POJ-1243 One Person (经典级dp)猜数字

来源:互联网 发布:好吃的蛋糕 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 15:08

In the game show "The Price is Right", a number of players (typically 4) compete to get on stage by guessing the price of an item. The winner is the person whose guess is the closest one not exceeding the actual price. Because of the popularity of the one-person game show "Who Wants to be a Millionaire",the American Contest Management (ACM) would like to introduce a one-person version of the "The Price is Right". In this version, each contestant is allowed G (1 <= G <= 30) guesses and L (0 <= L <= 30)lifelines. The contestant makes a number of guesses for the actual price. After each guess, the contestant is told whether it is correct, too low, or too high. If the guess is correct, the contestant wins. Otherwise,he uses up a guess. Additionally, if his guess is too high, a lifeline is also lost. The contestant loses when all his guesses are used up or if his guess is too high and he has no lifelines left. All prices are positive integers.  
It turns out that for a particular pair of values for G and L, it is possible to obtain a guessing strategy such that if the price is between 1 and N (inclusive) for some N, then the player can guarantee a win.The ACM does not want every contestant to win, so it must ensure that the actual price exceeds N.At the same time, it does not want the game to be too diffcult or there will not be enough winners to attract audience. Thus, it wishes to adjust the values of G and L depending on the actual price. To help them decide the correct values of G and L, the ACM has asked you to solve the following problem.Given G and L, what is the largest value of N such that there is a strategy to win as long as the price is between 1 and N (inclusive)?  


The input consists of a number of cases. Each case is specified by one line containing two integers G and L, separated by one space. The end of input is specified by a line in which G = L = 0.  


For each case, print a line of the form:  
Case c: N  
where c is the case number (starting from 1) and N is the number computed.  

Sample Input

Sample Output

Case 1: 3Case 2: 6Case 3: 847Case 4: 127






设f(G,L)为有G次机会,L点生命值时最多可猜到 多少个数字 (注意此处的描述

猜数字我们都知道是要用二分法来猜. 首先,要考察G与L间的大小关系:


2)、若L>G,即可以猜高的次数比较多。可事实上,每次猜测都要耗费一点G,那么多出来的生命值也就没什么意义了,所以这种情况与L=G相同,即f(G ,G)








不过不要把思路局限为只能从1开始。比如有2次机会,也可以猜出5~7范围内给定的某个数,即是说有两次机会时, 可以猜出连续的3个数字 。那么3次机会时,就可以看作首先猜4,剩下2次机会,可以向前或向后猜3个数字,即范围为1~7;同理,若有三次机会,第一次猜的是0,那么就可以猜到-3~3。


#include<iostream>#include<cstring>#include<cstdio>using namespace std;int dp[35][35];int f(int i,int j){  if(i==0)return 0;  if(j==0)return i;  if(dp[i][j]>0)return dp[i][j];  dp[i][j]=f(i-1,j)+f(i-1,j-1)+1;  return dp[i][j];}int main(){  int G,L,cas=0;  while(cin>>G>>L)  {    if(G==0&&L==0)break;    ++cas;    memset(dp,0,sizeof(dp));    if(L==0)    {      printf("Case %d: %d\n",cas,G);      continue;    }    if(L>G)L=G;    printf("Case %d: %d\n",cas,f(G,L));  }  return 0;}
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