
来源:互联网 发布:linux怎么无法退出vim 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 04:38

public classThread extends Objectimplements Runnable 

There are two ways to execute code in a new thread. You can either subclass Thread and overriding its run() method, or construct a new Thread and pass a Runnable to the constructor. In either case, the start() method must be called to actually execute the new Thread.


我们先来了解下Thread的状态。在java.lang.Thread.State枚举类型中,有BLOCKED(等待被锁)、NEW(已生成实例,但还未未执行)、RUNNABLE(可能在运行) 、TERMINATED(被终止) 、TIMED_WAITING(等待指定的时间) 、WAITING(等待) 等六种状态。

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