易的调用函数声明的地方。我们用Math.max() 函数使代码更加容易理解:

scala> import java.lang.Mathimport java.lang.Mathscala> => line.split(" ").size).reduce((a, b) => Math.max(a, b))res5: Int = 15


scala> val wordCounts = textFile.flatMap(line => line.split(" ")).map(word => (word, 1)).reduceByKey((a, b) => a + b)wordCounts: spark.RDD[(String, Int)] = spark.ShuffledAggregatedRDD@71f027b8

这里我们结合 flatMap, map and reduceByKey transformations计算文件中每个字的数量通过使用(String, Int)对的RDD。在shell中使用collect action收集字的数量:

scala> wordCounts.collect()res6: Array[(String, Int)] = Array((means,1), (under,2), (this,3), (Because,1), (Python,2), (agree,1), (cluster.,1), ...)



scala> linesWithSpark.cache()res7: spark.RDD[String] = spark.FilteredRDD@17e51082scala> linesWithSpark.count()res8: Long = 15scala> linesWithSpark.count()res9: Long = 15

使用Spark探索缓存一个100行的文本文件看起来很愚蠢。有趣的是这些相同的方法也可以使用在相当大的数据集中,甚至当他们跨越几十或几百的节点。也可以使用bin/spark-shell与集群交互的缓存,programming guide中描述了。

Self-Contained Applications

现在,我们要使用Spark API编写一个独立的应用。

/* SimpleApp.scala */import org.apache.spark.SparkContextimport org.apache.spark.SparkContext._import org.apache.spark.SparkConfobject SimpleApp {  def main(args: Array[String]) {    val logFile = "YOUR_SPARK_HOME/" // Should be some file on your system    val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Simple Application")    val sc = new SparkContext(conf)    val logData = sc.textFile(logFile, 2).cache()    val numAs = logData.filter(line => line.contains("a")).count()    val numBs = logData.filter(line => line.contains("b")).count()    println("Lines with a: %s, Lines with b: %s".format(numAs, numBs))  }}

这段程序只是计算Spark的REDAME中,包含’a’的行的数和包含’b’的行的数。注意,你需要替换YOUR_SPARK_HOME为你的Spark本地目录。不像使用Spark shell的简单示例-初始化他自己的SparkContext,我们初始化一个SparkContext作为程序的一部分。
我们要传递给SparkContext constructor一个包含应用信息的SparkConf对象。
我们的应用依赖Spark API,所以我们也要引入sbt配置文件-simple.sbt

name := "Simple Project"version := "1.0"scalaVersion := "2.10.4"libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-core" % "1.3.0"


# Your directory layout should look like this$ find .../simple.sbt./src./src/main./src/main/scala./src/main/scala/SimpleApp.scala# Package a jar containing your application$ sbt package...[info] Packaging {..}/{..}/target/scala-2.10/simple-project_2.10-1.0.jar# Use spark-submit to run your application$ YOUR_SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit \  --class "SimpleApp" \  --master local[4] \  target/scala-2.10/simple-project_2.10-1.0.jar...Lines with a: 46, Lines with b: 23

Where to Go from Here

  • 更深入的概述:Spark programming guide
  • 在集群中运行applications,deployment overview.
  • 最后,在examples目录中,Spark包含几个示例(Scala, Java, Python)。如下运行:
# For Scala and Java, use run-example:./bin/run-example SparkPi# For Python examples, use spark-submit directly:./bin/spark-submit examples/src/main/python/
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